OFFICE OF THE ATlORNMGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable George II. Sheppard conptroller 03, PubUo A~oouatr ~twbln,Texas. . Thfhequsrrtfoa hns arisen ln.thle deyatmnt as to whether a witaelre traveling to euoh oourt or gand jury on a railway pass or ia. a sttte autor,obile would be entitled to thb three oents a per nLle aa lndloated la the above quoted seatiqn of Art101e 1030, C.C*P* ,- - ‘. .ll6 Hooorablr Oeorfa Ii. Sheppard, pago 0 *In some lmtaaoea witnessoe are carrled to oourt by peaae offlaers or rtute patrolmen In atato owned auixcnobilesb Fould ouch wit- , tie33 be ontltlod to hla thr?a oents n tila?n 1 . Prior to Its’ amendaent, SootIOn 1 Of Art1010 lo%, V.A.C.C.P., provided t&at such altnoasa “a . , ohall,.ba allOwed his actual tra- volin~ aznmees. not etoesdinr: 4 cmts gor and r:;turnin:: fro31 the oour5 orrend jury, by thg naaroat practical coa- VQ~MQO,and two dollars per dry for each dcy he “--?y necessarily bo aboont iron haze as a witness In such oaaa.W You cm respectfully ~dvlsod tkst it is the oyinion or this de~artmnt that auoh ~~ltnesses would bo entitled to thz% oorits Far mile .f,oln”, to and returnini: fro;? the oourt or @md jury by the nearest praotioal. ‘.%ethrr they truvelled 02 a railway ;ms, with seats officera, la jbte om~d auto?nobllss, or in their own sutonoblles would be Imatjerlal. However, we wish to >olnt out that State cmployoes oannot olals tr~vazing expsases fro?! the ztate and also frm the court ln stats oases+ See Subdivision U(a) OS saction 2 of tha Departmental Amroprlation Bill, 47th Logir- lature or Tons, which roads as tollowr; “a, No traveling erponsoi shall be * olaixid, allowed, or pnld ualees Incurred while travelinir, on State business. My 9tete 0rricid or saployee sntitlsd to traveiI0g ~XPXNJ~Sout of state appropriations herein made, who Is la~ally or oiiicially raquired to be preeant at the trial of any State 0880, shall not alctin; trovelln~ ox~onses fro?, the St&t& aid ulfio from the Court vjhersir. zld CRBO5s :\sadlng. It by oYersi@t, duplioata cl~~lzs are fllud for said travollzq ox.p.sra and oolleoted, then naid offioors or e~gloyeoe s>&ll rel&buroe ani? refund to tho X-ate Treaauror an amount equal to thr c reapactive amount oolleotsd under such xitnoss iaer and mlleugr olalm.* WF xeaw :
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion