J L ( + OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN . I iiofhor4bl4 Bert 2'ortl, 3~ 2 and inIt1e1 krr i8brnare araerati A@dWt erob llew wmb8r. §uwe8+lieg wIlti fmr 8l-e 6et8mlasd by the ~4144 or drink8 or oi 1Iquor dI4p8484U 4gnInrt th eintU*ldnal'r looowt dur ing th epnvloor mbnth.’ whelr a n8mber S8 traartrm8a iroD on. Port to an- otlur, the inltlal bar ie4, lf not abrorbad by oharger, 14 refpa44d. All proiltr irom the eel8 d drink4 at Offlocwr' Club8 we tiredto uk8 in- pl"oV8BURt4,pw OV8a48d 8Xp8II#@#,uld iOF th0 W- tert4inannt of th8 m4mber8 *ml tmtr frls~dr. ft is plain that Offl44r4' alubr are n@t Inrtrum8n- ;ili;;;8 Ot th8 ~T4¶'4a4At, R8 WCW~b'd It3(?nmg- - 96 (taqrud (ChapUer 7E%3d S848~oa) r.6 8. 66871. .~*It ir to be pruwwd uM,r the oIr41mrt4no44 tbrt ~y..iaquar8 80iat0 orfh30378' oha4 OF w- qualm byoirio~rd 010b0 am aubJeot ta at&W tuat1oa UadOF tlaelc+r Motion of.S*otlon i?l, &t&01* I, T4hur Liquor Central.hot; wb4ruSn a tar :a impmod upba tbst ml0 nnd riret 8418 18 6mflaed~Wb tnelude #ale, pomemion, dlstrlbutlon; .; or UUO. ,.. l3u?moet~on t6), S4atlon 13, +A814 I o? the mi88 .uqu0r 604tr0i Aot p~0~ia88 r0r R 01~08 0f liquor d~aler~kaovn a8 a wholsralbr, prl*il6@ti to 8011 Uqpor to r8taller4 4nd whol48&4P8 authorit to roll liquor u&or ,rtattr law. ssprrrrtr'prori- r~on4 Of law provIA ior t&* typ44 of~R8zsltr r4- " quand for 4411&l&guquorto 44DIWIT4. 3eotion 17, &tIole X, of th4 Texu Liquor Control Aot, uro- hlbltr 4 rhole88lmr tram hating AA Interest kn A rrtall pamit or llO8484 or tLI4?nlBIaeb8tAweof. ,S*otioe21 Arklale I QS th8 Texas Liquor Cwmol Aat, ooaldnr the pruvIeIonm ot law br whIah a tax i4 lmpocrrd upon Uquor 4nd the pmirlonr for ex- 4mptIoAr or lmrnl tax ior out or 8tAtO 8hI9mt8, and rot uru 48srnrarnt or stlaul~trd iror 88 to 1IquorclIntrtimd tar shlpunt without thr State. a&t tha prorent tiw we'4re aonfiootod with I problem w&emby out of rtrte~whol88al8r8 htiV8 roll4u4d the praetI44 0r rlzlpptng.lIq4ormto Of- flwrc) gluba 4t vrrloua pl4048 on ted4rrl.‘nranr tLoa8, 44d It appur8 the8 ruoh OifIo8r8~~~dlUb8 . . c Soloaocsblo 9ert Ford, PORE S arm Umlimd to fetor thI8 typ4~4f tF&M88Ot:Oll 48 ttuy 8tU 4nabl88 thus to ~pUrOh488 1LqUQr at vhol488b pl’%OOS and 4U0h 8h:pWIItS 60 Mt bar th@ St&t* tax. *Praotlail3g ill OifiOePS' 0lub8 4x-eloa4t4d On federal EFWS 48 t0 W&b& the Stat@ b8 OU%ti POlIOS JU'%Sd1Ot104 to the sWor41 Qor8ruent. It ha8 000tWW~ t0 US tht tf W8 h&Y. IlO $IOltO@ J4rf8dIotlon 414r th488 4~4&8 4~wh41888l8 liquoc 6*ti4t’ ilt 98XlIS would be pt’l’i*ilO~ to 8011 a&% delio4r liquor to the Wfloera Qlubr wlthwt bO;t@ 8ubJ40$ t0 the N8tl’iOtiOa8 nOrMl1~ in- pored. .If this Wl?O pOt’mMttIf& the 8tat;s WhOlO-. 8d4rS itOdd pif8.X StetO tu #tRll@# t0 ouoh r1qUOr ~6 W VOUld ilOtb8 fW8d tith tLu Wi3888ltt Oft tqiIl(f t0~ WllOOt tb@ t&X trOm btfb8l’S ChtbS when 1ntwBtato akipPdnt(lem s83. to tma. Aa 4 utb4r of r40t, ruoh orflomrr as hwe oommrnted OQ the MttW' hUT0 aX33F0868d ti11%4@@48 t0 POy tba ,StESte taX Ml& to buy liq~UOr8 fm?l W~O148a14 th4y ~'4 lX48lXdrdWbO1ft84%0~' d44lor4 plWV:84d ,... pri444., ,, \ ~‘fb qUSStl0~ ar:~l~ i8 WtUPdlg 68 t0 wh4th4r 4 4Jm uxl b41lt4r9 by a Wbo14843. d84b Orto a frdrra area 48 tD whlch'ths fitate ii48 44d4d polio4 Jurirrdlottonwulu b8, In lff40t, An i~uS~St~u4 kW4WtiOa WI% bs fret% iX%MS,th@ ~StriOti.Oiu 'aQQw%w te htr48tatr oomueroe. kinderthe 0O~:t:O48~8t:~Ul&t4d $OUr ralu44 OpiniW 10 648i1& a8 ktI kh8 fOibW%~g qW4tiOeSt l(l). WOtid the hOl&SP Of 4 ~Q1~8~4~‘S PWfAit b8 pdV~18grd t0 Wll 1twi3t’ t0 o?f%OUS’ aUb8, SU0h 8~~88 t0 b8 005WWi8t~ U?OlS de- li~d48 qAd0 in ttwolal, ancSby ruoh whole- 8~14~‘S Onto federal PrOperby WhOI’ #tStebli8h8d OR *(a). ~SdWSl ureus In F8epuot to whlah goiiO8 jurisdlotion h48 by the State brea arded t0 the P8dWal ~QVWIlWIit; . . l( z ). Ir it 1 0 YOW o p iniothen ~I~UOPWJ O _. k 1aWftiif raid by whole8ol8ra tb Oiilo8ra' Club@. %' ~. ' undrr wItEar or the oonditlonr ltlprilatti,wuld such uhole8aler8 be rwquired to 94, ln addlt2oa to the tax 18yi84 rtpoarir@t #ale, 8180 tho peakago om ~rlnst shI9mntr lxp0rt.d from the 8tata a8 provided Sor in section 2l, &tiol* I or the Tans Liquor Control Act? 'Ad to all quOrtlOti8h8rrIa pmaented It 18 to be aroused tEat the Oiritaecr' Cluba are rltudd-~ within woe8 0r tho st8t8 woman tho 88lr 0r up wr h88 not ken prohibltod by ,lom.logtion 8IootIon.* atb ,nremn68 to 6uba1~~~8i00(0) 0r your rirat qur8tioa, Lt-la our ap%nion that t&a holder cl a Whol8ml8r*8 irrmlt 4 laufully 8811 liquor to-Oifloors' Club8 uhr~1~8uuh 8nl.8 are ooneuwntrd within the aonrber or l lai&~ ra88Lc rrtlon ever whloh exelurive JurIetIIatIonhrr.boea.08do6 to tho Padoral Goror8wnt br the Mm.e of hxar without b81~ rubj8at to tti regulxtopf gro~taloonsof the Gquor Central Aoli wtklahwulc¶ otherwIas be applloabls if owh 88188 wro umde by tha holder or a WboXoriLer*o Pormlt tifthlnth? 9tato or Tan8 but out8lde~ the limstr 0r luoh Fvderal R~88natloa. It 3wt rppmrlnp tEat the State of 'htak hnn n**ned any right .to lxoroiam it0 legt8l8tItr~authorlty oyou t&o *arlous 8re88 In thlr Sttat8.,oodsd to the E!od&xl f4oyorummt for tha o8txb- 1lllunnt~sr~dliWry rr8Mationr or othw propor Fodornl ~808, w thISk th0 .qUO8ttOO 18 rOXWOiO8Od~ bp th8 OpmOO Or th0 su9rmm ccurt or the united st8ter in standam Oil Company 0r C~llramle v. GaUromia, 291 U. 5. 242, 'PBL. Eil.778, whrnla .lf use rtntodt lAppolltat OiUlllOII~O8 the vnlidlty Of th@ tnxIrl&8at a8 eonstrued by t@8 Sumem Court. T&o argumemt 18 that rlnoe the 3tate suantod to the tlaIt8dState8 exolu8lw le~lrlrtlvr Juklrdlation over the PnclIdlo, 8ho ;a uew wltheut poror to Iapore t8xos in renpeot or 8al.88 and doUver1*8 ml@ thOml& Zhir oliln. ve thlnlc,I8 wall- ~roundod; 8ad the Juagm~nt below must bo rOyWOrd. l~ln throa. nomtt ~~Oa88c--iWI 06 Rot01 GO. 1. Fan6 278 II.9. 439, 7 3 L.,ld.% 227; dtrd Stntar v. Unrouta, 281 ifT'S?l% "k L. ml. 761, 50 S.,Ct. a4,. mad Q\Icplu8?rrdI& ti. _. C Hoaordh 3ert Ford, ?ngo 5 v. Cook, 281 u. 5. 647, 74 I.. ea. 1091, 50 9. Ct. 486~ Ye h8VS ~olntad Out tbh 80~88qU8l3008Of CNSSiOn by 8 st&I$St0 tb0 united stat88 Of JWS- dlotlon 01or 18adS held by the lntt@r.ior mlll- F&l-ypUrpo8~8. GOn8Ids~Ing thee0 oplnlona, it SOLOS plrla that by ttm Aat or 1897 CalWomla SUFI’8#&t%Od OVSW 90881b1@ alaim Or Ui@t t0 OX8~oi8O 1~i818tiTe 0Uth0Fity Within th8 ?XW- SidiO-- put tnat m-es beyond the rim or opara- 610110r her laws. AaoordIn@y,, hqr L+tI~latun oould not ly L tax upon trane8otIonr begun ,8nd oonoludsd thOZ'Si?L "Arlington Sotrl Co. v. Wit, 378 U. d. 429, 73 L. ad. 447, 49 S. Ut. EE7, donled the Dover or ~ka808 by Legitlrrtlonto iwary the ihbii- Ity of Innkeop*rr mIthIn P rerarration oodod by her to t&M &tit@& %at88. r/ *.UnItrdStat08 1. Unzouta, 1281U. S. Met, 74 L ad. 761, SO 8. Ct. 2814, aLiIrm8d the ox- 01USlVS JUrIadiotion Or the hit~d.StrtO# OVOC 1 OriuS oormittad ulthln t&B, TOSOI’Wit~Oil MltAg Uithil3 ~ObMSka. ~UFiSdiOtiOtl hnd beOn Omiti’ by the btatrr. '%W91&XS h?a&@ 00. Y. Cook, 881 u. 8. 66’?, 74 L. ld. 1091, IlQ8. ct. 458, rulrd that l&ad Vitnin h’bll8XS 9Urd.%X886 w the tfnit.d St&OS ror aIlItary 9Ur90*e* rith tha&tata’a OO~SMlt ~88 UndOr their exolu8Ira Julrdtetloa. Prirate pononal pmrapertythonln WEB declared not aub- Jsot ta taxattloaby thm %atS. “The prinoi918 r9vrowtl In th084 Q8888 8ppli88 here. A stat0 OJkn not 16f4iShktO 8frOOtiVO~ 00th oarnlag Patters boyend her Jur~sdiotlo~ mad ulthln tWr;‘ff”y #~bJtl@t only to OOntrOl by tb0 thit8d . AithOWh thla OlStt iUV0iVSO th8 8XOrCSi8~ Or th0 tax powra of a stat0 within tno ltaito of a aodod redoral area, w think It rqually amtrolllnig, in prlnOlpl0, to tho . , (: (’ ~onorabl.0Xtwt Fox-d,?aK* 8 jnstsnt qu88tion, in~olriwz tao exsroire 0r the police or reguletory powra 0r the 8tatw. me run 8rf00t 0r the &oldiqg IS tht 4lu StSt* l~~i8lEtiOtI, FO@U’d1088 Of it8 SOUPOO, MtUr@ Or 9W9086, fall8 beroro th8 act Of COS(liOCk, and has no roroo or erri080y beyoatl thm ort8blmmd limits of SUOh oodod ~68~~80~. .’ %U’ OOnOiUSiOD Ii Rot sltsnd by the 9~OVi6iOnS of “Buck X8rolutIon" @ubl:e-919--"6 the Congnas, Qmpter ?0?, 3rd 608810fl, if. R. 66871, 8fiaOtIV8 hnU8ry 1, 1941, beOaU80 SUOh 8688UZ’C UrCrly giT68 OOnpSSiOO.61 886Mt t0 -. the OOiiOOtiOn by the V8Z%0US Steel, Or S&O8 Or U6m tUA8 aO0ruirIg Wit&it3 tb WIrinOS Or %%IrEl W888 Over ,whlOh lxClU6iW JUrI8dIation ha8 bsen coded by SU0kI Stllt~S te the Federal Qarermmnt~,end vmah en88 had themtorore bean rum rraa stat0 taxation undrr the eb0ro dOOiSiO& SUE with thi8 exee#Ion, all JPrledlotiOIiwhich h&6 bUa 8oqUlWd by aW~r08W~0d to the UIlItO4Btetee OIOr rUah J'ed- era1 w8Oa or xllltary PlOoFJ&~0n8, under the oO88l0o8 or O10iUSi~0 JU~iSdi0~5.0a by~the tSriOU8 St8808, 18 t&OtIn Uhy way limited or la982red by tho~*0uok RaEolutIon*, %MJ ?olIo~ or ngthtory pw8r.ol the Ststo, 8Uoh as the requir8m8ntr or the TSX~S Uquor mm01 m, regulating the erle or ltq- uor wltbia thr atato, dOa8 nQt aad Oannot, uadrr said oon- 7 ~SS~fm81 UaaWO, n&Oh Wir i#btS #tlOh~UdOd W’WkS, Md th8 Balder or a vhalO8614Il46 Pere1t le-yet autlzorlmd umior taa cum 0r trio btatxlu4 oil coopmy 4r ihur02vki8 v. cdiror- ai&, 8Up& t0 *all iiqUOr t0 Rn ofriGOF8’ clUb Within SUOh erea, me 0r the r88triotIod8 rarlX%qUb'6Et~tS 0r the hXa8 tiqu&r Coatrol Aat. This 18 wdo 9181Ib w the'l29S’88S WO- .~ ~i810a or tbr w0k moiUts0n*, in pr0ti0n 4 tbm0r: ..I ‘m8 9¶kSiO1iS bf tti8 A& Sk1 DO8 for the 9Ul-9080 Of W Othsr 3F0Vi~iOll .Or l&W b dmmad to doprlvethu Unite& Stgter of 8xolusWt Jkwl8dlatIoa lny redem ama
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion