OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN loaorablr Bert Ford Mmialrtrrtor Tsur Ll uer controi Boua Aumtia, 9Lxao A ooaairrloarrr~ 9r*- uRu*r the Irot8 lnlon of this drgart- mrnt upon the hem re08~t.u. Texas Liquor Control hrld ham rutborlte this permit to ba lluld, Toxaa, In ComRlrelon+rr to the uniaoor3or*ted town o? ooatod 113 Comm~as~onsrr 7roolnot I I . . . . Cubeirislon l.e, section 15 of mtlcle 1 of tnc Liquor Ccatrsl Act (Article 1336-15, Yernonta Annotrted 3onal Code) r m6 l6 r 0ih r : Honorablm Dert Cord, Adminlmtrator, Page I? *Hodiolnal Permit 8. Rmtall P h a r ma o ~r t l mhall,bs rntltlrd to reorlrr ardlalnal pormitm mnd mm11 or d~mpmnmm liquor ror srdlolnal pur- pomrm only. The holder8 of ruoh prrmltm are authorlrmd to purohamm liquor froa holdrrm of rholemalrr~m permit8 in thlm State. Any pharmaoy Sor vhloh a prrmlt im mou@t mumt be a bona fide phmrmaoy regtmtered vlthtLIe State Board of Pharmaoy; mumt rmploy and have on duty mt all timmm m reqlmtered phmrmaoimt and murt have baen in op8ratlon am R pharmaoy for at learnt two (2) yeara In the ptitloulmr pol- ltloal mubi5lrlmlon In vhioh a pemit 11 mought. I. . . * Section 10 of Article 1 of the Texas Liquor Con- trol Aot (Artlolr 666-10, Vernon’8 Annotmtrd Penal Code) re4d8 in pet 48 r0ii0w8: ‘Every applicant for a Pharmmoirt’m Mediolnal, , . . under thlm Aot shall give notlor of muoh applloatlon by publloatlon for tvo (2) oonmooutire lmmuem In a new- paper of general oiroulation pubBlmhrd In the olty or town in vhloh applloant~m place of bumlnrmm lm looatod. ?rorldeU, however, that in muoh inmtanoom whore no newmpmper im publlmhrd in the oity or town, thrn the lmme l hall be publimhed In a nmwmpaper of general oiboulatlon publlmhed in thr oounty whmrs th e lppllomnt'm bumlnemm 18 loomted, mnd if no nawmpaper 1s publimhad in thr county, the notior shall be publimhrd in a quallfled nevmpapmr vhioh 18 published in the olomemt nelghborfng county and circulated in the oounty OP applioahttm rmmidsnoe. Such not 1 ce shall be printed in ten (10) polnt black iaoa type and ah811 met forth the type of permit to be applied for, the exact location of the place of bumlncse, the name of the owner or ownerm thereof, and if o?eratlng under an I Bononblo Bert brd, Administrator, Pam 3 aamurd MB@, the trade nati to&mthmr vlth the was of all ovnmra, and if a eorporatlon, thr Duos and tltlom of all offlows. Thm ooat of muoh notioe shall be borne by the applleant.a After oanfully oonmlderlng Artlolm 1 of the Liquor Control hot, wa find that umtiom preoinotm utd lnoorporated oltlem or towns are thr on t polltloal lubdlrlmlonm of a oounty vhloh mre refemd to in meld sot. The sot doe8 not inoluam a oomm~arlonmrm~ preolnot am a polltloal mubdlrlmlon vlth nfmnnoe to Seotlon 1 of the Texas Llquor Control Act. We quote from our opinion Ho. O-1111 88 follovm: "The Llquor Control Aot lr remtrlotlvo. The ltldrnt purpose of the prorlrlonm ti th re?*nnoa to pbarmaoy prr8ltm Is to 1Imlt those eligible for the penlt so am to protsot the particular oomaunlty from being flooded vith mushroom ohmmaolem dlmpenmIng liquor undrr liquor p*rmltm. The quotation abort from Seotlon 10 of the hot lrldrnoom that the Leglm- 18ture had in mind lnoorpor8teQ olt~em and ;re;fnotm am polltloal mubdlrimIonm of the . *In T&&Vof the quoted prorlaloM aad th e lrldont-purpose 0r the Aot, lt 18 our opinion that the Le~lmlatun by the language, 'partloular politloal lubdlt~mlon~ uant the partloular muMIrlmlon la whloh td bumlnemm Is loaded at the time the lp~lIO8tlOn is mde, and that l? that bumlnmmm is looated vlthln an lnaorporatad olty, then the pharaaoy must hare been In operation within the InOOr- porated olty ror m period of two years. *In our opinion, the phr8me used does not refer to the oounty amhe putlculmr polltloal luMlrImIon, but It does refer to the city or the preolnot in rnlch the buminmmm is looated and hmm bmen operated for m period of tvo years.' Honorablr llert Rwd, Admlnlmtrator, ?age 4 Am the above mentioned oplmlon *am lddremmed to you ve do not lnoloae 8 eooy Of the au0 horevlth. Under the faetm rtma la your inquiry, it Is lhovn tht the modlolnal pharuey penlt 18 to be naored from jumtlom preolnet No. 8 la HookloP Cotmtr, texam, to Jumtlem proelnot lo. 0 of lmld oountV, both of add ~~mtlam preolnotm being la ooamlmmlonmrm~prrelnot lo. 2. other vordm, thm ledlolnml pharmaoP pormlt Is to be re- 8orea from one Jumtloe preoinrt to atother rmtloe preolnot rhloh are located In the 88me eommlarlonerm 1 preolnet. We brllerr that the moving of the medIolnal pharmaoy permit In the 8mnner nbove stated would bm to move the same from cxie particular polltloal luMlrlmlon to another polItloa1 mubdirimlon 0s the oountx md would be In rlolmtlon 0s ~ubmmotlon lb of Article 1 of the Llquor Control Aot, above quoted. Thmreform, WCrmmpeot?ullP annmr ths above ateted quartion In the negative. Truetlng that thr ?OrOgolng fully mnmvere your inquiry, we an Yours very truly ATTORNEY OENi3tALOz‘TEXAS w (Signed) Mel1 Wlillum An3811 Wllllum Ammlmtant APPROVH) )uR. 15 1941 (Signed) Oonld 6. Yann ATfORNEfOENJtAOF TEXAS AP?RDPED OPINIOl CO~?JIRTE 5X ‘5.9.3. C;iAIR)rJIY
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion