.- -~. THEATTORNEY GENERAL OF-XAS GERALD C. MANN Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr. Director Department of Public Safety Austin, Texas Attention: J. B. Draper, Chief Certificate of Title Division Dear Sirs Opinion No. O-3154 Re: Registration of new motor vehicles by county tax collector when appli- cation for certificate of title has been made in another county. 8% acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 10, 1941, in which you request the opinion of this department upon the following situation: "This Department desires an opinion whether it is permissible, under the facts set forth, for the county tax collectors to permit caners of newmotor vehicles to register in one county and file applications for Certificates of Title in another county." The letter which ycu enolosed from Mann Fuller, Tax Assessor- Collector of Gregg County states that the Humble Oil Company seeks to regis- ter motor vehicles in Gregg County and send their manufacturers' certificates to their hcme office in order to apply for certificate of title in the ccunty in tiich it is located. Mr. Fuller also states that he has been advised by the Tax Collector of Rtisk &unty that he has followed this procedure in the registration of motor vehioles and has permitted applicants for new license plates to send their manufacturers' certifiaates to their hcme offices. I% enclose e. copy of Opinion No. O-2050 rendered by this depart- ment which reveals that the registration lawsof Texas per&t registration of a motor vehicle by either the perecn having legal title, legal possession, or legal control of said motor vehicle. In other words, a motor vehicle may be registered in the county of dcmioile of the person having legal possession or legal control of said vehicle although the person holding legal title to said vehicle resides in another county. The Texas Certificate of Title Aot is contained in Vernon's hnnp- tated Penal Code of Texas and designated Article 1436-l+ Section 63(b) reads as followsr "The department or any agent thereof, shall not after the first of January, 1942, register or renew the registration of any motor vehicle, unless and un- til the owner thereof shall make application for and he granted an official certificate of title for such vehicle or present satisfactory evidence that a certificate oftitleibr such vehicle has been previously issued to such owner by the Department. Provided, however, this shall not apply to ,-. Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., page 2 (O-3134) automobiles which mere purohased prior to January 1, 1936." Since the above section, by its own terms, does not become operative until January 1, 1942, the clear inference is that neither the Dspartment of Public Safety nor any of its agents shall require, prior to January 1, 1942, that application for and granting of an official certificate cftitle be made before the vehicle is registered. Fxther, it appears that Article 1436-l re- s that application for certificate of title bs made by the "onnor" in the county of his domicile and section 4 of said artiole defines the term "owner* as fcllcwsr "The term 'comer' includes any person, firm, association, or ocnpcraticn other than a manufacturer, importer, distributor, or dealer claiming title to, or hav- ing a right to operate pursuant to R lien on a motor vehicle after the first sale as herein defined, except the federal government and any of its agencies, and the State of Texas, and any governmental subdivision or agenty thereof not required by law to register or lioense motor whioles owned or used thereby in this State." Frcm the provisions above referred to it is clear that the requiranents of Article 6675a, Vernon's Revised civil Statutes, the registration law, and of Article 1436-1, the certificate cftitle act, not only are act aprallel but bear no similarity whatever. Furthermore, it appears that by the specific tenas of Article 1436-1, a tax collector is prohibited from requiring that application for oertificate of title be made before registration of motor vehicles, up to January 1, 1942. After January 1, 1942, a tax collector should require that certificate of title be ussed upon a vehicle before it is registered, unless that vehicle was purchased prior to January 1, 1936, but he cannot require that certificate cftitlebe issued in the same ocunty in which the vehicle is sought to be registered. The procedure followed by the tax colleotor of Rusk County is proper and complies with both the registration laws and the oertificate of title 1RW. Depending upon the fact situation existent at the time, motor vehicle may bo registered in the county of the domicile of the holder of legal title or in the county of domicile of the person in legal possession or legal control of the vehicles. It is therefore the opinion of this department that prior to January 1, 1942, tax oclleotcrs should register new motor vehicles without requiring the production of a manufacturer's certificate and application for certificate of title. It is further the opinion of this department that, dependent uponthe fact situation, motor vehicies may be registered in one county and appiicaticn for certificate of title issued in either the same county or in another county. Yours verytruly RCsdbregw Enclosure AT'IOREEYGEEER4LOFTEXAS 4PPROVED FEB 21, 1941 /d GERALD C. MAEN By /s/Ross Carltcn A!ITOBBEYGEEEP-ALOFTEXAS Approved Ross Carltcn Opinion Committee Assistant By B W B Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion