Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Ronorabls John F. Rudd Aotlng Dlreotor Teeoher Retirement System of Texas Austin, Texas Dear sr : O~lhion No. O-3152 Rer Status of teechcr on learo of sbsenw. We have reoeived your letter of AufSust 12, 19bl, and alao your supplementary letter thereto of September 20, 19bL In your supplementary letter you set out oertein roots relating to three iudlvlduala, and you are mm oonoerned nfth their stetua. We quote from suoh letter a6 follmar "1. Pm. hTyrtle Gray WEM re-el~eetedas a teacher In the Fort Worth Public Schools ior the sehool year 1937-38 st a regulsr aeet~ng of the Board oi Education of the Fort Worth Independent %haol Distriot held ou June 4, 1937. Em amtraet was for a term of apt) g;tar&-g: E; :::&+za,:n%%? de& &ring the early pert of June, 1937, end wea tumble to ramme her sohool work. Under the xegalstlous gwemfng the Fort Worth Indep#ndent School Dlstriet, the SuperLntendent of Schools has been authorized to grant leave of absence on aooount of serious illness. The Fort Worth F?uperintendentstates that he had hoped that she would reamer an8 resume h6r uork some time during the 1937-38 iaoh.001 year, and that e oubstltute teaoher was asalgned to hex poaltlon end the poeltion held ror her in case ahe was able to teaoh letor. The Port Worth Superintendent advised us further aa tallows: 'At the be+#nIlingof 1938-39, m-8. Gray was still unable to resume her school work. ??owever, under the regol8tion3 authorixlw tho superintandent to pant lame of absence to e tesoher because of serious illness, Km. Qrrnywac considered . . as a lesve of absenae teacher. In CBS8 of prolonged Illness, it has bean customary to aontinue the grant of laave of absence for a pd0a of more than one ycsr, if there Is a probability that .ateacher may ;;;;r=return to eerviae~within the school Since Mrs. Gray was unable to wr%te Loause of the nature of her injury, applioatlon ror leave of absance was not required in her oase. Beaause of my D~rsonal knowledge of her physioul aondi- tion, lrnve of ebscpnaeWES extended.' L&a, Gray wns employed in the Fort 'Corth~ohools in the 1339-13&O ond the 19bO-19Ll school yesrs as a rttsiorve teacher at a salary of $631.80 per year. "2. Haa Bartha Graham waa given a taaahar*a contract for the school.term 1937-38 a8 a teacher in the publio schools of Delhart under d,r:teof ‘by 4, 1937. Under date of Kay 14, 1937, i&se Graham acoepted and signed the oontraot. At a meetlny,of the Board of Truetees of tCe Dalhart Tub110 rahools held on irumet 20, 1937, MEies Gsim was granta? a leave of absence for one year. * Graham advises UB: '1 had no oontrect for later years, as 1, was uneble to return to work on eoaount of my health. Bowaver, I was aerrlcd as a teaoher on leave of absenoe and could'have returned to work at any time, had i been able.* "3. Gn Septambar lb, 1937, the Dallas Board of Eau08ti0n paasea the r0n0wing lnotiont *that Was Anne Kagser ba re-eleoted as e teacher in,the elemantarg schools at a salary of @!,OOO.OO par school year of nina months, and that ahe be allowed a leave of abaenee for the session 1937-38 on eocount of har health.' Under date of septambar 29, 1937, #ins hnne Kayser exaouted e aontract, oopy of whlah is attached hereto. Under date ~of August 30, 1938, the Dellas Board of Education pessad tha tollowlug motion: 'The election of the followinK teachers was held up at the regular election in June, on aocount .of failure to nest oer- teln requfrements. These requirements have now been met, end I reoomen8 that they be re-elected. Falary Inoreasa I:hl.te 'Jlemantaq 1937-38 1938-39 . . . . . .. Yeyser, Anne $2000.00 ": ' Under date of C:eptembar13 1938, the Dallas Board Of T..du.ontion foiloY.4nf? psz.sebtit-0 motion: *that the resignation of Anne Kagser be ao- ueptecl,am3 thet S special teacher be : authorized for City i'arkrchool at a salary of $100.00 per sahool month.'" We how return to your first letter to get the whhlchthe Teaaher Retirement tbstrUdesires ?uch questions read as followet "1. In the event the individual furnished sstisfsatory Fvldence to the effect that such individual waa prevented from returniug to active smvlae beceuse of physioel oohditiou, would the Boerd of Trustees be oarryihg out the intent of the Retirement Law and would they be aotlri within the llmitetions imposed by the law on the Board of Trustees ti they ruled that the individual hsd established nxmbership In the Teaaher Retirement ~yntars,was entitled to oredit for prior servioe, and ~8 eligible to reeelve benafits in aoaordanoa with end subjeot to the provisions of Eectlon 5 of the Teeoher Rstiremant IRW? “2. In the event the individual furnished satisfaatory evidence to the effect that such lndlvldoal was prevented from returning to aotive aerviae beoauss of p47ysic81condition, would the Board of Trustees be carrying out the intent of the Retirement Iaw and would they be eating v&thin the limitetiona imposed by t&e law on the Board of Puatees if they ruled that the meaber had not establlahed oredit for prior seniee and refused to fasue a prior service aertifioate to the indiri&alO “3. In the event the individual cannot furnish satistaotory evidenoe to the effect thet saeh indlvldual wa8 prevented from re- turning to,aative E6rVi06 because of phyS%O.oSl oondltion, would the Board of Trustees be oarrging out the Intent of the fietlrementLew and *wouldthey be aotinp within the ~bitetions imposed by the law on the Board of Trustees %f they ruled that the indivitluslhad established membership in the Teacher Iietirelaent system, wae entitled to aredtt for prior service, snd wae ellglble to receive benefits in accosdanoe with and subject to ths provieiomi of Section 5 of the Teacher Ratirement Law? “4. In the event tt;eindividual o~nnot furnish sstisfaotory evidence to the effsat that suoh individual WRB prevented from return- ing to ective service beosuse of physinal aondi-~ tion, woultithe Hoard of Trustees be carrying out the intent of the Retirement LBw and would they be aoting within the lirai?.etionaimposed by the law on the board of Trustees if they ruled that the member had uot established credit for prior service and refused to Issue B prior serviae oertificate to the individualY'1 . . "Teeaher" la defined 3y t7ectfon1 of the Teacher Retirwnt Act (4rtiCle 2?22-1, Vernon's Imnotated.Citil Ct;fitutes) IJSfolloEs: “(3) 'Teticher'shall mean a person employe& ~OLIa ruin time, regular salary bar%- by SoarC? of OQLQEIOLI sohoG dlstriets, boards of independent sahool distrlotti,county sohoG boards, Retire+ sent Boerd of Trustees, Ftate kxrd of rXiuostlon end State Department of Rduoation, bosrds of regents of colleges nnd unlversitle6, and any other legally COn8titUted board or cX3?nCyOf an educational institution or organization supported vrhollyor pertly 3y the Yxte. In all cases of doubt, :he Retirement hard of Trusteer, herein- after defined, shall determine whether 5 person is 6 teether 88 tiefinedin this Act. A teacher ahall mean a person renc:er& service to organized putl.iceducation in professional a:~?buslneas admfnistration ane supcrvlsion~and in instruction, l.npublic SOhoolS a5 E,efincdin C'ubsectiOn(2) of thin %ction." Zubseotlon 1 of Pection 3 of the Aot reads as fclloW!4: "(I) All personr who are teachers on the date as of whioh the Retirement bystem ir established s&13. beoomc members 86 of that date as a condition of their employment unl,e.~swithin a period of ninety (90) deys :~:fterrentamber 1, 1937, any suoh teeoher shell file rith the F?tateRosrd of Trtieteeson a form preecribed by such Boerd, e notice of hie el-cctlonnot to be covered In the membership of the zgmtem and a duly exsouted. waiver of all present end nrospeotive benefits whloh would otherwise hir8 ,to him on aOOOMt of his pHrtiCipatiQn in the Retirement Gystem." We quote Suboeotion 1 of ?eotion 4? **(l)Under such ruler and regukttions OS the ftete Board of T'rur,tees s1;alladopt eaoh person who wes a teaoher, ad defined in this net, et any tLsledurioe the year Lmmcdlatelg pre- the ent8blieha\ent oedi.n,c of the ~yctern,and who beaonen 8 menrbfzr during the first year of opera- tion of the RetireEtent!$X'tem,Or Wh.GIS R member at the beginning of the Eohool yaar 1937-1938, shall file a detailed nthtement of all Texas service, ac a teacher, rendered by him prior to the date of establishment of the Retirement ?y:rtemfor xhioh he cleiFi5 oredit." se@ under the terms of the statute that Thue, x'f? those persons who were tsaohers on !;hedate of eatebU.shmemt of the Teaoher Retirement System became mambers thereof (IS of that date, unls::sthcspeoifled notice snd waiver Were rile. liemust therefore determine who were teaohers on the date Gf establishxent of the Teacher 1:etirementSystWlL _ .._.,.~_ . .,_-_. __“_ _ . The Teacher Retirement System WSS establlahsd oa July 1, 1937. ?<