OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN honorable ForreeterHancock QrWLml Distrlat Attorney ikxahachle,Term Dear Sir: Attentlom Mr. ,Pas follmts¶ date an opinitm ters herein net ‘. whom prealnat a la situated needs e a mad Wuak. The aounty at thts particular y, but will have it later e truck purahaaed vill be not the road oad diutriat has Is Monet derived from the sale of road bonds heretoforevoted and sold. Qan the Coxmitlssionere~ t?ou& legally nF orrow money tram!a bonded read dis- triat, tlmt la, bond money, and purebase a truok with ealclmomy for the oouixty,and Xonorable Borrester Randock, Page 2 later pay the money back to this road dis- trict out of the general Pund of the county? n+ l I). We have advised that this borrowing would be a transfer of the fund, and Is prohibited by Article 8, Sectlon 9, Constitution of Texan. ?!he Commissioners' Court is dissatlafled with this opinion and Is appealing to you for your opinion." You state ln your letter as quoted above that the money that the road district has is money derLved from the sale of road bonds heretofore voted and sold. It is 8 well knm prinalple of lav that funds or moneys obtained by the sales of bonds must be used and expended only for the purpose for vhlah the bonds vere voted and issued, and a diversion of the use of suah funds or moneys for a different purpose vould be unetithor- lzed. Texas,Jurisprudence, Vol. 21, fage 686; (Also see the oases of Aransas County v. Coleman-Fulton Pasture Cod, 191 8.Y. 553; Reathman v. Slngleta~, 12 S.X. (2d) 150; Ruggina v. *den, 259 3-W. 204; and Orayson County v. Rarrell, 202 3.X. 160). In passing upon a s$milar quest%on,,this department held in Opinion lo. O-1397 "the aommleaionersl oourt la not au- thorized to allow Road and Bridge Precincts in need OS funds to opemte pending the oollectlon bf current revenues to borrow funds from the Road Bond Aeaount, to supplement their Road and Bridge Fund Accouut, although suoh transfer Is made with the understanding that such borroved funds be paid bask to the Road Bond Fund out of colleofions of the borrovlng Road and Bridge Precinct during the ensuing year." We ape enclosing e aopy of this opinion for your lnformatlon. You are respectfully advised th+t it is the opinion of this department that 'be commissioners~ court could not legal- ly use the bond money for the purpose above mentioned. This opinion ia not to be construed as holding that the Gomalasioners8 court has legal authority to purchase a truck to be used In connection vlth the maintemme end construation of public roads of the oounty and pay for the same out of the general fund of the GOuty, provided said fundr fare available. %onorable Forrester %nGOGk, Page 3 Trustfng that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, ve are Yours very truly ATTOFQIEYOEltEW OF TEXAS (&4htzu& BY Ardell Williams Assistant