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Bmorable Clinton Ovrloy, ?be 2
& the QUO VI htiiOipa1 tbsll@38UI
Or mrl8
S.W. (24) 355 (Clv. App.1 (errordimi S84) th 6) 0ouPt
ing O? AFtiele6058 acek88 the follovFng &ments
0886)Vhers a olty b,9it8
cltr iigi8iatm body has reduced a gas rate in
vhioh er~nt the gas utility may appeal by petltlon
and 'bond' in Iterm and cnnditlom aa the Caxmnis-
rion may dirwt,* in vhioh event a heari.fq ahall
be h&l aad the CoImlraion 'may n1&8 such order . . ,
in regard to the matter . . . a8 the Ccsml~alon may
dpem jurt and reasonsble.*"
Thu8, it 18 plain irom the vording of the atatute
that the mnner in whlah c1 oomplatniug utility appee;;lsto the
Commlealon ifiby flM.n$ a petition and bond. The filing of
8Wh iQlitPUtWnt0 18 Q@~~86tlsPyt0 OffeOt the spgeti ~UthOrlEed
by and providedioF in the 8tatUte.
The bond is filed 'on 8UUh term and conditiona u
l&54?diPCOOt.' b the above cited oa8t1the puet-
the CosPlni8liOLl
tion arose 88 to the authorityof the Railroad Oar01i88ion WI-
der Article 6058 to approve Owl aocept 8 aupsrrs6esr bond. We
quote ~Po!o the deoirlon Of the Court 81 fO11OW81
‘We believe the statute authorlmd the rail-
road to use it8 dirorstiona8 to the ticsmuaad
COiIdltiOJl8of the bond. Thi8 inC1Ude8 the ~OVOP
to allow 8 8UpsP89deas."
Ronce, it i8 a,#,,n aat It.&@ Vitbiu the di8Ol'dtiOXAOr the &I?I-
miralon as to the term8 sad Conditions vhiah will be impoeed.
But thlr dirorotion doe8 not dispenre with the requiremeat that
a bond be filed.
You ssk vhsther the Cmmirsim ?aayrequlxa eaah ln
lisu of SUCh bond.
“A ocmm.leaIon,
agenay, OP board derive8 &Xx3.
lta povere Aon the at;atutesvhlcb aonfsr them.'
fw-. ft thW rOllOW 81 t0 th3.8 litf&&3Yt
that tha Railroad Corniuiaxl aatr only aa ml
qpnt or the Lagielattwe d with nowhwOr eat-
pamIs y.
. The &&f8~tUPO
thought that the bond a mf'fi- VW
olsnt protw3tion, and it ir not within th6 provlnoe of this
depwtmcmt to qw8tLon the vludom of ths Iag%alatuPe in t&.%0
6oluIootlon. ¶%a &gl6lature prwlded for a bands it aaaearula
provlela% for setting uide a oartain
przcunt wah In lbu 0r
0r the bond.
e ffeor8 U.