Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Campbell ILFord County Attorney San Saba County San Saba, Texas ;iinion Nunber O-3149 : Investment of sinking fund in obunty warrants payable out of Gen- Dear Sir: eral~Fund at a l$,discount. Wfi acknowledge reoeipt of your opinion request of February 7, end quote frm your letter as followsr "The County Treasurer has on hand about $26,000 in the sinking fund of which there,is about #17,0OC surplus over and above the amount that will be need- ed to pay prinpipal and interest oneSan Saba County road and bridge bonds end wa will have all of 1941 collections to~take oare of 1942 principal and in- terest on these bonds. "Ileare desirous to know if we'- use this sur- plus to buy county warrants payable outof the Gen- eral Dmd at a 1% or more,diecount. 'These general fund warrants will be payable and paid before April 1942 which would be, of course, before this surplus could or would be needed. '"Ihave given the Canmissioners' Court and Treas- urer a written opinion end brief on all I have been able to find on this question. I em inclosing a copy as a brief on this particular question and would ap preaiate your opinion on this question as soon as you find St possible to do so." You are respectfully advised at the outset that we believe that the conclusiolsstated by you in your opinion are correct. Sinae the Texas Constitution (Am. 11, Seo. 7) declares that “no debt for any purpose sha~liever be inourred in any manner by any oity or county unless provisionis made at the time of,oreating the same, for levying and colleoting a sufficient tax to pay the interest thereon and provide at least tvo per cent as asinking~fund," the Camsissionersl Court is required to levy annual ad valorm taxes sufficient to pay the . Honorable Campbell E. Ford, Page 2 (O-314$ interest on all oounty bonds and to oreate a sinking fund for their payment at maturity. (Art. 723, Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes). It seems to be a well settled prinaiple of law that the funds derived fmm a tax levy for the purpose of paying the interest on and retiring a particular issue of bonds may be used only for that purpose, and the diversion and use of such funds for a different purpose is un- authorized end unlawful. Article 839 of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes provides: "No oity or county treasurer shall honoe any draft upon the interest and sinking fund provided for any of the bonds of such oity or oounty, nor pay out or divert any of the same, except for the purpose of paying the interest on such bonds or for redem- ing the same, or for investment in such securities as may be provided by law." The Cossnissionars'Court, being a court of limited jurisdiotion, is without any powers except Such as are expressly conferred and have no authority to invest sinking funds except as provided by the Legislature. In Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas we find that there are three artioles which provide for the investment of sinking funds: "Artiale 779. Investment of'einking funds. -- The Commissioners' Courts may invest sinking funds aocmulat- ed for the redemption end payment of any bonds issued by such county, political subdivision or defined district thereof, in bonds of the United States, of Texas, or any county in this State; or in bonds of the Federal Pam Loan Rank System, No such bonds shall be uurohased which. ao- oordinartheir terns. mature at a d&e subsequent & the time o?maturity of the bonds for the payment of which suah sinking fund was created." "Article 636. Investments. -. -- The legally authorised governing body of any county, city or tow, or the trustees of any school district or school community, may invest their respective sinking funds for the redemption end payment of the outstanding bonds of such county. citv or town. or oom- munity, in bonds of the Wted States, war-savings oertifi- e, and oertifioates of indebtedness issued by the Seoretary of the Treasury of the United States, and in bonds of Texas, or any county of this State, or of any incorporated ;5.ztzrt;om. No such bonds shall be purchased which, aocord- ezr terns. mature at a date subsequent to the time of-maturity of the-bonds for the payment of which such sink- ing fuud was created." Honorable Campbell K. Ford, Page 3 (O-31@) slirtic1e837. Secondary Investments. -- In the event a governing body is unable to purchase securities of the character mentioned in the preoeding article, which mature at a date prior to the time of maturity of the bonds for the payment of ehioh such sinking fund was created,,then they may invest such flrndsinthe bonds of any sohool distriot or school oosmumity authorized to issue bonds, under the same restrictions as provided in %he preae&g article.' We note that the above quoted statutes specifically name the type of bonds in which the Commissioners' Court may invest sinking funds, and wars are not included. Therefore, it is the opinion of this department that a county cannot invest its sinking fund in any kind of warrants. Said funds may only be invested in the securities specifically nemed in Articles 779, 636 and 637, Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. Trusting that this answers your question, we are Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By /s/ Claud 0. Boothman Claud 0. Boothnan COB-s,egnr Assistant APPROVED FEB 19, 1941 /s/Gerald C. k%ann ~ATl’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEKAS Approved Opinion Committee By BW Chainsan