Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion


Honorable Joe Kunechlk, Commlesioner
Bure8u of Labor Stetletlcs
Austin, Texas
Dear sir:

          This will be In
February 7, 1941, r8qUeeti
upon the matter sst forth
an08 renUered byFur Mr.                     lntlng ua with the
baokground of this matter.
                                        a boxer; dohn Doe hi8
                                         suspended beoause of
hi8 failure to                            hi8 contract with
                                          t It ~111 be parmls-
slble for Blok                           er during the period
of supen,eion,                           he8 been the lnter-
pretatlon acoo
                                    that the contract is held
                                  08 Bloks ar8 We8 to oon-
                                  for the period of their mana-

                     b8118Ve you are 8ntirely OOrreot.
                    4-17~ of Vernon's Annotated Fenal Code

    powered end It is hereby made his duty to pro-
    mulgs.te@ny e,nd~11 reasonrblc rules End regu-
    1Atlona whioh May be nece6Fary for the purooae
    of enforcing ttie;7rzvisioneof thie Law. l *
    * *. The Coxnieslener of Labor is alao vested
    sna ha8 the power end.authorfty to revoke or

    Honorable Joe Kunschlk, Commissioner, Page #2

        suspend    the license or permit of any boxer,
        wrestler, manager, referee, matah-maker, time-
        keeper, second or promoter for violation of
        any rule or regulation which may be promulgated
        by the Commissioner of Labor or for the vlola-
        tion of any provision of this Law wkereln the
        penalty la not EpecIfIcal~y _orovlded.* * * .
        Any person who may be affected by any pehalty
        Imposed by the Com~i!':sslXIer
                                     of Lebor, or Is
        dissatlsfled with the same shall have the right
        to so-dealto any District bourt of Travis County,
        Texas; the trial shall be de nova and the pro-
        'cedure the ssme as other civil oases End upon
        such trial the court shsll have the ssme powers
        as the Commisslnner to impose the penalties here-
        in provided for the violation of any reasonable
        rule of the Commissioner or any provision of
        this Act wherein a penalty Is not specifically
              We assume that the lioense of Doe has been validly
    suspended by virtue of this Article and that no appeal has
    been taken to the District Court.
              hule 7 of the General Rulesznd Regulations of the
    Commi~tl:~nerof Labor, Chapter 2, reads a8 followe:
             'No promoter shall be allowed to contract
        for the services of a boxer, wrestler, referee,
        timekeeper, manbger, match-maker,  or 88cond
        unless he ?.s licensed by the Commlssloner of
        Labor, nor to enter into a contract for the eer-
        vices of or negotiate with eny boxer, wreetlBr,
        referee, timekepper, mane.ger,match-maker, or
        second whose llcenee has been suspended or re-
              Eule 26 provides:
             "If the contestant has no manager legally
         entitled to represent him the puree shall be
         paid to the said ccintestantIn the full amount
         due him under his contraot.*

    Honorable Joe Kunaohlk, Commissioner, Page #3

              Rule ,26 of the Boxing Rulea and ftegulatlone,
    Chapter 3, promulgated by the Commissioner provides in
              "Hsnanere-Contestants Contract.--In
         order that a contract between a boxer and a
         manager be recogniped the following require-
         ments are neoePeFry:

              "(1) Both manager and boxer shall have a
         valid llcenee;
              "In case managerial autiiorltyis temporar:~
         lly traneferred.to another person as acting
         manager, said acting manager shall:
              "(a) Hold a valid manager's license;
              "(b) Fresent written agreement, signed
                   by both manager and boxer;

              "(cl Flla copy of such written agreement
                   of transfer of authority with the
                   Commissioner of Labor for his ap-
              Certainly there is no prohibition in the Aot that
    would prevent a boxer from aotlng a8 his,own manager in the
    situation described in your letter. Moreover,  we think the
    Commissioner's rules and regulations also emply provide for
    such sltuatlons.
              Under those regulations a contract between the boxer
    and manager will ngt be reoognlzed by the Commlesloner unless
    both have a vslld lloense. The manager in question goes not
    have one. Moreover, EIpromoter le prohibited from negotiat-
    ing with a manager whose license has been suspended; and the
    rules fnrtherpvide   that if a contestant has no maneger
    legally entitled to represent him, he hlmselfehall be qald
    the full amount 2f any purse due him under a contraat.
Honorable Joe &pschIk,   Commlasloner, Page #4

          It la, therefore, our opinion and you are ad-
vised thet under Articles 614-1 - 614-17~ of Vernon's
Annotated Penal Code and the fiulesand Regulations of
the Commlesloner of f,
                     abor thereunder duly promulgated,
when the license of a manager has been.euspended Phe box-
er in qua&Ion may adt as his own manager or ma.ycontraot
for the services of another manager during the period of
                                    Yours very truly
                               ATTORNEY GENEPAL,OF TEXAS

                                         JameeL     &sullen

/s/ Gerald C. Mann                   Opinion Committee
ATTOFU?EXGE-     OF TEXAS           By B.W.B., Chairman