OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Joe Kunechlk, Commlesioner Bure8u of Labor Stetletlcs Austin, Texas Dear sir: This will be In February 7, 1941, r8qUeeti upon the matter sst forth an08 renUered byFur Mr. lntlng ua with the baokground of this matter. a boxer; dohn Doe hi8 suspended beoause of hi8 failure to hi8 contract with t It ~111 be parmls- slble for Blok er during the period of supen,eion, he8 been the lnter- pretatlon acoo that the contract is held 08 Bloks ar8 We8 to oon- for the period of their mana- b8118Ve you are 8ntirely OOrreot. 4-17~ of Vernon's Annotated Fenal Code powered end It is hereby made his duty to pro- mulgs.te@ny e,nd~11 reasonrblc rules End regu- 1Atlona whioh May be nece6Fary for the purooae of enforcing ttie;7rzvisioneof thie Law. l * * *. The Coxnieslener of Labor is alao vested sna ha8 the power end.authorfty to revoke or . Honorable Joe Kunschlk, Commissioner, Page #2 suspend the license or permit of any boxer, wrestler, manager, referee, matah-maker, time- keeper, second or promoter for violation of any rule or regulation which may be promulgated by the Commissioner of Labor or for the vlola- tion of any provision of this Law wkereln the penalty la not EpecIfIcal~y _orovlded.* * * . Any person who may be affected by any pehalty Imposed by the Com~i!':sslXIer of Lebor, or Is dissatlsfled with the same shall have the right to so-dealto any District bourt of Travis County, Texas; the trial shall be de nova and the pro- 'cedure the ssme as other civil oases End upon such trial the court shsll have the ssme powers as the Commisslnner to impose the penalties here- in provided for the violation of any reasonable rule of the Commissioner or any provision of this Act wherein a penalty Is not specifically provided.* We assume that the lioense of Doe has been validly suspended by virtue of this Article and that no appeal has been taken to the District Court. hule 7 of the General Rulesznd Regulations of the Commi~tl:~nerof Labor, Chapter 2, reads a8 followe: 'No promoter shall be allowed to contract for the services of a boxer, wrestler, referee, timekeeper, manbger, match-maker, or 88cond unless he ?.s licensed by the Commlssloner of Labor, nor to enter into a contract for the eer- vices of or negotiate with eny boxer, wreetlBr, referee, timekepper, mane.ger,match-maker, or second whose llcenee has been suspended or re- voked.' Eule 26 provides: "If the contestant has no manager legally entitled to represent him the puree shall be paid to the said ccintestantIn the full amount due him under his contraot.* L Honorable Joe Kunaohlk, Commissioner, Page #3 Rule ,26 of the Boxing Rulea and ftegulatlone, Chapter 3, promulgated by the Commissioner provides in part: "Hsnanere-Contestants Contract.--In order that a contract between a boxer and a manager be recogniped the following require- ments are neoePeFry: "(1) Both manager and boxer shall have a valid llcenee; "In case managerial autiiorltyis temporar:~ lly another person as acting manager, said acting manager shall: "(a) Hold a valid manager's license; "(b) Fresent written agreement, signed by both manager and boxer; "(cl Flla copy of such written agreement of transfer of authority with the Commissioner of Labor for his ap- proval." Certainly there is no prohibition in the Aot that would prevent a boxer from aotlng a8 his,own manager in the situation described in your letter. Moreover, we think the Commissioner's rules and regulations also emply provide for such sltuatlons. Under those regulations a contract between the boxer and manager will ngt be reoognlzed by the Commlesloner unless both have a vslld lloense. The manager in question goes not have one. Moreover, EIpromoter le prohibited from negotiat- ing with a manager whose license has been suspended; and the rules fnrtherpvide that if a contestant has no maneger legally entitled to represent him, he hlmselfehall be qald the full amount 2f any purse due him under a contraat. Honorable Joe &pschIk, Commlasloner, Page #4 It la, therefore, our opinion and you are ad- vised thet under Articles 614-1 - 614-17~ of Vernon's Annotated Penal Code and the fiulesand Regulations of the Commlesloner of f, abor thereunder duly promulgated, when the license of a manager has been.euspended Phe box- er in qua&Ion may adt as his own manager or ma.ycontraot for the services of another manager during the period of suspension. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENEPAL,OF TEXAS BY JameeL &sullen Aselstant JDS:eJ APPROVED MAR 18, 1941 Approved /s/ Gerald C. Mann Opinion Committee ATTOFU?EXGE- OF TEXAS By B.W.B., Chairman