Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mar Senator Eelley~ opraiolllo& \ c or not the Honorable Rogers ~ielley,Pago 3 In irecpLngWith our constructionof Section 2 of the original Aot, your ilillunder 0onsWeretion like- wtse requires the secretary to the Board to be selected from ansongthe amxihershlp OP the Board. We construe your kIill,asWQ oonstrued the original not, to be not the czeetion of an offloe or position fiatsower, but -rely the superaddingto the duties of the partfoular hoard member selootod the further duties of those oi' Sc)gretarp-Treasurer to the ntmrd. There is there?o?e but one OffLCe or position -- that is, membership in the POard . Par the reasons just stated, the 00nstltutional poti8i.0~1against dual offlo%-holdinghate no applleafion. Seat&on 40, of Article XVI 0P the Constitutionmerely Por- bids the holding of *more than one oivil of'f+%ae of'tm~lu- l arant’ Seotion 33 of the same Article forbids the ao- OountinS officers 0f the State to &a~ or PsrJa warrant upon the treasury in favor of any person Pa salary Or Oolapensationas agent, ofiiaer or appointee,who *holds at the saatetime any other offloe or position of honor, trust or profit under th2.sState or the United States.* Uxter the fasts stated by you, the status of the Seme- tax-y-Treasurerto the Board Of Texas College of Arts aud Irdustries,as provided i.nyaur &mate Bill No. 33, muld ljethat of a utemberof the Board oi Texas College W Arts aad xudustrios -- ona offtae or position - am3 under the terPg of the Bill, in the went it boWmes a lsw, there rould be PO val%U reason why the BOard should not pay the ~osqnmsationto the So~retary-'Proasurer thorefn stipulated. Very truly pure ATTOLW3X GBNNR1LtOF TX3 &..cPROVDm 10, I%1