Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Homer Garrison, Jr., loge E it ii you would edvlsc me Ghethor or not thlr Department wculd be authorized to puroheeo suitable lend from the appropriationof tin Wpartnent to ereot a radio etetlon.* The rtuthorityof the De~rtrnent or Publio Safety is r0uDd in Artialee 4413 (l), 4413 (e), 441$ (0, 4413 (X5), &tlfo~), Revised Civil ztatutea of Texas, whlah read a8 : "Al%. 44.3 (1). There Is hereby oreetrd a Departnront of l~blic Safety of the jtate of I Texas, hereismfterdeaiguatad a~ *tie Depart- msat,~ in whloh lo vseted the enforoement0r the liatipoteoting the publio safety und pro- viding for the preventionan4 dotootion OS The Deprtmmt shall have ite prinoi- %?%iioe end headquarterain the City of itwtln, where all cf its resorbs ehall be kept.* *Art; 4413 (e). The aontrol of the Depart- -t ia ha8by ~atcrd in th iubllo 3aftty Cd~ion, ImrelneZterdesignatedas 'the C0mbeiOA,’ Whbh #3.~%&MiOn eha&l OOASis% of thho oltiseM of this fste+te . . . .* "he. 441s (4). The conuPieeionshell form- ulek plays and palioies for the enforoement of the arhlnel laws and of the tmftla emI oafofy lawe ot the State, the prevention of or&e, the detectionaa a;prehewion of vlo- latorm of the lana, and for the eduoetion of the eiticens of the Siate in the :xcmotion of puhlla safety end law obrervenoe.* “Art. 4413 (13). There is hereby seated, as an l~togrel part at the Department, a Head- suertero nlrision, ccnsieting of the Bureaue of Identitioationan4 Record8, Communicationa, Intelllgenaeand b;duoation.Mtb the advlae and oonaent or"the Commis~lo?.,the.Jireatcr ehall employ suoh ahisfs, experts, operators, instruators6114assia*tanta "6 nay be necessary for the operhtlon of this Division and the several 3ureaua therein.* "Art. 4413 (15). I.. It aball be the duty or the pireotor dth the advice wd consent of the ,C HOA. HoRmr GuriSOA, fi., PE@e S to mime the ohid of the Bureau GC8E0iiUiOA Oi O-iOdfOA8. "8. Thl8 Bureeumay,whonfundo are pro" vidod, hstall and operate a poll08 radio broadoastlngeystem for the broed~stlng informatIon,oonkwdng the aotlvltlw of violator8 of the law, and for tlm dlreotlng or thm eotivltloaand runotionaof the law iwaroimnt al~noie8 or the State; tha OOAA- tlw end the qnloipelltler. It 6hall.ao- operate with .oountyand munlolpal pollao . euthorltlor.aad with poll08 radl0 StatlOlu, In this State and.ln othorStato8. "4. Thie Bureau shaLl povldo for tha rapid oxohan~ of infornation,ooaoa?niry @a8 ooml*8lon of orlmor and the d~teotion .otvlo- latorr ot the law, b&wean the lew la fo r o e- meat ~0nolef1 of thlr State, it8#+uatlm ax& P m$,p~ltloa end other stalmsM t&e mtioneX .* The .~tetutor,abovoquoto48u$ihorlw tin la8t+llkt&on ~ ~'~-'~~'M~'~Qo~~A~OA Of 8polloa radio breadeUt&n&.w~'?QoL~th~:ptp- am of preventin&arch., dotoot- wedwe$aadin(: 1~ rio- ittom, and for t& dlxwotingof thb aotlvltla8mnd funataoruo$ the lawenforommteganolem aftha Stato,tho oountlo8andtbo snlll101pl1t1.P. Thur, the I)~~tlMAt of Fuhli.0Safety aopld pur- .ohaw altable land on *hIoh to In&all and Operat;y~g~rtio rrtation es a part of said authorlzodbroadoartl mo~oys appropriatedror the Z+uhallatlon (md 8q3 pmentof uoh a syntca; ilmt, if approprlatlonaof tb dopa?%aant are broad emu@ to ewer suoh a puroham; end aooond, it mmh a xna~huo ooula be a0sigd0a a AOO~SS~p ala lAola~tal expoA*o iA oary- ing outthipowar @ant.& to tha 4OwwAt t0 i.AStU auoha 8YBtCSl. think suah a purohaae 16 authorlnedby tb 'Ipa Qenorel AppropriationBill for tb# %W-yWU pIIZ?lOd 0~6Iag August 91, 194S, knmn aa 3onata Bill No. 483, p. lZS1. 47th LM., 194.l,wherein It ~rorldes for an annual aj;prop?htlOnfor the Department of f'ubllo3afat.y. &kiA DiriaiOA, dMl@U-d a8 Item 106, es roilowe: "106. Fosta@, suppli~a, arma, wlra 0o.muut2ication, HOZl*Eomer Garrison, Jr., Page 4 r a dio lqialpmat,r a dio 8u’p p ll88,lntitlg and oontingmt expn8e8; ho8pltalE atioa aa 8UTiO.8 ldla iajW.d in liA0 Of IlAOdiOdl duty, run-u erp8n888uhon dmth r88ult8 rrom in&rie8 rao8lved in line or duty; 8ursty bond8,book8, all neom~saayexmss8 or oper- atlng a polio8training 8ohoolat cwa~ Yabry We have undarsoorad the weds “eny other nso~ury d6qartmntal 8xpn888.~ under the enurg8noy alroumatmou quoted In your letter the purohaseor 8ultnblslend lppssreto be nd~88ax’yand lnoldantalto the errtab hmeat or en effiaisnt broadcastingsystems 8ultablo lmd in th188rs8psats&ht pee8- Ably b8 rogardod aa p+rt.or the nsomaary radio rqul iot, and iOr Obtaining ssw may properly b8 rsger r od a8 one the 0xpb1180 of theso neoo88sry departmentalexpense8 proYlded for in tha above r,uotodltam 1Od. .. In the 6888 or mrring Y, Houston watbn8l n- ahs.ngeB8nk,~QS.W~ 1OSl nh8r~intherown8 apuraha88 bytho Texao Pri8on 0wml88ion, without th8 approril 0r th 8latur8, of a ml11 and 8it8, part of tb, oon8id8r8tlonboln# 3.8 whleh thoniillwas 8ltuatin¶,It was held end apprond by tie Texas Suprum hurt that tbsrr was no violationof Y.A.C.S. aupp. 1988, Art. 6181, rorbiddlngthe puroheeo or -land*ror the prieon 8ystua of Texa8, dthout the Legislature'8Qqiroral, tbr puroha88 of tha 1-d bolng only inoidontalto the &nwpo80 or oatabllehlnga mlll and raotoryror thm ssld sy stem le au- thorixedby Law. Intho quotedHerrlng ea8e,the Su ama Court& TM & IOIn lta tutowhr o h forbad0tb , th e r a o so r a n e x l8ting purohas8 or land by the Texar Prison Go~8&88ion,wle88 app- roval or the Leglelaturrwae rirat 8eoured,looked upon the rorb/dda ;uroha8a or land a8 inoiaentalto th8 authority granted to the Commieslonto eatabliah a mill and laotory and upheM the aot or th8 cmnaisslon. There exists no oimllar statute which would limit the land purohasing power c%fth8 i3fipartmm or mblio safety. ft a;peare, thererora, that the proposed purohaae of suitable land for the areotion of an authorized radio atatlon by the Department of Publlg Satety under said oiroumtanoa8 my withygreater o8rtainty be deternined aa neosseery and incidentalto the power given it ; Hon. Homu Oarrlson, Jr. s mg0 5 it t0 inStti1 ad Op er a te SUSh l Station. IXItb OUS OrTUrJU& T.S~SW, 104TOX. 191, 19s 8.911. SUI, th0 SIA~NW GOWt Of T8Xa8 ,&IdiSoaUi45 19 orrioiuv au*ori~ Maor ailappropriation Mu, ~3pmtedinm suthorland (Dn3tatutory GOllStl’UothXk, as rollonr nWhOlX8VU a pOrrU i8 giTU by StetUtO SW& tw n00088~ t0 SW&8 it 8mUh.u Or N&IiSita to ,sttdn the end 18 iSpl$ed. ft i8, a W811-OSt4Lb- liehed prinOiQl0 t&t 8tatit.S OCJlltdIliI@ &Mtit8 Or pOrU 828 t0 bo SOM$rilOd SO Se, t0 iIlOlUd8 th0 , autboritj to do all thlngr miou8ar7 to aeooaplish the objeot or.the grant. Tbi ma&or an w9rou power 0amle8 with It by nsoe88~y IEPlIoiitfon Furthersme, it I8 a -11 known raqt, thtbroad~. aastiug stations a&snot bm loo&ted onzzzi O$ ,z~~ke~~;in& fremyour lotte*t Tar eff$olwt tr radio, it i8 nuu8uy that the SOFlu mb m U8Ot.d On OUtain typ88 Of 8oil. . . . * It 18 dl. t0 iQUt0 that th. LO~iSl~tWO N SUffl~iWtlj iniOkSlSd in th88a PnattOrSwh8Alit OrUtd th8 pOrrr fn th8 ~&WtEUrt or pub110 m&y to IMtd.l ma oprats a radio StitlOn, and provided a99roplIntlotuto Install end qmrate 8amo. In riew Or the rWt that the LOjJiShtWS did llOtlttOIB9tto 89.0~ V&W th8 SktiW ShOtid w loOat& Md did Ret 00niilu it to MypU'ti8ular grotlnd,tb DSpartWIltoi Rrbl3.8SliOtjrN authorizedne0~88urily to U0Utd.n for lt88li SulWbl. 1Uid fOrl~~h~~“08 8Xid to &‘y fOr SUY dth IrF~O&Wi*tiOM . Under the wrgsnoy oIrow8tauor of the duo and In the 11&t Or tke 8ktUt.S authorlrlngthe OStabliStit or a polio. radio broaausting S~StUB, it 18 our opInIcu&~- that the puroh888 of suitable lpnd on uhiah to SrOSt a radio statlon ror the Departmentof pub110 safety la n~oossaw ana inoiaatu to the pWpOSSS~-Orprorenting orlm8, aetsating ,and aFprOhOIIdinglaw riolutor8,and ror proper snroroanent mm. xcmsr 0uvlson, Jr., Page 6 or th8 -8 or gur doputmat; that*8 8ama ir lltb r 1 mDd, and the uonw appvoprlatsd in nom106 or the D8putm8nt of Pub110sa?8tyap prlatlon(8enatsBill 4&S U31, .4lth LOa., lf?ti) w r0 U88d iOr tb8 ~ObaSS Of 8'J. d 8uitabl8 land. YOU till WdUStMd, of O(IUr88, that ws have not oonsldersd Ud that it 18 not Within OUP ‘jSOd~100 t0 Oan- SIdSr th8 adtI8ibility 0r Thai pUrOh888irO5IIIfiIUInOiU standpOInt,but have OnlJ oonelaoredmd 3XM88d upon th9 is u right or the wpsrtaorhlt or ml10 sarrtyto purohbs SU ftable land in ri8W Qf the Oil'Ouinst~OSS i8t Out in yOUE l8tteru&d the law as it ItOw8rist8. i- AFPRoYm SBP. 8,194l APPxwlm (8) C%OTSP SO11OI'S OpinionGomitt PirOt ASSiS~t AttorneyG8nOrti By B. '5.3. chalrm8r1