OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Traylor Ruesell County Attorney Titur Count? Ht. Flearant, Texas Dear Sir: b'e are In reoel er of January 24, 1941 requesting an oplnio tment whleh reulr in part 88 r0il0w88 elementary sohoolr. o rahool (Ilrtrlct 13. Vhe queetlonr are as r0mm: ::?Flret: Can oohoolr A an% 5 be aoneoll%ate% with aahool D for elementary sohool purpose89 fJ&ggg: In the event sahoole A and B oan be oomoli%ate% with rohool D for elsesentary sohool ptlrpoctea, what eifeHi, If any, would thita have on gonorable TreyLor Rt~eeell, peg8 2 the prerlouely fore~ed rural high eohool dir- trlct, If any, and what erreot would luoh a ooneolldation have on the eohool funds of eohoole A an% Bt w: In the event A and B may be oon- eolldated with eohool D oan thle be done by the County Board of Trustee8 without an election or shell an election be’had by the quellfled reel- dent voter8 of dirtMote A, B end Dt “In oonneotlon with the flrrt queotion I alte you Art. 29&2f, R.C.S., 1926, whloh portion of the artlole applying to this requeet read8 ae r0il0we : “The County Board of Sohool Tr ueteee lhall not have the authority to abolleh or ooneoll%ate an7 elesentarr eohool dletrlot already eetabllehed exoept upon the vote or a saJority or the qortified lleotore lrlng in euoh elementary &l&riot; prorid* ,e% that when ennf eohool withln anr elementary dle- triot ralle to have an average daily attendemoe the preoeding year of at least. twenty pupil8 lt mar be dieoontinued b the Board of Trueteee o? aal& rural high lohoo f dletrlot, ma eald dletrlot may be ooneoltdated by the Qounty Bowd of Sohool Trueteee with eoe18 athor dietrlot or dletrlote ior elementary lohool purpoeee; provldeti that 21 there 18 more then one white or one oolored eohool In enoh elementary eohool dletrlot the board of truet- bee of the la,ld rural high eohool dletrlote or an lndepenbent dletrlot, a8 the oaee may be, may oon- eolidete euoh white or solored lohoolr of the ele- mentary dietrlot; and provided that the board of trueteee of a rural high lahool dletrlot may tranr- fer the pup118 of one elementary dletriot to another within the rural high eohool %letrloD, when the tranefer ie made fraa en 8lementa.r~ dietriot of low- er olaeelrloa.tlon to one or higher olaeelfloatlon; and provided further that the boar% of trustee8 of a rural hlgh lohool dietriot may tranefer pupiZ8 from en elementary dletriot to MI other elementary dletrlot within the rural high eohool dletriot upon applioatton of the parents or guar%lan of the eal% puplle.'* Honorable Traylor Rueeell, page S We also 01311 attentlon to that part 0r Artiole Bega, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, reaalng as follower *Provided that the county eohool trumteee shall have the authorltg to abolleh a rurel high school dietrict on a petItion elgne% by a majorl- tJr of the votere of each elementary dletrlot oom- posing the rural high school aletrlot and when euah dletrlot has been abollehe% the elementary dletrlote shell automatlorlly revert baok to their orlglnal etatue, with the exoeptlon that In the e- vent there are any outstanding Indebtedness agalnet the raid rural eohool dietrlot laoh elementary dte- trlot shell assume Its proportlonal part of the debts. ” It la noted from your rtatemsnt of faote that the lohoole A, 13, and C were grouped under Arttale 2922a, Vernon’s Texas Clrll Strtutre, Into a rural high eohool %letrlot, and br virtue of the terme of Artlole 2922b, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, ebPoh of eald dietrlote oomooelng the rural high eohool dletriat beoame elementary eohool %letrlote wlthin the rural hlgh lohool dIetrIot feeMy. Sohool District D I8 en- tire17 separate and her no relatlonehlp whatever to the rural high lohool dletrlot or any of lte oomponent parts. There may be 8-c question or oomfllot as to whether a rural high school dietrlot may be dlememberea by removing an elementary Qletrlot, exoept by dieeolutlon as provide% la Art- lole 29228, quote% above, Elliott Qoeueon Sohool Dletrlot No. 48 vs. County Board or Sohool Trustees, (T.C.A. 1934, writ dle- a~eeeU) 5’6 S.W. tea) 786; Willow Role Independent Sohool Dle- trlot vs. smith, (T.C.A. 1938, writ refused), 125 S.W. (2%) 708; but aeeumlng that an eleaentarf lohool aletrZot may be *un- grouped’ or *dieannexeda rrom the rural hlgb eohool al8trlot without the rursl high wahoo1 %letrlot being dleeoloed aa a whole ae provided in Artlole 29228, eupra, it doe8 not neoee- eerily follow that the aotlon mentioned tn your first question would be authcricea. In that question you wleh to know whether the elementary dletrlot may be ooneolldated with en unrelated Qletr;ot *for elementary school purpoeee.N No etatute expreeel~ authorlrlng this aotlon has some to our attention unless Art- lole 2922f, quoted in your letter of request, may be so oon- etrued. ConeolldatIone are provl%e% for In Artlalee 2806 %- riee,d Civil Statutes, 1926 and 2742b, ‘Uernon’e Teur Cld Statutes, but these statutes oontaln no express mention of , Bonorable Traylor Fluesell, page 4 *elementary dletrlcte.* When a ooneolldatlon under either of there statutes Is effected, a new and dtetlnot entity oomee into exletenoe and the ioreier %letrIots’~loee their ldentlty. Zhe new ooneolidated dletrlot la governed by Its board of trustees with authorltr to eetablleh, maintain and oontrol all eohoole, both high lohool and grade eohool, wlthln the llmlte of the bounderlee of the dietriot. Authority la oon- *._- ferred to vote, levy and oolleot trxee whioh a,reuniform over the entire %l#trlOt. It la oontemplated that all resident I eoholaetloe of the ooneolldated %ietrIot shall attend the lohoole thereln unleee transferred to another aletriot under the provleIone of the applioable transfer etatutee. A rural high eohool dietriot la a grouping or annex- ation for high lohool purposes only, and unlere oertaln oon%I- tione exist, elementery eohoole must be maintained in eaoh of the elementary %latrlote. Phle I8 not true of ooneolidated dletrlote. For oertaln purpoee8, In the aotlve operatloa 0r the grouped dletrlot, the orlglnal dletrlote brought vlthln the group retain their Identity. The rural high lohool dle- trlot la governed by a board of trustees eleoted from the grouped aietriot as a whole, with authority to lerr an% ool- lest taxer over euoh dletrlot as a whole, and the elementary lohoole for eaoh of the underlying dIetrlote are governed by the oentral board of trustees, As pointed out In Chaetaln vs. Nauldln, 32 S.W. (2d), 235; ** l l e grouping provided for doe8 not have & the efieot of abollehlng the several dletrlote In the group. * l * It merely groups them for high lohaol txmpoeee and plaoee the grouprd board ln oharge of all the eohoole in the aietrlot, thus abolishing the several dletrlot boards. l l l The trustees of the grouped dletrlot were Invested with the power and oharged with the duty of oonduotlng eohoole and tilnleterlng all lohool property and runde of all bhe dletrlote within the boun%arlee of the ooneolIdate% dletrIote.* (The oourt In epeak- Ing of eooneolI%ate% dietrIots* had reference to the rural high wahoo1 grouping.) The taxes and runde oolleoted over the rural high eohaol %Ietriot are managed by the rural high eohool board for the main- tenanae and eupbort, not only of the oentral hlgh lohool ror the benerlt of all thoee within the unit but also the varlo;; ;;men- tary eohoole wIthin eaoh of the elementary UIrtrlote. readily be eeen that an attempt to leave an elementary dIetrIOt grouped with others ln the rural high eohool district for high wahoo2 purposes, and at the lLpLetime ooneolldate it with another district outride the group ror elementary purposes, woulh neoee- genorabl8 Troylor kreoll, page 6 raIly lead to numerous oonfllotr In authority between the verlou8 governing boardo; an overlapplng of taxing authorltr rlth no eeanr for dividing or 8egregatIng the dlrtrlot for tax PUrPO8.8, oonfurlon In election8 and ths right to vote, and many other queetlonr whlsh would neoe88arlly arise. The lcglrleture ha8 not attempted to make my pro- vlrlon for any of there oontlngenoler, nor ha8 It oloarly pro- vlded that an elementary dirtriot may be detaohed from the Ural high rohool dirtrlot from the ravonth grade down and oonrolldated wlth an adJoIning dlrtrlot outride the group. It I8 our oplnlon that the r8a8onab1e and prop8r OOn8tNOtiOn Of Artlolo 2922f, Vernon’8 ToXa8 Civil 8tBtUt88, rhould be that the OOUnty board of 8OhOO1tN8t.88 8ay, when the oondltlon8 therein provided 8xl8t, aon8Olidat8 or oollblnr an elementary dirtrlct with another e18mentary dl8trl6t with- lath8 high 8ohool group for 0188l8nta~ rohool ~0lp08.8, but ur not oon8olldate ruoh 8lsIaentary rohool dlrtrlot for *lo- 88ntary rohool purporer only with another dI8tPlOt oUtrid th8 Rural High Sohool DI8trIot. Your flr8t qur86lon 18 therefore ln8UOmd ln th8 n8gatlve and it beOOme8 unneoe88uy to anlwer tour reoond and third que8tlons. YOUI’8 V8m 6NlJ ATTORHEXOEWERAL OF TIEA% Dix: Jr B’-4idti i88i8tMt I,PPROVEDm I, 1941