Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1941-07-02
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                           opluloaNO. 0.3075
                           Ror u-8 tihroeaalaaioner
                                bars authorit
                                or a      or

opolr the above   rtatod

          =I hare a&tired tlla    Inrastigator     for
        the doptwtmnt of Pub110 ‘~rlfars,W. Hmard
        9. Eailer, of i.ibertr&Texam that,    the Csunty
        haa the authorlt~ to appropriate iunde tb
        wloy    ~kopieal help tor him, and I ham alre
        adtlrod the Comairrioarr8*Court that thay
        hate this authmlty     howwer,  in order  to be
        safr ~psa the quordon,    I would l&o to have
Eonorsble Thomas Wheat, pege 2

      6 ruling   irm   you and I know that you a0a
      your we11 learned and roll v4Zaed assistnuts
      uill be ablo to rendrr ma an oplnlon t&t
      will 84ttlo    the qu48tion. a8 *a nhbther 3r
      au ttecouuty     18 authorized to appmapffata
      this tuad.
         *A8     atatad’   above   it 1s my opb.lorj   that
       they are aut3orizo & to appropriate          funda for
       the payment of a salary c)ra part thereof fox
      an1 assistant to the inreiatlgator      of publio
      rslra:-0,and I base nv opinion upon the raot
       that 4Ubdi~i4104   11 Of krtiul0 2351, pTO~'id-
       IrAg ior the pcmvere a&d dnths or tt4 C&4.=
       810nars9 Court   protides that   oaah Cmmiarlsnsrr*
      Court shall *pxoqido for tta ‘suppart of paupmm
      ixsartlohidiots and luaatioa, eta.* and W2tlon
      43 of Artiole 695-C kmwn as the *Publie :Telfare
      AiotOf 1939:. 4&h ~3&5ktU26, ?& 6 344, POb
      urn0 2   provides Wo provision 0r th f 4 mot is
      intaded to rsloasr th4 ocwitiea       ad.  mu~folpall-
      ties In tblll state from iA0 f00ciri4a rerspawibil;ity
      ahioh 14 samntlp      borne by tSOau 63L;Otisa azul
      mmiolpalitfes in #upport of publlo rrek'are,ohild
      roltara,   and relhf   a4xM.044.    Suoh funda 'crhloh we
      heraineftss bs 4DDT0Rri4t4d      by the counties and
      ~unloipai~tles tor those aerrioes (to-hit, ior the
      suppart or pa3#ers,    under subdivis:cn 11 ot Artloie
      2351 by the Com&w#ionera* C3Urt - y ar;d:tion)
      oap be t&n:nistared          throuuht   the County or Distxi.
      orrices or the State departwent,     and if SO ad-
      ainiater6tl, siiallbe 64VGted    4xOlusiV6ly to tte
      surv?cos :n the uollntyor mnioipali~y t;aAr.g
      au& ,a,7;,rojx-iet10n.'
        *AS auoh y::.i see that the acts of the hbkic
      'YaMare Aot of 1939 in Seotlon 43 thereof expreealy
      provides, that tha mnoy epprcpriated by the Cowis-
      slonws* Court for the support or publio relied
      agonoier of the County, my appropriate mder sub-
      division 11 of .4rtiou 2351, 51 !;;ha ~0dssionex8~
      court, and nag be adainistersd tbrm&      the courage
      or distriot 0rfi04fi   of the ;iwta Z;epartxmt, 0r
      pub110 uslS!‘ars  to-wit, the Cowty LnVestigator,
      rho in this inatanos ir #r. Eor%erd5. Bailey. if
      an assistant to pro&e orfloo help is mrdod by
        Honorable Tbostas'