248 OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bert Ford, Ad!nlaietrotor ~05arrcrhb 'f.f(~I Liquor Control Board Au&tin,T.XOS By latter det ( you rocJueet4a the opinion of tllisde r the OfSi44 o? Price &dalalatntlon, ire ageaey, Imy l.alpoao prlae orili r Control.Bowl, in r4giiditinor rrband llqaor un- 6ar motion 30 uor Contml Aot. Other raatt6rs am followt ow uh6ther, 66 6 ter of gemal pob- otherwloathm of- ~8bidding eml rooept any eivsn lnetanar. llk4wi66 provld6s for thti64ll- rlff'a 8414i, w should silti0 feet oeilina prioa reylationrr 8 %4rirr ai a5y aou5ty in detbr- id6 for llqum rrhouldbs 4406pWl SectIon 30, krticle I, of tha !bxao Liquor Control Aat provld68 toral.tarnetire netrhodr of 6614 ot oontm6band l&asd uw3.t tbo AOt.8 1% mny be sold at lie auotion by the Sh4rifr or the oountp 4f 8elm.r4 or f" t my b4 4onoub tmtad by tit* Bwrd at ury plao4 with3 tko 8tak a44w most advmt~mme and w&l at "4lth4r pab&io or rirabe 6ilo". smn whsra aale is nt publio nwtlon by t&o !ibe~! ff, thr &mm3 asy r@eat Cho bid u&d rwol.1 Vaau the auth@siQI@itra, OX it hes nuthorfty bo lid et t&e oaX4 W tiaka aoliVUy for t5 prpea* of rmmla, attor payifq a wme8 ol tb ll4. fAan.ml,tlythe palley Of thin mtrtube T a t4 6*6uPe bo chr *bate thsshigbert pt?twibloprloo SUP bhir 0anbPaBrrad us8 lb iauabbe ooaeodtithat if the 0. P. A. mmy, by xe&ulntlun la- paa* prlos 44llif4y OR Msoh Ml.4, t&are ragalatiws wd be in oanfliot tit& the atnte*s etnbotea. Rert Ford, Adminlatrator,Pago 3 fianoreble UJ. 6. G. A.) oonta~ios theso pmhlbitlcma; *It atiallbe ualawful, ngardl~s of 8ny 6on- tract, agnomnt, leaam or atber obllgetlon ham- toioro or banafter ontrrad into, for any prmn to eel1 or deliver any ocmodity, or in the 44a~a of trade or bualneao to buy or noslw any 445zmetlb tf, or to demand or reosire 8ay wnt for any bsiase loooL110d8tl0~8,or otherwine to 40 or aron h o u r ine omit to do any aot in rlolrrtfon o? any ngulatl~n or order under aeotion 2 (motion 902 of thla rpf~~+ did , . . ." That p&a oantral le~l*latlonla a proper *am!- oiaa of rodoral luthoritp andor the War pwora* of Can(lre?%, moms to be wall latabliahrd. Highlan~~v.lws*rll car L snou- plow ao., 279 u. f. 253, 49 8. ct. 3lb. In anoh an anot&enay, “thr power i8 not 1itit.d to riotorler in the fiall urd the dlclpawlonot thr lnaurgnnt iorooa. It 4arrl4a with it in- barwatly tb powr to gu4rd wolnat bhe imwdlrtr remowl of tJi#oontliot and to rard&-the evil8 wlilohharr lrlaaa f%mh ltq::~ri44 4nd progwra”. R&exandu T. 3towrt et al. f. tr. Rloem 4t al., ll ValL 493, 20 t. Pd. 176. tt1 8 wu mtka th a tht -4rbe4ni lhdtf, rxarelmd in a delqatad Siald,oonfliotrdth tlm lam of the ltr ite,the 1att.r runt yield and the W4oral crothorltyfa 8~ P=-. Stats of Florldo v. Mellon Eaoratary of the 9Wmarf. lt II., 273 U. F. 12, I+'? 6. Ct. 2& As it Wornmaid ia tbr oam oi Helena Rablarlrla,Xo., v. Charliner Gut-Hato, lao., 132 2. if.2q. 256, 28 AtI. (2) 113 wh8~0 tk 60-t had andor otm8lderMAon a 00nrii0t betron th %aergo8oy prtea tmatw1 l6t o r 19w" end the atato*s -ialr trwle aot*, *the uthwitf oi the Federal smVartmant la ouprarm tith X88pOt to mOtt8T4 ah&Oh 8X-8 delegated to it by tha F doral CWStitUti4n OVIBi though t&a exuolae or auoh eutkor Ity RR~ latarfur *Ith the lrf00tiv0 8ppiiO8tm 0f the i-8 or 8 ltetO*. The lmugenoy prioo oaitrol l4t provldaa t&t tt ahall bo wilauful ter *ray paraoa* M vloIat8 ro&ulatioW gworablo Bort Poti, Mbalnl8trstor,Pago 4 ~4ubcl thbrmneor. 50 u. 5% 6. A. spp. 904. mF0 ib n- ,pbtbblb buthorlty 83 thb~lffb othbt t onllnbrll~thb lbn- @lb&p -nf PO--“* *an u8od ln l 4tbtut0, dosllnot 4pply w ln(L1noluQ 8 ctrto in tho 888onoo of apooffio wording l&lortlng atoh 8~.lntontlon by tho I&slatura. Laastoin ,. xvsns et bl., 69 Fed. 9088 AM. Cbs.19128. 1214; 59 C. J. ~03, soo. 653; 25 R. C. I..766. &waver, rooont waos br a. Supnrc, Oourt OS the Unit06 gtbtos hno bpprwod a maoh ma&r oonatruotionoi that toni. In D. E. t. Coopr Cor- p@a$iOA, 3x fl.3. 600, 61 s. ct. "~llr, It is said: *Z?pillOO, in bQp100. Ubb@, thr tbA ‘QOTWB’ Qbb not inolubthe botaroi~, rtbtutm bapleflng z phnso arm ordlnbrll,f oonbtrubd to oxoludb But tbmo lb 00 harE and feat rule of sxolu- &&l. Thb purpose tho bubjbot Patter, thb ooa- text, the logfblbdrs hietoory, bad the exooutlto lntorprotatloncd tho rtetuto or0 aid8 to oonstnab tlan *hioh may lndlobto ELIlatent, by the ubo af of she lt o l., la*.”See tho tom. to bring btbtb or ubtlon within tho aoopo 0100 Stbte of Ooordb 1. Hvbas 316 0. S. 159, 62 9. Oh. 972; State of Ohio v. Holvorlng et el., 292 U. S. 360, 51 7. Ct. 725. It mag be notbd thbt under bbotion 20(S), doflnl- tlonb bad oxplanbtlobs,gbnorrl mbrlmm prlco rb lbtlon, lsauod by the ?rieo A&lnlmtrator on Aprfl 28, 1r42, ptvbbsbt to lthorltr gitbn him by thr onergonag prloo oontr~l lot, thbt thib 80rlnltion1s found, wPorwn lnolubr bn lndlvldubl,oorporbtlon, gwrtnorbhip,b~aoalbtion,any othor orgbnizbd group of pbrwnb, logbl e~~oonbor br reprr*bntb*lro of any of tho fongolng, 41~3 lnaluder bny agonoy thbroof, bny other al’ it8 pOlitib.1 SUbdiVibiOnb, 6ovoAmmt, the Valtod Ftbtob, or any 4Jld baj b6biWY Oi any Of the tOrb&@f4&‘ Flth the deo&broa purpf~~ 8moFgbnoy .prlaaoontrol aot of 1942 ion thrt thb lmgurgb, l8ny perew*, t~6used In the rot (50 u. 3. C. A. 8~3. ~88. 904) 4991ibb to t&b #tat. nod 1tD bgbn- eloa crehtqat thf Prior aQmlngb~g b@~~n~mu;!MfT;othBiff~;- ltl tbrw$*Jr .bbu6~~or ma “;.‘.’252 *ioh bpply to Eblb8 or oOn%robbBd t&or tho Tbnr Llqoor (DobtrolAot. ‘Pbb SXOZOiSO Or 8lldr brad pa*Orb by 40. b&ill- ,$btTbt~ wlthln @bfiOrbl li8itbtiOZW iapObbd by t?Otl&Pb6S hbb b&s noontly upheld by the Ruprbmb Court ot thb Uoltod $tbtOS. 09p Cotton IUlb, Iao., v. AdSlnlstrbtor,312 u. 5. tj16, 61 9. Ct. 524. Other lnqu~rlob inolu(L4 ln yobr mquwt, r0latl.a~ ts thm partloulbr b?fOOt Federal re~atlonr wbnld hat0 on aho mnnor af SdLb andor the Toxbs r.lqrror Control AM, 'n &om it iMdtiO6bh t0 bnmr. ~bdorb~ ~iCiibtPb~&~O rogu- ~bt&tlS $~Oti&e 4 tlexlble SrbtSL8 Of @BV~AQwlt, rubJoot to ~68liioatlon, brorptiba,retrabtlbn,and lmet6tlolr irbfndbr t0 dbt. ti OW StbtUtO buOU8 th0 mrd t0 BlbkO “@irOt B&O* Of OO~t?bbbil&, it 18 I)Ot iDlp~Obb~0 that a 8bhb QTbO- tloe may bo btlood by the Board ta WllbtikthXl the nit& h&ml sga~or, rhloh till intWO tho hi&bat poribla prloo f@r the 8tOtO UhiOh b OWibtbllt With hderld ~O@UlbthSl8 unl rlniohwill, et tho 841U the, efX@ly dth tb paidbbs ol the ‘%X84 LiqUOr COntPOl hot.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion