OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronambl4 Omrr G. Mowerr County Attorney oahi10cw G0unty Perrytoa, Texer ltantiallythe follovlng pF0p4Fty 488484eu land to 8 pumh*r the amount 4f aollrotar ?4qu 448444*d 4galn tioa to the ao I the puraharer o? thr ~a1 pmp- manal pr~p4rtt owaet?br hir rrn- hanarrd by the vrnd44 of the real real eatatc yxw4ha44d and that he Ia sat 40 on the per8on8.1 property whioh havr b44n Y4 b4lLeve ttmt you are aorraat in the ft Ia now definltcl~44t4l>lirhodthat th4 It419pro- vLd4d in Artlul4 VIft, ekathn 16 of our Oonrtftubioa ati ht¶alO 7172, R~vS44d Civil Btatu$er, attaahoo only to 4aah ewaFtkt4 tract or parcel of 1anB for t4rcr arrr*red qainet it. Mhh4J V8. #aor &rLB 3.x. 172 (F&p. Gt.)$ brrlr va. w44t, 5 8.W. tea) 970; State Wot-tgago GOrpoF8tlO#l v4. L&u 55 3.w. (aa) 257 (Revorsmlon OEher Qrt~unhr) 48 8.W. (Zd) 9 50. FMI thw ~~inlofa Honorable 0848r 0. ~lOWOr8, pllgr 2 of thr Texarkma Court of Civil Appe4le In the aoee of State VI. Hunt, SZO76.H. 6S6, we q,uoteRS follove: Wut w4 egren vith the tri41 oourt that ths rtatr, did not have e lien on the lmd to 8eoure the payment of rlther the poll taxer arreesed 8gRin8t the Wllli4mree or the t8X84 8888484d q8inSt them On 804OUnt Of their omerehlp of perrorul property. The general rule is that tar48 ere never 8 klen on prop4rty unlesr expr4erlJ mede 80. Gooley, Tax’n, p. 885. The lien oreated by reotlon 15 of utlale 8 o? the Conrtltution UQ- on @14&r& prop4rty' is anlr far taxes *4844- ed 4gaInet luah property; end so o? the lien upon 2~81 property provided for br Artisle 7628, Ver no n’ l Statutee. * It 18 our opinion th8t the pWaha8Sr of 88id real property lr entitled to p4y the tax vbloh ha& been areerr4d 4gdnrt that prop4rt7 alons without b4Ing required to 947 the tax which had been 18vI& yainrt the pereonxl pWXWty of the vendor. Yours very truly &TTORWEY OmENAL OF PEltA 41enn R. LewIe @U.:Jr Aerlstxnt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion