664 OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN .. 8s to t&cl hbtory 8IYl the nrrt- Ural adVSnt8geS Qf t&O city Of Galveeton.' We have a&vised the 8pflicOlItS tb8t s~thOlV.@ the term @benevolent and educational undeF tad.n& ie used we beliovs the corporation is more properly umier the Chautber of Comeroe .. 665 ilonorable willlam J. Lawson - pags a subdivision of ,&tiole 130i3than under the charitableand benevolent subdivfslon. Ao- cordU# to" prei%oue Attorney Ganeral*s rul- ings the charter for 8 Chardberof Conwieroe reqgiroa a filing foe of $60.00 and before the corporotfon will pay the a&Utiimul $60.00 they wish an'oplnion f~oan~on~ Do- p8rtment as to whether they oome wwdp snhditision~2 and are thns perdtted to p79 the ~10.00 iiling fee.* It is the O&ZriOn of thie Department th8t the nrtiolsa of incorporstion uponthoir f8oo show o,prr- pm0 Doadng 8uhi.u section a of Artic10 z30% Of the Re- vised Ciyil Statittee. I, S~I&~DqzartmBpt and thie a&&&lstratlan ham writtonQ8ny opiJdonsoonstrlaing pnqmee olalleee in the .- light of this Subdlviaion, the last 6fvhkchi,perhaps, 3.6 iQJ* 4-2902. In the op%l.Jionla4tl5entAoaed lr~'kointed out that the oorparirte parpose east be stated with suff%- ciont ol8rity to enable the seoretsry of st8te to doter- rjme t.h8tthe purpose swified is one pForide& for by . the statutes ~-- defined vita aertainty. we thin& ast8&.ng prgevlts 8ud siaullarevents to c3&lC8te the pUbtie fM t0 thi3 hist@~ and the l2hUP81 8dyantagee Of thb city of @8lTQStOn", is essentially an e&ue8tlonrrl urklWtakilX&Tithin the mrelrningOf the Stat- ute -- defined tith reasonable certaknty. The statuei is to roooivo a liberal and a immsiensen8e constmatlon. The dc3clsion of our su~eme Court in conley y. mughtere of the Republio, 158 8. 3. 187, is oontrol- llng of the- question before us. It is there saida *Theo Attorney General aeserts thst the corporation wae not lawfully Weatod under . ’ iOnOrabl0 Willlmi S. L8vson - page 3 the St8tUtS Of this l?tatS# babsow~~ the 1s~ does not 8uthoriae tqe creation of such oorpor8tlon for the *poses ramed i.n it* darter. The seooad subdirlslon of Artitle lz4l.r BerLsed 6t8tUt08, reatlsa 'The plr- posse for wblch viV8te oorpocatioas s!aJr be forwad aret l l + (2) The support of 8Ylybenevolent, eh8ritobls, OdUS8tiOXl81 of Mlssion8Fy lxtdertoking,* The gurpose OS this corpor8tioals Olssrly 'edusstioual*. WhaterOr OdllO8t!36is W&thin the nroaaing of ‘OdUO8tiOld UDdtWt8ktl3&* &duo8tiOI3 %B th SBIIBB 88 USSt% in the St8tUtS blSlU&I6~ 'In its bmideet afmse~* l + not mere4 the infbtruotisn maSired at who01 or ool- lege, but tliew&o10 COPTOB of tf&nUg, SiOC~, intellt3GtU8~ CUld p&‘SkO81 is XlOt uxltea tu the .~mdiaerp itistruot i oa of the ohildlnthe plrsults of litarature~ Xt omprshen&~ 8 gswper attent5on to.the mrsl 8ndreuglonssen~ts Of the 0U.U. AM it is sulSst*s used a0 &yaosJmoae dth "1W .' IA:cyo* pi 1330. ma eeati- m3nt of regard for the mmory of those who gave their llyee Sor the blessings of t&Is @C38t 8t8t8 StiRR~8tSS &l6triOtie;m, 8DdiS ’ &l th& highest SSXISS EdUS8fiiO~. * S *” 'at3 purpose olsusss ef the ohsrter of the D8ught~rsAofl,,thoRe~blio pertinent werea '1st. 40 perptll8te the melsory 8ad epititof t.hemsnsndaomsnwYbobave aohiwsd timaiatainecl the indepndenae of Texas. ,- V?ld. To entmur8ge h&storical re- search into the e8rliest records of Texas, especrfally those ralatlq~ to the rovolu- tion of 3335 and the events which folloa- sd; to foster the proeervation of tlosu- wnts aud rolias nnd to onoourags tha publiieation of resords of ind.lvidual aor- v%oe of soldiers and patriots of the Ro- PbUo. , - 667 kioaorable William JI Lawson - pegs 4 *3rd. To ~oreote tho aelebrrrtiw of 3arch 2nd (Xndope*enoe day) and April 2Ist @%m Jacinto d8y); to ceccrs and hallow historio spo*s by erecting z3iammnts thereon, 8xsi to ctatwiah and pre00meuaitp0?TmaO808Uhl0vedard. establldmd bjr the father's amI mothsrs of the Tsxss RsYolut!lon.~ It A8 alweye pOafd.blO@at 8ny aorporstUm to 6ub130rw SD 0;rrdviii 0xoOoa its fegitimt0 corporate prc~uss in its ~01 8stitifiOa. But thl.8 aonsideru- tion does not arise upon the Fa'aceof the charto~. Em that, if you are satisfied hosi s cron5idsrrtion sf the fasts and c%raumstan~es surrouading this rsqmst that the real parposes of tha prolpossd oorporotibn ora those stated in the 8FtiQlos, you should approva thei ch8rtsr, otherwise jou would be sGthsriasd to cm11 for addition- al 3nfomation.npon which to base your 8otioa. The evil of.nctual exercise of powers beyoad the legitimete corporate purpose of the oorporstion is the aonoeti of another aOp8ew of the Govormsnt. OorgtrulJ youra ATTORNnC G;L813RbLOF TEXAS 4 COMMIITEE
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion