Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

s72 OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSllN , Honsreble k. J. k-yen, Jr jl Wznlnel Qtriat. Attorney fllllobora, Tsxcla Dear .lrr Attention: kfr. War TJliarlll aokn sf yeuclhttet of Hovrraber22 1940, req ioh or this ?qmrtmat upon the foilowing qeost d like to hire . la proaiaet who other aomrb- by the T.Tepatlam law 43s oad as, Versmn'e Annotated Penal 0; any distriot, aounty alty pre- 1 dletriot, OP othr a&oip~ rub- t&i19 Stqte, or any effioar or pw* bsr of any State, diatrfab wmaty, aity, eohool diatrlot or ether muniolp~ board, or fu@e of any oourt, arm&ad by br u&a* authority OS tiny gsaeral or rrpeo5al1~ of tibiaBtat,e,or my mm- ber or tba Le~iirlatuxs, s&all appeint,lor vote ror or ooafim the appaintsent to any offloe, poakoa, olerkskip~, aarployauntox?duty, of any person related rrlfhk ths meaond begWe bo ef- 573 Hon. A. J. Bryan, Jr., pa@ 2 finity or within ths third degree by oonsan- guinity to the person so appointing or so vct- in&, or to any other membar of any such board, the Legislature , or court of which such person so appointing or voting may be a member, when the salary, fees, or oompensaticn of such ap- pointee is to be paid for, directly or indirectly, out of or from public funda or fees of otiioe-of any kind or oharaoter whatsoever. Aots 1909, p. 06, Aote 1913, p. 149.” “Art. 433. The inhlbltions set forth in thle law shall apply to and inolude the Oovernor, Lieu- tenant Governor, Speaker of the House of Repreeen- tativee, Railroad Commiasloners, head of departments of the State government, judges and members of any and all Boarde an% courts established by or un%er the authority of any general or special law of. this state, members of the Legislature, mayore, oommisslonere, recorders, aldermen end members o? eohool boards of lnoorporated oities an% towns, public school trustees, offloere an% members of boards of managers of the State University and OS its several branohes, an% of the various State educational institutions an% of the various Stete eleemosynary institutions, an% of the penitentiarier. This enumeration shall not be held to exolude from the operation an% efieot o? this law any peraon included within its general provisions.* A brother-in-law of one of the oounty oommieaionera is relate% to that oommlaeioner by affinity in the first de- gree. Opinion No. O-119; T. T. R. R. Company vs. Overton, 1 App. CI. O., Saotlon 333; Baker vs. RcRimmon.(T. 0. A.) 48 5. W. 7421 Rx parte Xest, 00 Tex. Or. Rep. 4S6, 132 S. 8. 3391 2 0. J. 3’79. Such relationship ie, of oourse, wlthin the degree prohibited by krtiole 432. You state, “we are in doubt es to whether or not suoh aotion would ba prohibited by the R8poCiem Law einee the employment need not be oonfirmed by the oommissionere’ OOurt nor vote% on b:: the Court.” We assume that the contemplated employment 1s out of oounty funds (the County Road en% Bridge Fund) an% under such oiroumetanoee the County ~Ommi%~iOner~' Court must neoessarily, for It ia its duty, approve such em- ployment . Un%er Artloles 1373 and 16d0, Vsrnob’e Annotated civil Statutea, all claims sgainst a oounty must tirsf be ore- sented to the oounty au%itor, if there be one, and then be presente% to the oommissioners 1 oourt for approval or rejeotlor+ Anderson vs. Ashe, 9Q Tex:447 90 5. Vi. 874) Yantie Vt3. Montaeue co. (I 80 Tex. Civ. App. 403, 116 5. w. 162; IIfaLeaa~n 00, vs. Miller, 237 S. w. 6SOj Bitter VS. Bexar (30.. 266 5. W. 284. Under maah En4 Eon. A. J. Bryan, Jr., page 3 eircumstanoea it is our opinion that the employment is pro- hibited. We have 60 held. In opinion NO. O-272, this department held that the employment by one county commissioner of the nephew of another oounty oommlssloner would be e direct violation of Articles 432 an% 433 of the Penal Code. In opinion No. O-566, this department held that It would be a violation of the law for a commissioner of one preoinot to appoint.es ovaraeer the nephew of the oommiaeioner of another precinct, or to hire a relative of another oommle- eloner to repair meohinery when the labor Is to ba paid out of county iun%#. Oonsequently, It Is the opinion of this deparb- ment, and you are.a%vise% that under Articles 432 and 433 of the Penal Uode, a county commlsaloner may not hire one to work the roadta in his preoinot who Is a brother-in-law of another of the aommiseionero when such employment te pal% for out of public or oounty funda. Very truly your6 ATTOBNlzy G-L OF TEXAS BY Aaslstent APPROVECDEC 6, 1940 ATTORNEY GIiNERAL OF TEXAS