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Iionorablo TomDeBerry - page g
under the aantraot referred to abme.
If, uader them olrOuamta?xse#, there
oXlet 8uch an obli.gatiOn, what recourtse
does WleBoerdharein enforoingitt"
me letter of the Rlttoburpb mate Olags CoPp
pny td whibh you refer It3 aa follas;
'Pe am are thatyauhmebeennoti-
odmta of the @orit~rue 08 Alcxndnum
E' &%luetrlas other th8n i4stional Defense
Projeota .
aThe Oni recently wrote urn to wad fn
aninwmto~ of sllAlandnrrnPoud8r a?@
Paetesohadcnhmd. Sevwaldayelater
they wrote ua to aha thbprterial to *or-
lousb~Ildinggrojeo ? euader8onetruot&m.
tobeueedinfll3ingordar onocw contreot
dth the4M&e 8oami of Coatrolh Due to this
Iatioaal demmd we will not be able to fulfill
our canPaat,butre are BUP~ you O&n appre-
oiabe our poldaon 4.a this 24uhtter.
*If you th&nlK it liMoable, w3 sballbe
glad to notify eaoh Xnstitufionby m*;il to
the effect that we will mat be able to raPte
further atxlpnte of Alma&am Powderto them.'
~~1~1s &st andrill not do aninjmtieebe-
tmen part&es to a aontrsot by oompelling tbem to * per-
Soraeutae, where the law 1teelf has mpmve?md to We the
performwmsi~~poueible orilleg~l. Blab a OozitMhctupon
the la+6 euper~a3lng to pmvext its performswe is at 611
end, dthout fkrther obllgatfon or liability upon the pPrt
of either party thereto.
Verforuiiuss le not Luoueedby thefaot
tbet the oontractt could not legally be per-
formed antlerthe law aa it suioted when the
ooxrtraot was mu&o, f
SuHled to kuow the