396 i.-
a -gRg2=k!tz
mn. J. A. Hill
proWl.nt, The Kest Taxar
saata Taaohara Collage
Ca.YoQ, %x8.
Dear Sir:
Via are in ~8081 tat or QOtober so, 1040,
n~uaatlng the opinion et t, rhioh read8 aa fellewa~
rpondeuaeawerk iman a
mal. I ahou3A l&k. to
y of our handling this
80, that 6elorM sttdurta
to lnatltutionaOS higher
0 not knew about aorreapon-
r your opman m Ohi. OOn500-
tabUahaU in Taxer frem tlma to
ion. or higher leat5i5gs among *h;eh am
here Csllrrgea, i"oraar~ knorm a8 nomml
a hate barn 68tabliabad for the training
rd tsaahen.
the .at.bl.ia
“580. 1. §a it aneoted by the Leglrktura OS the
Qtatm ot T~xaa, That *here a&all bm e#abJ.ia&od at! Z!ralrio
View (fowerl~ Oallsd Alta Vfsta), in @ller Eounty, in
this State, a nomal rchool for th6 prapamitionsnd train-
OS colormd toeehera.m
Eon. J. A. Hill, page 8
The name of ouoh aohoel ma daaignatad aa Vrairia
view State Norm1 in4 Induatrlal Cellem* bg Aate USQU, page
~8, and proririon her been ma40 for the maintananoa, support
ad government of auoh aobool for the trainimg of oolarod
teachers8~4 *for rtoeltlny, suah number of atudenta of both
le x o aas the echo01 oan best aoeomo5ata.* See krtioleaBBSS
$0 8643, 8. 6. 5. 1926.
The Weat Tuaa State Hwmal (lollsgowee aatabllah~d
by the 31at Ltgialstura,Act8 1909, paga ESS, which act raa4a
in part au rollowa~
"3e0t10211. That a State Homa Sohool for the
education of whita tsaobera la hereby ratabl~ahadat a
plaoe fn Texar and looatod rest oi the 9Sth amridfaa.
Ths name of aaid normal lohool abali ba the Xeat Tmaa
i3teteNom61 Collsga,* hmphaaia aildad)
By kots 1983, page 341, the mma of the 7Caat Torus
State NorrPalCollege was obengad to Woat Texas Stat& Tasobara
; cellega.*
The 1986 Retieion OS the Civil Statute8 ot Tuaa
doer got carry rorward a118amt out In full ar3.l
the aota aatab-
liahlng the various Hata Teaohors Co3.hgaa in Taxaa, but It
ia provided in imticla 2444, I;.C. G. lQFS, au SallowOr
Vzcept es heTelu provided, all laws eatabJ.iahiog
state Tauohera CoXXagoa or nowal inrtitutaa SOP the
training of white tiaobara pmoidtng for their goverumant,
control and mintananos are oontinued in foroa, ahA alZ
auofr oollsges which ace OF my be edabliaha4 by law shall
bs under the gensral control an4 muagamnt of the Board
of Bqymts OS th4 stat* Teaoner8 College*.*
Artlole 2647, H. c. s. 1985, aa amemlad, MtIaerrtaa
the powers and duties of the Board of Regent8 ~ofswh aolleg~r,
anbwithout raferrln& in detail to the proVi&ionS themof, VI0
note thet it is olsnrly eontemplate that su@h State Toaabors
Colleges art ior the odueetlon ot white Qeracma.
Pror R oonrldarationof t&e foregoing acttal and the
rarloua statutes spp1icabl.e to the We8t Texas State Teaahara
College and i)rai.rieView state Rorslerl
and InGuatrialCollaga,
It baoomea apparemt that it was the laglaletiraintent to pro-
rida the 'IcestToxaa State Tsaabera Dellego tar the lfluoatiea
or white persons, sod the Prairie Wu Stat64Hormalh ~6tutrial
Gollsga r0r the edueation 0r ooloreb paraoa8~ eaoh separate and
non. J. A. Hill, page 8
independentand having a separate sphere in which it might
oonduot it8 aotivitfes,the faoilitiemof Prairie View State
Normal and XndurtrialCollege being ooaflned to the eduoation
of aolored person8 and Wet Texas State Tesohars College to
white person8. i'heproper determinationof your question,
in our opinion, doea not depmd 80 muoh upon whsther a a&dent
of one raoe *attenda* a rohool for the other raoe, but whether
i$ostTexas State Toachere Ccll.*#chsa stat,ltoryauthor?sation
to devote its funUR end fcolllties to she aduostlon of other
t&m the wtite raoe.
St is oticopinion that #es% Texas State Teaohars
College is r;u,Gauthorizedto doratb lte i,undsad fad.lftie8
to the eduoatiou of'colored n%uderitoor teaahera, either through
attendanooor by corrsrmM!enco coureoq,ltspower& having been
l.Fnited by ita charter and apallcable stetutoa.
Yours rory truly