Dear slrr
1040, raqalertra legal
lr tio n
oi whether
laae lr authorized to
raon prior to th e lx-
Civil Statute8 of Tou8, 8ot.s
dare rhoreby an emplopmnt
Neither thlr rtatut8 nor any
itle 83, of the statutes of
r or sala of the llc8nm ,atter
Various requlremants
and 0r veriricatisn
Ut8S, provides:
‘.-AII~’ gsrson who aball snesge in the business 3f
an e&dopent agent, or rho shall conduct bn crmploy-
ment crrlce, rlthout tire procuring a llcensa se re-
uired and roridrd ror in this e!mpter my be ‘sined
#ziixdny 2 ursulns suoh businam or ooouion.
. . . * (Eznhasis curs)
fjonorableJoe Zunschik, Faga 2
Artlolr 1566 of thr 9onal Coda likewise 9rcvIdes in
-Whoerer engages in the business of an anploy-
moat sgsnt or oonducts a nlmploymat offloe withcut
first proowIng 8 lIoans~ theretor, 88 rswired bz
&I, shall br flnrd. . . ." (Em9has18 ours)
a 6,meral rule, in ths lb seno ooi sgrolfio stat-
utory authorltatloa,a liornsr 18 a mare personal prlvIle~gr
whloh uy not bo assigned. 27 Tex, Jur. 9. 905, 6 59; 17
Bullag 12880 Law, 9. 475; if0118 V. Stat., 1E CrIm. A99. 417.
The ZmaploymentAgenoy Law of Texas does act author-
iza the transfer or ea.10or tha license issued In acoordanos
with its prorlslons; there I# oiery reason to bOll8Ve from
a study of this law that thr La6islaturr intrndod, and so pro-
ridsd, that a parson oould raoeltr an employments$ono~ ll-
oense oalr In the mannor sot out in Artlols 5210.
It is, theroiore, the 09laion of this Lmpartxmztt
that an
emplopasat a6moy lloenss, aitsr bslng issued to a
spsolfisd lndlridual,mar not bs transferrod or sold by suoh
lndlridusl to another person prior to the ex9lratlOn date oi
the liornss; in other words, the llosnse Is non-trsnsrerable.
Yours rrry truly