Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.I - Y&narable Chas. -i. Faasiamr Chief, "lemnosymy I>ivision Stats Ward 3f tintrol ,hlstb?,Tsras %iS will acLn0Wled~eremi* of ;yDurletter of Ootober 17, 1640, requesting *he opF&.cn of this departmmt upon the folloting questimr "h&y the superinteirde~tof the ;Ysoo::tateIi0814 use fuads of that 'nstitution5.nthe plaoement of inllatesin horns8'outsidethe %ato of kBxas*, having in mind tne provisionsof the last paragraph, pags SOX, of ths !:psoialZnws of the State of Twae, passed by the fsgular rbsaion of the Forty-Sixth~gislature?" %otim 5 of ibuso Bill 266, Chapter 7, Speoial Lavcsi939, Forty-Sixth :,eg:slatme,pages 238, 301. reads, in part. 89 followsr "ixcapt a8 hersia othm?aise prov:dad, no money shall b expanded for 'iravelaxpmarss sxoept that speoificallyappropriated for said purposes provided this lixitat:or. shall not apply to travel and ~b=amport*tionexpenses of patients. inmates and Alabama-Coushatbi indims, of Indian Rasemtion a?d institutionalemployees* travel in oonnsattlon with patients, ir,mtes, pupils and Plabam- C&&mtti .Indians,imludtig returning esoapes, transfera, parolns, and' plaoaaeuts of imates aud patients and transport&Son end travel expense of coweying iudians to wd from United Ymterr Indian hospitals in Oklabna mnd other hospital8 or olinios in Texas, of Board of Control employeeswhose salarisi we paid form inatitution~l finds, and of inat.itutional supefinteadentsend the indiaa agm%, rrher&-,speoifio amounts are omitted from the itemized appropriations; and such travel and trhnsportatio~~ exparisasIW+ybe paid fram'mJppartz and mai&wanae appropriationssrldor looal institutionalfunds." mla the provision)of the ElwmoaynaryApprop~litim Bill quotad abwq, take:;5y itself, may bo libsrally oo+ruod to authorize the payment of trar;sprtationexpense incurred ti aonnaotionwith the plro-t Of mside;,ts of the I%OO State &WI, it mat bs interpretedtog&h- with other statues relating to the Vaao Stat0 %BIO, ORa of *hioh ia A~%010 9266, ~!.mo~.l~Dnnotatsd Civil Statutes,whioh raads in part aa follorss - . Honorable Chas, 17.Castner, Fags 2 O-2836 "SSO- 2. go ohild shall be dismissed from the ~aoo Stats iions*till mm suitable home has been found for~lt, or it has boo~.s self-suppot-t;ing and only then upon the mitten recommrsndations of thenxpsrdnt+>dent to the 3oard, or when any vmrd exmitted to sfvidHome has beoome ,,,arrJ,sd with the oonsent of the Board and superintendent. Children,,,ay be plaoed for adoption only in homes approved by the Division of Child Relfare, State Eoard of Control. Gpponthe adoption or marriage of any suoh ohild, the Visitorial and regulatory powers of said hoard and suoh Board or representativeoonosnAng the oonduot, snplo~, treatnent, or conditionof said ohild. If in the judgnent of the Soard it should be for the best intarest of said child that it be returned to said Y+Go ?&ate Home. the Board is her&.enpowered to 'haveit returned." (Underscoringours) ?&to that any ohild not adopted going from the Home is under the oontin- usd supervisionand guidance of the Board,and that the Roard or its representativeare required to visit the pJaee where the child Is living at regular intervals; and the child nay subsequentlybe required to re- turn to the Home. !hlderArbiole 3259, the duty of supervisionand the povmr of control remain in the Poard after a obild has been 110plaoed, and not only would the diffioultiesofadniniatrationbe great indeed, if, as in the present ease, representativesof the Board were required to make regular visits to the child in its %lifonia homes but it.is quite possible that Texas as the sovereignparens patriae would completelylose jurisdiotionover the ohild to the Stats of California- Californdabeing bound to allow only by a oonity it night not ohoose to reoongnisethe priority of the ~enas claim. Goldsmith v. Salkey (Sup. Ct. 1936), 131 Ten. ,139.112 S. Ii. (Zd) 166. -pare ?JilliganV. Stats (1884). 97 Ind. 365. hs stated by Hr. Juatioe Cordosa 40 .8.L R. 937: *the jurisdiotionof a state to regulate the oustody of infants found within its territory doss not depend upon the domioile of the parenta. It has its origin in the proteotionthat is due to the inoompetentor helpless . . 0 ' Consequently,it io the opinion.ofthis departmentand you are rerpeotfully advised that funds appropriatedfor the Woo State Hone may not bs used to defray transportationexpenses of @n&ate8 in aonneotionwith their plaoe- n&u in homes outside of Striteof Texas. . - Hmorable &as, ga Oastner, ?age 3 O-2636 Verytrulypurr M'TORKXY GENERAL OF TEXAS I/ James D. Smullm v Jama D. !hmllen Assistent XWROV%U NOV. 19, 1340 s/ GeraldC. Menn GERALD C. EUJH AlTORNbT GUER4L OF TEXAS