Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN P QausGYur \ Man‘- , ’ Honorable Barry iinor, Chpirman, State ltoardof Control Austin, Tesas -Dear Dr. Knox) ncivarious other papers and let- ,, ll'hiti work was begun during:th, fiscal year endlnt~August 31, 1940, antithe'State noard of Control, as the authorized sponsor or this w. P. A. projeot, ordorod tho trans- fer of tho sum of $13,246 from tho Iiormille Stab tinnnturium'ssupport and molntonance appropriationfor the year ,?ndir.ghug. 31, Lion.Harry Lnox - pga 2 1940, to that institutionls appropriation ror general repairs and imprwements. This amount represented the Sponeor*s share in payment for this projeot, which the Federal Qoverument has agreed to ma%h vith $13,400~ the estimated total oost of the project Is $26,666. 'The Federal Government furnishes all common labor .for this prejeat from its 1. P. A. nolle, but this Board is required to furnish a Sponsor's Superintendent,rhlch it has done. The rork has neoeasarily extend- ed beyond tho fiscal year endlng Aug. 31, 1940, and -is etlll in progress. Thererore, this Board has submitted to the State Comp- troller 8 payroll, 8 COW of vhioh is en- olosed hererpith,requesting payment of the Sponsor*e Superintendent'ssalary for the month of Septonbcr, 1940, out of the Ilerr- rille State Sanatorium*sappropriationfor general repairs and imprwoments for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 1940, since the work was agreed upon and begun by the Board of Control and the Federal Gwernmont in the last fiscal year, and a oertain sum erasear- msrkeiiand set aside out of appropriations ror that year to proride full payment for the sponsor's share of the prbjeot.. The Oomptrollervsoffice has refused to apprwe payment 0r this payroll out of last yonr~s appropriationfor that purpose. aIn ties or the ro4ts abwe presented, aud in view of the lmportanoe of this ques- tion In connection with possible future building projects which oannot be aompletod within the term of oue fiscal year, your valued opinion IS reepeotfully requested on tho fOllOWing quostionst '1. Can tho salary of the Spon80r1s Superintendentand other neoeseary rorkmen on thiisw. P. A, projeot for work done in the present fiscal yoar on said projoot be paid out of an appropriation for the precod- . - Hon. Barry iinos- p8ge 3 ing fiscal year, whoro tho project was agroed up@n, begun, md money set aside in paynxvnttherofor in said proceding fiscal year? '2. In general, whera the Board of Control enters into a oonstruction or slmllar projoots, purchnsing its own materials 8nd hirlng It8 own workmem for the project, the time for completion.of which will of necessity extend beyond the term of the fiscal ye8r in which an appro- priation is set aside in full payment for such project, can the workmen on such pro- ject be paid for work done in a subse- quent tiscal year out 0r a preceding year's appropriationwhich has been so earmarked?* ye are of the oplnlon your questions should be answered in the negative. These answers are controlled by the follow- ing considerationsand opinions of this dey8rtmontt Under Seotion 0, of Article VIII of the Ccn- stitution, no appropriationof money my be ruzdeby the Legislature for 8 longer torn than two years. Uorc- over, the biennial appropriationsby tho Lcgislaturo are in truth onuual a?prq3rintionsfor the term of two years, and the balance of sums appropriatedfor a given fiscal year revert to the Stat0 at ths end Of that fis- cal year, in the absence of 8 specific re-nppropriation. It is the policy and nonnin,gof the 1~ that the appropriationis to be ospsn:l~.?:iUYi.?J~ the year for which It was made. It does not follow, howovor, thnt an appro- yriati.onfor use during the scconc1fiscal yc3r