._ -
BOIL T. Y. Trlkb&
firrs Arolrtaat, State Superintuidmt of
Pub110 1n8tru0t1oa
Aurtia, TIXII
UOtariu for the board,
UOkry who 1, thu,
ward 02 trusteea
&am a0 krrotuf
to tb huth of tiu &L&
lwwE o fth e
h.smdh o nto -
o n00l r o *r th e r r r nk r f so
fo r a pad c #o fa pu under
l reOcPt EOOtta( Of tbr board Of
hoar6 rot06 to rawovo tb member
rf, to whlrh & had beon rhoran
fotod another 8&w or the baud
lsu that no rttmpti um ras ta
s sftio o lo tr wto o b ut ur.4 to OhMgO
ths smntuyshfg iror eno mea to tho other. IOU request our
opinion a8 to rhotfmr ca not th, board 0r tnatecr wa8 noting
rlthin lw paors In trklag s\trh aetlon. It Ia lg@euQ the
s& o b o mti
ma p r o p ul~
lsr 0mb l.a
no dth a at llfo r mi
r o QUlr .-
manta kd been sot k rerutltuuk the erdor (ImALid apr.
- ..
Said .wtlolo 0080 lontolno the tollming pmrlol~:
*Tb ould board o r tr uo teo ofo laoh or 8uoh lndopoa-
a a nt lo&ool diatrloto lnoorporatod under the provioiono
of this i#t rhnll hare md lxweinr and are hemby touted
rith lll the rlghto,p~e1’e, pririla&po an& utlooeon-
fo x -rldedimptared on tha trua tuo madtba& 0 of truota*o
o;fldf9admt sobooY dlotrlot,o br tb 6OW1rr1 laao oi thio
~rtfoloo EVW and 8980, Revload Civil Statutoo, rud
aI h1lou0l
%ri4 trurtoro 8hll mot rithln twontf 4ay8 4tter
tha llutloa, or a0 00011 thoruttor 80 pooolblo far the
9urpuo of orgmhlag. A u)orlQ of r8ld hod rhall
nnstltutr l ~uoa%.mto 40 b~lnou. Thq mhall lhoooo
irom aair numbof prutdont,wPa they ltml~a&oo~~
loorokr7, a troaruror, looosoor ana loUoator 0r tuoo,
8od other fmourary oftlooro an4 oomi.ttooo.~
w4ld trtwtou r&U &opt lwh rukm, roguktiono
i&M& -km t&w mar dewi propor;and tho pabllorno
L 0r rue iadopndontdlrtrlot ltmU k ma0r tholr
rentrol( and t&p rhall hme tbo @zolwlvo power to una60
M d g o r u0 na alohoolo, and mll4$ ts ra8 tithe to
3ro9ut9 ior mob01 pmrpoou hont ofam ?ootod in the
P r, llt louaollo, or lehool3ruatoeobr utiarla 5096
ro@ lad A, Rorioad 8tot8tu lr &m$, or other rtatuto;
nl ~4 a oolai, erupt ouch lltl.8 a8 a?. Ntugte& b/
tu” s tit&, &all bo noW Ln ~$4 Mu4 of trta&ty ana
th o u lu so
so r o la lfflu~ ud Choirolalm l P4
teUI~lo tienor lpitwbloh y ui~o to whirhmid turd
lo l party..
Phoro 1, rbe prwlolrrr or ibo ~Cenotltutloa or rktuto
whirl ilzu er at l to flz blw po?10d~of tiw that 0 trutu
ohall som as won o”@ l7 *a he h80 beon ehoun b mom u
lUOL by th0 km or tmt00a a0 proem in mid0 no*.
a om& s,r .@ .a tio
o r bsay -& h
WS l4opt.Uby tho
u eb een
tnutur radarUo prc*lolaao
of ml*10 IWO, uo le Pot ralkd
upon to doolde the ~uootiu uhleh UOtid bo pm8ent.d ii l rulo
ha6 boar ldogtod ltt tin& to tir the porld ol time for the
seont4ry to nm. q c 0~4, ~0 lts9h lf wti~ or trm00a
ln th epast ia dl0wl.q 8h o r r o r stuf to ur n fo r l p uid ei
~0n.T. Y.Trimble,9aa 8
one ya&r boron raring the appointant or ~aolgn~tlng uiothor
unnot be ronsidoro4 aa the adoptloo or a tie, rmuulatloo or
by-law udor #a proriolono of Artlola 2180 lu??lol~ntto bind
ruture board8 and ruturr oonduot.
men tb8 4umi0a 0r tom OS 0rri00 10 00t rixmd
bt law and ao prorlrlon 1~ #ada for tha teaon OS the lnomb@nt,
tho powor or lp p o intma nt
nrooorarl~ OurlY 81th it the Dowor
or rawml. Roogbr v. Stuut, M 6. V. (&i) 6lk;-KooMa-t.
Porm. 84 Tu. 8481 S4 Tor. Tur. 8941 8b c. f. 964. mAor th
llrowtitamos oat but lboro w thlak-the board of truateeo war
ltkr6 rlt4llnit0 parers ia 8haa&aa 1to pmlour oholoo Offs
lW?Ota~ &I# b@im&ia@ WthO? -bO? o r th o b ur a te lo r vo
int&t lrpaolt7.
o url91nla x0, 048lo &tolrod l llmllar sltu4U.on,
end hthor %han frlrtbar l&boratiDg oa the lubjoot w onoleao
l 009~'or th4t 0~bia.