Hon. Walker Carson Opinion NO. o-2778 County Attorney Re: Can the commissioners' court Hudspeth County legally purchase road machinery Sierra Blanca, Texas for the maintenance of lateral roads out of the lateral road main- Dear Sir: tenance fund mentioned? Your recent telegram requesting an opinion of this department upon the above stated question has been received. We quote from your telegram as follows: "Please advise me by wire collect whether or not in your opinion the county commissioners' court can legally purchase road machinery for the maintenance of lateral roads out of the la- teral road maintenance fund created by State money paid this year to county for lateral road construction and maintenance. This is a new fund under a new statute and the only authority I find is particle66749-7 IHI and ,Article6674q- 13. The commissioners1 court has heretofore elected to use this money for construction and maintenance of lateral roads as required by Ar- ticle 66744-7 lHt." Paragraph H of Article 66749-7 reads, in part, as follows: "The monies allocated to each county from the Lateral Road ,Accountshall be used by said county first for paying the principal, interest and sinking fund requirements maturing during the fiscal year for which such money was allocated to such county on bonds, warrants and other le- gal.obligations issued prior to January 2, 1939, the proceeds of which were actually expended in acquiring rights of way for State designated high- ways, it being the intention of the Legislature to designate and set apart sufficient money to pay off and discharge said outstanding obligations incurred for right of way acquisition. Funds re- maining in the Lateral Road Fund of any county Hon. Walker Carson, page 2 after the payment of said right of way obliga- tions may be used by the county, under the direc- tion of the Commissioners Court, for any one or all of the following purposes: (a) for the ac- quisition of rights of way for county lateral roads and for the payment of legal obligations incurred therefor prior to January 2, 1939, (b) for the construction or improvement of county lateral roads, (c) for paying the principal, in- terest and sinking fund requirements of any bonds or warrants which were legally issued by such county or Road District prior to January 2, 1939, the proceeds of which were actually expended in the construction or improvement of lateral county v roads, (d) for the purpose of supplementing funds appropriated by the United States Government for Works Progress Administration highway construction, and such other grants of Federal funds, as may be made available to the counties of this State for county lateral road construction and (e) for the purpose of cooperating with the &ate Highway De- partment and the Federal Government in the con- struction of farm-to-market roads. QUter such allocation has been made to the several counties in the State, the Board shall in writing notify the Chairman of the Commissioners Court of each county of the amount which has been credited to that county. After receiving said no- tice, the Commissioners Court shall, within sixty days, notify the Board of the manner in which it has exercised its option as to the one or more specified uses of said money permitted under this Act. "In the event the Commissioners Court of a county shall have elected to use all or any part of the money thus allocated to said county for the purpose of paying principal and interest or sink- ing fund requirements of its indebtedness for la- teral roads, such money shall be applied pro rata to the payment of the debt service requirements of all issues of lateral road indebtedness of the county and all included defined road districts, in the proportion that the debt service require- ments of each issue bears to the aggregate debt service requirements of all issues for that year. When any issue of obligations which will receive Hon. Walker Carson, page 3 aid under this section is already listed with the Board of County and District Road Indebted- ness, the Board shall credit the amount appli- cable to said issue to the account of said issue in the State Treasury. wasto all other issues of obligations, which will receive aid under this subsection (h) theCommissioners Courts of the specific counties affected shall have the right if so desired to utilize the facilities of the State Board of County and District Road Indebted- ness in paying the amounts of principal and in- terest on said issues substantially in the manner that payments are effected as to such eligible obligations. “In the event the Commissioners Court of a county elects to use the money allocated to it from the Lateral Road Account for the construc- tion of lateral roads it shall notify, in writ- ing, the said Board oh its election to make such use of said money. Whereupon, said Board shall remit said money, or the part thereof to be util- ized for such purpose, to the County Treasurer of such county, said money to be deposited by the County Treasurer in accordance with the law, and the same shall be utilized by the county, acting through the Commissioners Court, for the con- struction of lateral roads. Each county may call upon the State Highway Commission to furnish ade- quate technical and engineering supervision in making surveys, preparing plans and specifica- tions, preparing project proposals and supervis- ing actual construction; the actual cost of such aid in supervision shall be paid by the county as a charge against its project. “In order that maximum benefits may be ob- tained in the expenditure of the State fund made available to the counties under this Act for the construction of county lateral roads, and so that the counties may have the benefit of widespread competition among contractors in bidding on such projects, such counties may, in l~lkieir discretion authorize the State Highway Commission to mceive bids in Austin on all such construction in the same manner as is now provided by law for the award of contracts on State Highways. Hon. Walker Carson, page 4 "When any road which shall have been con- structed by any county wholly from the County Lateral Road Account shall be designated by the State Highway Commission as a part of the system of designated State Highways, the desig- nation of such road by the State Highway Com- mission shall constitute a full and complete discharge of any and all obligations of the State, moral, legal or implied, for the payment of such highway. "In the event the Commissioners Court elects to cooperate with the Highway Department in the building of or in the construction of, farm-to-market roacls, it shall by proper reso- lution entered upon its minutes, authorize the State Treasurer to pay such funds to be so used over to the StatesHighway Department for use on certain designated projects. Regardless of how the funds allocated to the counties from the Lateral Road Account are used, the County Judge of each county shall file with the Board on or before October lst, of each year, a verified report showing the manner in which the said funds have been expended, the nature and loca- tion of the roads constructed and such other information as the Board may hrom time to time require." ,Article6741, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provides: "The commissioners court may make and en- force all reasonable and necessary rules and orders for the working and repairing of public roads, and to utilize the labor to be used and money expended thereon, not in conflict with the laws of this State. Said court may purchase or hire all necessary road machinery, tools or teams and hire such labor as may be needed in additfon to the labor required of citizens to build or repair the roads." We quote from Texas Jurisprudence, Vol. 21, p. 630, as follows: "Subject to any local law, commissioners' courts are invested with the power and charged Hon. Walker Carson, page 5 with the duty of creating and maintaining adequate roads. They are commanded tihai out and establish roads when necessary. words mean *make, create or found permanently’ -- that is to say they are empowered to do all such acts as may be necessary to construct permanent roads. They are further directed to ‘exercise general control over all roads, high- ways, ferries and bridges in their counties.’ Accordingly, where a statute applicable to highways merely empowers commissioners’ courts to exercise their powers in a particular way, it will be construed as being subordinate to the general power of control, and not manda- tory. Similarly the doctrine of implied pow- ers enables colid ssioners’ court3 to do all that is necessarily incidental to their declared powers of road improvement and regulation. The limits of their powers, however, are reached when they exceed what may fairly be implied. “Just as in matters involving the establish- ment of a highway, the administrative powers of commissioners’ courts are exercisable according to their discretion with which the-courts re- frain from interfering except upon a clear show- ing of abuse. ***‘I Lasater v. Lopez, 202 S.W. 1039, affirmed 217 S-W. 373. It will be noted that paragraph H of Article 6674q-7, supra, specifically provides that the moneys allocated to each county from the lateral road account shall be used by said county first for paying the principal, interest and sinking fund requirements maturing during the fiscal year for which such money was allocated to such county on bonds, warrants and other legal obligations issued prior to January 2, 1934. As stated in the statute it was the intention of the Legisla- ture to designate and sec apart sufficient money to pay off and discharge said outstanding obligations incurred for right-of- way acquisition. It is further provided that funds remaining in the lateral road fund of any county after the payment of said right-of-way obligation may be used by the county, under the direction of the commissioners1 court for any one or all of the purposes as set out in the statute. Two of the purposes for which the remaining fund may be expended as provided in the statute is for the acquisition of rights-of-way for county , -- . Hon. Walker Carson, page 6 lateral roads end for the payment of legal obligations incur- red therefor prior to January 2, 1939, and.for the construc- tion or improvement of county lateral roads. When the commissioners1 court of a county elects to use the money allocated to it from the lateral road account for the construction or improvement of county lateral roads, it is our opinion that the court may exercise all implied pow- ers that.is necessarily incidental to their declared power of constructing or improving of county lateral roads. Therefore, you are respectfully advised that it is the opinion of this department that the commissioners1 court may use the funds remaining in the lateral road fund of a county to purchase road machinerv ?or the maintenance of lateral roads when such machinery is necessary for the maintenance, Construction or improvement of the county lateral roads. In this connection we call your attention to our Opinion No. O-2320 which held that: "The county is without authority to use the funds specifically credited to the various defined road districts by the terms of this Act for any purpose except that which would confer a direct benefit upon the taxpayers living within those particular defined districtsi and in harmony with such construction we advise hat the county cannot expend road district moneys pursuant to the option provided in Section 'El, paragraph 5, subsection (h), Section 6 of House Bill 688." Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your in- quiry, we are Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By /s/ Ardell Williams ,ArdellWilliams, Assistant APPROVED SEP 30, 1940 /s/ Gerald C. Mann AGGORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE BY8 BWB, CHAIRMAN AW:eaw:wb
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion