OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ’ i AU- --ls= Q.0, l;rse Violet 9. Greenhill, Chief Dlvisi~n of Child xelrare stats Departiaent or i?ublic Austin, Texas Dsar lfrs. Greenhillr This department h r request ror an oplnlon. Y.-e quote the ;ert r, your letter as r0u0ws I bond required for such t or brought into Texas been given in confoinity and in co$‘orzity with ‘;tates Co.mlttee for the caze of European children, that the children brought to ‘&is oountry will Lot be- cone a ?ubllo charge? *The imediate need for your 0pid.0n in this netter has arisen out of a request from a Texas resident VisitirE: in New York. This individual has asked to be advised of the yrs. Violet 9. Greenhill, Page 2 2’ formalities required,, under Taxas law, to bring a refugee child to this State to live , in his home for the duration of the Xar. ~e+a~eHatte.ching a copy of this . The letter to which you refer in the final para- graph of the foregoing, reads: mA Client oi mine, who is a resident 0r your state, end who is in this city at the present time, is desirous of taking with him a refugee child now in the Chited States and to give the child a hone gra- tuitously with himself and his raaily for the duration of the war. “1 would appreciate it very much if you would advise me whether any preliminary formalities must be met vjith before the child can be made a resident of your state. “1 wish to repeat that the child is now lawfully in ,tierica, and my client, out of the kindness of his heart, wants .to give him all the necessaries of life, and have the child live with him uutil he Can, be sent back to his own pareqts abroad.* , The Acts of 1931, 42nd Legislature, Senate F&11,No. 375, Chapter 194, Fage 323, or,ated the Division of Child Uel- fare in the Board of Control and defined, its rUW2tiORS as r0110ws t sec. 2. “It shall be the duty of the Board to promote through the Child Y:elfare Division the enforcessnt of all laws for the proteotion, of defective, illegitimate, de- endent, neglected and delinquent children P * * and to take the initiative in all mat- ters Involving the interest of such children where adequate provision therefor has not already been nade.” Sections 0 and 7 0r that Act areincorporated in Ve~rnon’s Annotated Penal Code as titicle 606a. That Article provides: c 73s ‘. yrs. Tliolet 9. Greenhill, Page 3 , .i I..’ QArt. 606a. ’ Bringing child into state for placing out or adcytion without consent i of State Board or Control *Sec. 0. It *shall be unlaxfkl ror any person, for timself or as agent or re?resenta- tive of another, to bring or send into this Sta.te any child below the age of sixteen (16) years for the Qurpose 0r placing him out or proouring his adoption without first having obtained tha consent of the State Board or Control, which may be lcaas by application directly to the Board of Control, or through the County Child Xelfsre Board. Said consent shall be given on a regular rors to be pra- scribed by the Board of Control snd no person shall bring any such child into this State without such permit and without having filed with the Eoard of Control a bond payable to _ _.- the State, JZI a form to be prescribed by the Attorney Genaral, and apgroved by the Board in the penal sum of One Tho;lsand ($l,OOO.OOj ..,Dollars, conditioned that the: Person bringing or sending such child into this State u-i.11 not send or bring any child \*ihOis incorrigible :, or unsound of mind or budy; that he v:ill re- .:move any such child why becomes a public charge or pay the eqe.lse of removal of such ’ charge, who, in the opi’nion of the Board of Control, beccaes a menc:e to the oozmunity prior to this adolMon or becoming of legal age; that he will place the child under a written contract approved by the County Child Welfare Board and the Board of Control; and that the person with whom the child Is ?l+zed shall be responsible for his proper care and training. Before any child shall be brought or sent into the State for the purpose of placing him in a foster home, the person ao bringing or sendin: such child shall first notify the Eoard of Control of his intention and the Board of Control shall ifrzedietely notify the County Child :;elfarz Board, who shall make a report to the Board of Control on the person whom it is indicated will have oharge of the child, and shall obtain from .:--.- 739 us. Violet S. Greenhill, Page 4 the Board of Control a Certificate stating that such home is, :ond such person or persons fn charge, are in the opinion of the Board of Control, -uitsble to have charge ?? such .~. ohlld . Suoh notification shall state the name, age and description of the child, the name and address of the person to whom the same is to be placed, and such other iniorna- tion as may be required by the Board of Con- trol, and the mm shKL1 be sworn to by such~ Qerson. The 3oard of Control shall require the person sending said child into this State, or the person who is in charge of the same after he has beon brought here, to make a report at certain stated times, snd in the event such reports are not mde suc,h. Board shall be authorized to deport said child from this State and the expenses thereof shall be recovered under said bond; provided, however, tha~t nothing herein shall be deened to prohibit a resident of this State from bringi= into the State a relative OF child for adoption into his own family. The 5oard of Control and Child Zelfare Eoards shall not allo:? minors to come into and be brought into this State in violation of this Act. “Sec. 7 If any’person shall bring into : this State OS direct, conspire, or cause to ‘,e brought into or San’:. into this State any ehlld in violation of the foregoing section, he shall be guilty of a misiemearxr and upon conviction therzof 33211 be r’ined in a sum not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars nor more than One Thousand ($l,OOO.CO) Dol- I lars, or by confineaent in the County Jail not exceeding t:%;elve months, or by both such rim and imprisonment, Acts 1931, 42nd Leg., Q. 323, ch. 194.” The language of Article G06a, supra, is not aabigu- OUS. By the passage of this .Ict, the Legislature sought to correct an existing evil; caoely, the importation of defective, illegitimate, dependent, neglected, or delincuect children Into this State by irresponsible persons or agencies. XOre than frequently, these children becme yublic charges and OC- cassioned an overcrowded condition in our State Institutions. (See Seotion 14 of the Act). . . ,Llrs. Viol&t S. Oreenhill, Fage 5 The Legislature qualified the application of this statutory provision, however, to those persons or agencies who bring or send children under sixteen (IS) years of age into the State for the purpose of “plhctng them outW or wyrocuring their adoption.” In the instant case, a person desires to bring a refugee child into this State and provide it with all the necessities of life and have the child live with him. k bzLs QKYL ~JUIUX wP.U Q-..&~II.,~ =&Yu& wti% +Jn-e ahild’s return to his rightful parents. In the described situation, no bond need be made for reason there is neither a “plaoing out* nor the procure- ment of an adoption. In the event there is a “placing out’ or the pro- curement of an adoption, the provisions of Article 606a, supra, nust be set and conplied with for there is no evident exemption of war refugee ahfldren. The Act applies to *any child below the age of sixteen (16) * * *.* We trust that the foregoing answers your inquiry. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGEFiEE.LCB TEXkS Wm. J. Fan-~Lng Ass1&ant GX:RS ARPROVmS= 30, 1S40
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion