&rt Ford
Tour Liquor Control Board
Aurtln, Tsar
Ihar Birr Opinion #Jo. 0-a74l
Rar Eqgloymuitof huba
undrr ?ho ridrr to
Bo. 4.27, ALots of 6h
Au&u&t, 1940, but that
I hare .brsn 8aehaU.
Upon this stat. of iaota,you raquaatth8 opiaion
of thle dipartmrnt 48 to what aotlon shouldbe taken by y’ouc
drpartaant with rclferanoeto the tiituation.
/T Tha rS4.r appendadto 8Om&a Bill 427i Aot8 Of the
Forty-811th Loglalature,ralatirrto the ,8raploymeat
of husband
and Wife.,read8 aa fOllQW81
Ford., P686 2
%WlOy8Unt Oi &abaad an4 WlpihR8rtriot*d.
&oar of CIprfoa=o~ol.qg 8 proprlatlona ior *alario*
ahsll ba pal4 or waxen t: a laaua4 tlawnfar by she
St6ta fhDtrOllm 00 any 0 loyaa tnM.l t.hea~-
PlOfW ah611 hava fllad witg the haa8 of tha (Ir-
P a r b o nt
%nwhich h o or lha la a loyad~anaf-
flP a 9 lh
lta r tng
h i8o rh ew “flfia tw
r r ite mid
; z
Itmartied,dmdur or ;~not tha ~rpoatsa
or arti&
oaployarJw ala0 qloyad in ona uf tha bparrt-
muA6 Of thi6 Btmtq and lib*naaa of the Plpart-
hunDati'o0awl?i era 63m m4~i.n the‘-Rprrglratr
OS thllr?3htr aubjaed, &a tar',ILOma f4m8wiry
pruvlaluaa. *?flCLarlta ot praaantaq&oyee~
ahal1.k wda and i%lad with tha haada of da-
prtarnk or tha S%ata~ulthl~tan dayn bomra
th first Bar o f laah flaralpar, tmd
tharaal%araa&~a4 a h a lfile L lea ha ?r- davltn
tuio n b & o rDa g in
*Prk; a llut a a li?
ahail ba pr666rwQ b tha hard8 o? dtpartlllrn86
for *+sh l ppre*l(rtI pna 4m mad0for at laaat
two yaws after their &tea, rrhiah ai;llid6rita
ahan ~baOpan to p9bl.ifJ i&M$66tiOn;add U-
pl0yoa6'~tfldatl~a ah611 ba corialwl~~lridanar
ot%ho right of thr haad oftha aaprtwnt to
appiwva t&a paysall,and the pa roll affldarlt
of the head OS th6 drp4mi!mnt aL 11 b6 OO~OlIWV6
evldonogto t&a mata Comptrollerof hi6 d&t 00
laeu6th6 w6rr6nta. In the avanttbll,%apOralar
6hbii hold ,UPI66kmnaaor dellvaryor any waraant
by m6aoa ei Shone pr~vielonsh6 6b611 nOtIfYthe
bad of the pqtarticrnt sffactadof hi6 aCtiOnand
I- Bonorabl*Bert Ford, Pass 3
each rrraaba- aha Xl aot br lr~aad Or dalivamd
until the pxwlnlona hatr barn~otmplladwith 60
thm aatlaI*atien of hho StMwOamptrollar; aad
la .&heeven* the hoed or haadn of aald depart-
60lq~loy aai4 hunbead u&d wile, or
naid husbandand "p w is Was#a1vaa,aahot a@#8
o nrglQh lf?ao$ad la p l~u Se to Da ntalmd In
tb 8tata*a a mp lo f,
B h a 8h
o a#$ a Qorptrollor
,Mmlliaauo anddtilvar #a w8rxunS%a tha a?-
iaotcl4lmployai*hQ haa kaa ooatianoualy aa-
pLoyed lo tha & Na $ alamlr
*a ior tha longer
periodor tlma, an6 nfuaa ta la~uo aad dolivw
tho warraat to 6ha 0-r rfirot*d ~ployao who
raatrlo6%n4amplo$santof Wth httaband and wi?4. SIWO t&n
in no violation of *ha rw%alcma o? the pl4ar a prtiad to
Smata Blll~o. 427 A6?a OS Sibs Purtg-Sixfh~~slatara
mara ii no ocoaal& for &aklnfg ao~lua with re?aronaa toku
~~~23mo~v6~3za 27, 19~
- Yours vary truly
&a) oarala c. Yam tiisz?
ATTOR#m tXltNw;u,
Bs (WI
R'SF:R3 RiohnraW. Fatrahll4