OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable T. hi.Trlnble Flr*t Asalotant t3tate8uperintondant kust in, Toxarr Dear Sir; In your letter of Ye our opinion in roapon80 to t *Can a county bo oounty 8upwlatonbent der that he say lnterert of the r his emttlty?” ltttmtut taka tbr o f?lo isl oath a n Art1010 ede9, Revlmed Olvil t3t 08 are prworlbed Othw 0pe0m6 dut- r ltatutQa. Ther e 1 sne sounty board or tru*teae or in the Tortn or gltlag WLtdb