we hare your lr
in whloh you ark 00 rhOth@r
o? Tans ha8 ,owa
and takr wrlttm
ocmprllia$th0 p0
alon'oi Toxar
take written or
Ion Dbrlrlon ot
"Tha ComlnfMlonmay In It.8
disoretlon bsue pmpu pr00*08 and
take writt0.nor oral dapositlcnrln-
cltoadof compellingpemonal att*n-
den00 or witnasrss. The reaa of an
offloar exeoutlng aw prooasr issued
under the prwfdafm oi this tith
shall be mot: aa the Cmirrdon
amy ellor, not to 0xo00d fore as
Frssoribsd by law for tsimileraar-
Honorable C. F. Pat&, Pam 2
Artlao 6472 (a), Pernon*s Annotated Civil
stetutea ) war pa8eed.h 1930 aa Chspter~4.) of the
Aote sf the Uat Leglaleture,Fifth Callad Seaalon.
Tkla stritute,~wbiah pmrlded that it ahauld bo buma-
latlre of all lma relatiq to the takin& or depoai-
tloua by or brrora the tillroad Commiaalon, reada aa
*Ins11 matter8 pandins far haail%
before the Ra$lxmaQ Corairrionor lsaa,
or any dirialon thereof, the Comml8don
or any lnlyreated party ahell here the
d&t to:'pro8uoothe taatlnony oi dtnerraea
by dapoaitlona lnatoad o? oos19elllng the
paraonal lttandamo~ of witneaaea. For
this pur 988 tha Colrarlsslon ia heraby em-
powered 6 athorised to iaaue scmlaaloru
au4 all + thw prooaaa neaeaaaryfor the pur-
pose of taking au@& d8poaltlona. Any depoal-
tlona k&n, Andes ths 9rwlaiona of thla
Aot, ah811 br &Man in lo emda me with thr
prorlaloaa of t&r Reriaad Statutoa, ra@lat-
.,, l?&:i:#l~~.'
k&g of bpoaltiona ia..oiviloaa*a "'~
In ai fbr 88 the aams are e99llcable.~
Art$sla 6472 (b), ternan’a Annotatad Girl1
St-tutoa, ma $aaard In 1937 aa Chaptar 254 of thr
Aota of the 45th Lo~ialature. Thl6 atatutcr la rat&or
lengthy, 8ne w ahall therrfore not art it out In
#la opinion. We vlah to point oat, howaver, that
tbia ltatut* peovldaa only for the tekiq of writton
4rpoaition8,#JM arotlon 4 of thla artlola lq-troral~
prorider that ~Articlea6472 end 6472 tb) alaall not
ba sgplloblo bo prooaedin@ before tha Motor Trana-
poftntion blvfalon of the Rsflroad Cormlsd~n or
James P. Hart
Jr%:LP; X881stant
By B. K. 11.