Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

443 OFFICE OF THE AYTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 4sc. Honorable Cborge B. Sheppard Qoqptro~l~r OS Fublfo Aoooonts Aurtin, Texas Dear 81rr -rietion, for the Parka Board. nlpt of your Letter d t0 the requ888 fmdt88e 88 Parke ‘Board, anaweree request that this department h suoh opinion, whether rooa r the efnount or 8xp8neitur88 Tsllng expanse appt-oprl~tlon atlon ior the State Z’arks Boer&. It follow8 that in suoh an inetaL?oe, where ths traveling oxpenae appropriation has been ohargesb wlth thlr expenditure, such approprletlonhas been &hsr~ed with t‘b* paymdt of an ftsn of expense fat whioh it in mot evailable. It is our opfnlon that-in suoh an Instance the COmptrOll8r not only may, but muat, oorreat this error by char&l6 the Honorable ikwrm B. 8heppar4, Page 8 pro et appropriation out of whloh the expenditure i8 law- rul Py to be paickwlth the item, end ellminet&ng the charge made, improperly, af;ainst the appro~riatlon not evellable for the partfoular expenditure. YOurI vsry truQ AT’IQRWBI - WTXXAS R-NBlRS ENCLOSURE VEDSEP 13, 1940 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS r . -