Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

GSRALDC.MAliN AU.STIN ~,.Txczs~s Honorable Lse Brady, Commissioner State Department of Banking Austin, Texas Dear Mr. Brady: Opinion No. 0 2691 Rs: Corporate power of Del Rio Bank and Trust Caapany to aoquire certain property as a banking house. We have your request of August 33th, 1940, asking for an opinion of this department with respeot to the corporate power of the Dal Rio Bank and Trust Company of Del Rio, Texas to aoquire certain property as a bsnking house. Article 512 of the Revised Civil Statutes pertinent to your inquiry is as follows: "No State bank or bank and trust company shall inrest mars than fifty per oent of theapita stock and permanent surplus in its banking house, nor more than fifteen per oent of its capital stock and permanent sur- plus in the furniture and fixtures to be used in its said banking house, unless said oorporation shall have first applied to the State Banking Board and reoeivsd written permission to make a larger investment than is allowad hereunder, which written permission shall b+ entered upon the minutes of a regular meeting of said banking corporation." It will be seen the only limitation of the statute upon the amount to be invested by a Stats bank in its banking house shall not be"mors than fifty per oent of its capital stock and permanent surplus" of the bank. Ws understand fromyo r letter that the proposed purchase does not exceed this amount. Of course a bank may not speculate in real estate. It is no part of its corporate purpose. It may acquire directly such real estate as may be reasonably necessary in oonduoting its banking affairs, but no mars. It may acquire real estate, however, not at all necessary in the transao- tion of its business, when such acquisition is made in the process of ool- letting debts due to it or in other words irhensuch acquisition is inciden- talmerely to a transaotion of its major oorporate business -- that of banking. (See Articel 415, Revised Civil Statutes.) Suoh an institution, however, is expressly, or at least by necessary implication, authorized to acquire real estate for its banking house purposes. ,. Honorable Lee Brady, page 2 (C-2691) If the propetiy is being purohared by the bank for the good faith purpose of a banking house, the law isnot oonoeraed with the oharaoter of'the build,ng, its structural peouliaritles, the nmber of stories, the nmnber of separate rocm or offioeo, and the like? thsse are matters for the sound bus- iness discretion of the Board of Direatora. It would be difficult to find a building which had not been built to speoifioations for a bank that would in all respeats be exactly fitted to the demands of a bank purchasing the sams. Indeed, it might be difficult to construot a building to specifioations suited only tothe present needs but to the future needs of a bank undertaking to oonstruat its own banking house. In the present ease, surplus rocaas,stories, offioes and the like, it appears, may be profitably rented by the bank. Ype cannot close our eyer to the faot that in many instances -- perhaps in most instancea -- our better banks ooeupy their own buildings oonsisting of several, sanetimes many stories, and muoh, if not most of the floor space is not actually used by the bank in oonduoting it.6banking business but is rented out. There oanbe no valid objection tothis if the major good faith purpose of the ao- quirition or oonstruation of the building be to provide a banking house for the institution. Under the facts detailed by the bank in its letter which accompan- Ion your request, it Is the opinion of this department that the bank does have the corporate power to purchare the building as it proposes ta &without via- lating in any manner Artiole 612 of our statutes or any other statute or de- cision regulating suohmatterr. It would be advisable however for the Banking Casmiasion to approve the,oontraot under Artiole 512 of the Statutea. Yours very truly A~RNEYGEiNIWLClTEXAS "/I/ ocir ??peer &is 'Sp& Assistant 'APPRCVED - Opinltm Cemmittae gY B-WB Chalman