Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

338 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ednoreble Bhelburne FI.Olotsr Oounty Attornoy Marion Ooqaty Jefferson, Teres Daar SIrI TOUS oommunl ek?!, 1940, requesta a legal'opinion rmm t 1137i of tin F'enalOod ioh war eneoted by the 44th Leglrlat grorfdss as r0li0w;llt aption ot title oi this Aot, whloh I8 Chapter 86 oPthe @moral and &moial Lawr of tha 44th Legi8latura (p. eO7) (1996),roada: “An Aot providing that it shall be unlawful for any por80n, firm or oorporatlon to 8011 or to ortar r0r 8a10, within tha stats of Tmca8, any good8 wer88 and/ok nsrohandiro, manufactured out of the State or Texed, wholly or 'in part, by oontlots or pri8OJlOr8 ill PSllEil end/or rdOIVUXtOq ill8titUtiOM .. ^ 339 Honor'ablo ahlburne H. Olovor, Faer 8 .X88pt OOllViOt8 OP Qp18bn8p8 OP QPOba- Oa mPOl8 tion, providing 8XMptiOn8, end protiding penal- ti881 end d8OhPill& 8II GilOPgIllO~."(hapha OUP8.) 888tiOll'a, .tp8lm*Pg8llbrOhU8a, 8t8tr8: "The hot that prlron Mdr good8, WPPM, and/or r8POhZidiSe maaufaotured out of th8 State OS T8xa8, are now being orforrd for 88lo~wlthln the State oi Taxa and that ther8 18 no law to prohibit their 8alr oroatas &n lmmgenoy'rnd an lmperatiro pub110 llOOO88it~ that th8 CoMtitUtiOZIal Rulr requiring that bfll8 br raad on thrre 8rraral day8 1n eeoh Hour8 br 8U8palldedand that thlr Aot take erieat and b8 in fOPO8 rPO#I and artaP it8 p(LIIIa@, and it i8 80 On- aotbd.” An examination of the oaption end the body of this Aot in the light of Seotion 38, Art1018 III, of the Con<u- tion of *8xa8, Omp618 U8 t0 ths OOnO&tl8iOnthat this hW 18 Invalid, wherefore, an opinion oon5tPuing it8 provi8lon8 would 88PVe II0 U8eiti pUP~O8.. saotion 38, Artlol~JII,oi the Conrtitution or 'fox88pPOVld.8: 'No bill . . . 8b8li OOntahI more than one rub- 18Ot, whioh shell b8 8rpnssed ln it8 t1tl4. But ii any eubjoot rhall bm embraoed in an Aot, whioh rb811 not br 8XpP8888d in the title, ruoh Aot 8hall bo raid Only 88 t0 80 muoh th.POOi a8 8ha11 not bo 80 8f~c)ll.d.’ Th8 &NlPposO Oi this OOn8ti8UtfOM~ PqUiP8BXint W88’ 08~1~ rooognissd and daooribmd by ths Supreme Oourt of T8xa8, 8Jb88kiw ahPOU& e. rU8tiO8 Chin88 iXl th8 -80 Of Ad8mr k WlOk*8 1. water oompany, 86 'pox.486, as 8. w. 605, Wh8P8llhit w68 raid: “The inquiry 18 not what tha Leg18latuP8 in- trndrd to embraom in the tltlr, but what, by the tom8 employed, it bid ln faot mbraoe. “The pup088 of tha oon8t1tut1onal P8quiPeEont ir to glre notioe thro h the tit10 of th8 bill+Mt Otis to Umber8 of theYa glrlature, but to the oiti- Honorable ShOlbruna lf.f31Ot8F,E&g* 3 SO08 at laPg8, Of the 8PbjOOt-Ia8ttar of th. 9?0- j8Ot8d l&W, and thercbbrt0 pTrV8nt th8 8UPf@itiOU8 p8M&8 Of 8 1aVUROll On8 8UbjeOt Und4P the @l18e of a title whloh 8rJu.88898another . , ,* Xn ward bbttl8 81 FartuPr Co. ‘I. CePpsnt8P, a00 8. R. Court 5f?1,th8 Bu&Il'8art, again dsolrrrd, "The JRUpO8. Of th8 OOn8titutiOnel pZ'Ori&U4 inh@rmOt t0 th8 title Ot l8JJitlatitOAOt8 18 V.11 understood. Xt 18 that by mean8 of thr title the hgirlator may bo Pra8onably apprired ot th8 800 of the bill 80 that 8urpri8e end fraud inT3-E.g 8 tiOn Q&y bo ~OVOtlt4d." (hpha8i8 OtlP8). The Court ot Cri8.inalAppulr or Toxa8 ha8 announoed th 8aiW prinOipl88 in mEI7 Oa888 ilh3tretrd by D8 Siltia V. S&b, 289 8. VI. 542, end Rx part4 Haartrtill, 38 S. 19. (26) l . In the tlret m8ntionrd cam the oourt mid, through Judge YorPowl "One object of tha oon8tltutionel,pmtl8ion BOlbtiOMd 18 '80 taiPlr 8pLU18@ tb p80&'18,through 8UOh pvblloetlon Ot li@8llhti+4 ~P00.061~8 a8 18 mad., Of thr 8UbjOOt8 Of logir~tion th8t aon8idrnd, in order that they my heir8 ty ot being keard f&soon, br petition or oth4Pti84, if they 8ha11. 80 dorir..’ Oool*;l*8 Con- 8titUtiOMl Limitation8 (7th Ea.) pa go5 . . . wm oourta in oonrtpuing the prorl8lonr in oonneotion with i4gi8ktir4 aot8 hare throughout th8 hirtorp ot tbr rtatr, be8n librral'towardthr raIidlty 0r the Aot. Rotrithrtandint,thir praotlao, they rroognlzed that the protlrlon Of bho CQn8tltU- tlon is nandatorp and that, when viewing th8 Aot fn the lkht of the libsrel pallay mentioned, it it oan- not bo fairly iaid that the oeption ir not airl8a&- it@, the law or thr part of the law whiah 18 Tarlent from tha title of th8 Aat W8t &To way , . . .* Xn tha rroond oa80 mentioned, the oourt raid, through Judge Lattimores , , Bonorablr S!mlburne E. Olov~r, P8gr 4 *All law8 Qarwd by th* I&8latuPe of thir Stat. OPi&$hkt. in billr, UpOQ @aOh Of aloh MU88 appear a oaption or title, and motion Sb, Artiolo III, ot 01)s Oomtltutioa tOPbid that any bill, with oePtala~oxo~9tioa8 rhall oOakin more than OM rUbj.Ot, Vhiah 8hd be lgPrO88.6 illit8 tith It haa b8ua hrld b the oourt that when the expr88$ r8rbiagr Ot 8uOh~tI tie lid88 alld~88tPiOt8 tha plu- pO8e ot the bill, any attoRpt to legi8l8tr oth8Pui8a in 8Ubh bill, TarialltiPar tha &NWp088 prO8OPib8d, 18 in lxa.88 or the le~i8lativo povor, and that a law 8UbbjOOt 80 thi8 OOEQhillt 18 UBOO~8titrrt~OlUI~.' A 8tUdf ot the Mptloa and bodr ot Sonato Bill 46t (Artialo 11s7i) roren~r that the Oaptioa OS tit10 dr8oriber the Aat a8 on0 making it unlawful to 8W vithin the State oi Taa8 any goodr, rarer, ador arrohandlmr aunuraoturod out ot tha State oi Toxar by aonviotr~ whoP8ar 8ootion 1 ot the Aot und8Ptakmr to Bakr 8UOh a 8alO Uakwfui it laanufeotUP~6 by aonviot8 whothrr la or out of th8 State of Taa8. The ax- oeption appearing in mation l of th8 AOt d@NUOU8trate8beyond aredv8ntuPo that it apQliO8 to good8 manufaoturrd bg oonvlot8 fII TO-8, whioh i8 not aXIpO888d in the OtkptiOZl. Olaarl~, thenton, the provlrlonr la t&r body ot thr A08 as0 broador than there in the tltlo, 8nd the differ- 8110018 OQ* Ot &PM8 rt8PialitJ. ObviOU8, to0 18 th8 t&Ot that the tit10 in it8 ~88tP1OtiO~ Ot the mhib~tioa to mod8 raaufaoturrd b,~oonriot8 out ol thr Stat8 ot Tsar, aa oon- pred with the laok ot thir rr8~riotioa in the bo&y ot the bill, 18 0alOUbt.d 80 Bi8bad th8 ~.@:8htOP Of My OitiX8il intWm888d in 8Uoh lOgi8&tiOlr. Tb title or!aagtioa at the Aat do.8 not dir01080 OS inthUt0 that th. Mb Ot good8 BUA- ufaotuPr6 by OOEViOt8 in 'Ion& 18 to be udO Unlawful. Tha rulr applioablo to 8uOh a rituatioa 18 rtated a8 tOlbW8 (188 xd.), illsuthorland On StatUtOP~ COn8tr\lOtiOl! paragraph 67, p. 94: 'The rubjeot ia an Aot aan ba no broadrr than thr rtataaent ot it in the title. -*- It 18 trqtirrd not only Mat. an Act rhall aontaln but 0110rubjrot, but that that 8UbjOO8 bo lXp P e 88a d title. in the The title, thU8 mad. a pat8 Of r&oh AOt, EU8t agr8@ 342 Iionorablo8hrlburnv 8. blot8r, Age S with it by lxpr888ix14it8 8uBjoati th8 tit18 vill fir bound8 to the pur~lew, for oannot exorod the it 8fth-8Ubj8Ot nor be oontrary to it. An lot will not be 80 con8truoa a8 to oxtend it8 oparation beyond aad that rll it8 OXpPO8a that subjeat -St8 the prrporr ~:oxpP888edin thr titlr. as8 6U’#iaaO~ It 18 no tlno~&h that the Aot euitkaamr but a 8lnglr subjoot or objaot, ‘&he tith and OWQPrh.tAriVdy raough to InaUidr all the pror~riolu 8U8t in the body ot tlw Aot. The unity and oom~rr ot the mbjrot must, thoseion agLi[;pe ooa816erd with rriuonoa to both title ad Thr tit18 aannot be 0nla~5ed By eon- 8tr\tObi~n’&~ 800 narrow to 00101 all tha pPWb%Oaa inth e lndtlng part, nor oaa the p~trvlrw bm oontraoted by oonrtrootion to tit the fitlot but the title, ii not d,lUriVOly &8nual, may bo 8UtrfOf8Xt thowh BOF~ OX- tenalto than the ~u~~law.~ Those prinOlpla8 era lXpPe888d fn Taxer JUPi8pPUdOnO0, Vol. JO’, p8ragr8ph 46, 47, pages 99, 100,101: “On tha othor hand, when the titlr 18 too n8PPow or PO8trfOtiVO to ooV'dr thr body of th8 Aot, th8 Aat 18 ?oid, 8t 1888t 88 t0 any PRPt that ii3 llOt MbP808d in the 81810. . . , Whather a title 18 OOtRpPOh8n8iV~ OS P88triatOd, lXJWO88.d ia &WOE31 tern8 OS with MPti- oularity, it mu88 bo in lgreataeat and oonformlty and not at rarlrnor with the mbjrot Of th8 18gi818tiOU. In other WOPb8, the title 8ad th8 body ot th8 Aot aU8t doal with the 8am. subjeat-m8ttOP and manifest thr 8-e 18&r- latlra intent end purpose. , . . ~Obviour~y a 8irloadinrJ title door not oolrplyvlth the oonrtltutional re ulramant8, and the Aot oi vhioh it 18 a p8Pt OS the pror4 8iOM thmia with whiah it f# lt V(ViaaOo, 18 invalid oa the ground that it8 rubjrat 18 not rxpnrred in thr titl8.' rho 0888 of gutherland 1. Board of %?Ult888, 261 8. 1. 4889 (OrPeP P8fU88d) d8l0Oll8tP8888 the rba8OnillgOt the OOUPt pa- gardla( a rimlead- tit101 it8 jaat+8ttU to air808 rooitalr to all ot th8 Aot? paPron WTho tPua tart 80 bq applied in oa888 Of thfr OhUaOt~P i8t D0e8 tha ti 818 f&iPly by giV8 IlOt;- OOOaePn8d, Of thr rub- It by it8 tit18 it aQpOU5 only the re8idmntr 0r prtloularlv darlmatod looalltier, vhlle the PPOVi8iOIl8in th8 body Of bh@ ”‘-’343 Honorable Shelburno H. Glorer, Page 6 bill affrot other localitis8 or territory, then the title is mialmding and unoonstitutional, insofar aa it arre0ta the urmmd plaoea . . . ,* It ir o>.paremt, also, that there can be no asgrrga- tion or atriking out o$ any proiiaion of Artiols 11371 whereby It may be upheld In part. Moreovar ware the body of the Act narrowed to make unlswrul the sale in Texas or goods mm- racturad by. ocnv~ots out or Texae, in 00nr0dty with the cap- tion, the Act so limited would be discriminatory legislation and violatloa Or the Constitution of the United States. whit- ridd i. State, s13 sup. ct. 532, 297 u. s. 431, 00 L. Ed. 770. Aooor4lngly you am advised that It is the opinion ot thin department that Artiole 11371 or the Penal Code of Texan 1s unoonatltutional, whereupon a oonstruotfon or ite provl- rlorie become unnecessary. Yours very truly ATTWNZY GEN-ERAL GF TEXAS ZCSIBBB VECSEP 9, $940 *u ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS