Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Arrwrx~ 2,.TEXAS Honorable!Brerstt H. Cain Cotiaty Attorney ChambersCounty &wJuaa , Texas Dear Sir: OpiaionBo. O-2622 Rea tiabllityof drainagedis- triofsto outsideindividuals. This depa+mt has received Pnd cmsidered your requestfop an opinion. For coaveale~ae,neshall quote the pertinentportionof your letter,as followsr “A large part of ChambersCountyis draiaadIz$r Spindle-top Qullay ahiah is a naturaldrain but insuffioientto adequatelydraintha p~rtioular sectionthroughwhich it flows. ChambersC0un-Qdesiresto oleaa out, widen and straightensaid naturaldrain to 5mprovedraiaageofmid area Lut is unableto so alean out, widen aad straightensaid drai* to its* mouth beoauseit extendson into JsffersoaCountyahers Chrrmbers County has no control* Chanibers Countyhas a drainagedistrictextendingto the county linei and has the co-operatioaof said drainagedistriat. "If ChambersCouaty so opena this natrualdraircit is threatenedwith suits or suits for damagesfrom landownersia JeffersonCountyresulting from floodingof their landswhich will probablyooour unless the Gulley is cleanedto its* muth and, OP the other brad, ChambersCountymust suffer continuedfloodingof its' lands and Iad drainageunless said drain is so improved. *Pleaseadviseyour opinionas to whetherChsmberaCouaty,under suoh air ownstames, would In liablefor damagesto landownersia JeffersoaCow&y in event floodingof iheir lands resultedfromthe cleatingout, widening and straightaaingof said Gulluy by ChpmharsCountye" Drainagedistniotsare areatureaof the State'Legislaturetthere- fore, any ooasideratioaof their rightsaad liabilitieswmld normally be gowra.4 by the stafutoryprovisionswhich am mspoasible for their existesioe.1'7&I. Jur. 789. Provisioafor drainagedisrtrfotsis mado in.ktioles 8097, et seq. of Vernon*8AnnotatedCivil Statutes. Aa exam- inatikmofthe con~mlliag statutoryprovisions,howuwr,raosals ao anwserto your question. A drainagedistrictoam neither sue nor ba sued unlssa there exists expressstatutoryauthori~atioa.9 R.C. IN 649. Article 8174, Vemon*s Civil Statutes,provides: Hon. EVerottH. Cain, page 2 (O-2622) "All distriotsmay, by and throughtheir coavnissioners, sue and be sued inall OOUr% of this State,in the neme of such districts,and all oourts of this State shall take judioialnotioe of the establisbez& of all suoh districts. "Drainagedistricts. . . are politioalsubdivisionsof the State of the 6~ aatureand stand upon exactlythe seme footingas oour&ies,or pre- oiaots,or any of the other politioalsubdivisionsof the State." Jones V. JeffersonCounty DraiaageDistrict,139 S.'R.(2d) 861, error refused, and cases cited therein. L. R. A. lSlS>B,p. 1010.~~ Since drainagedistriatsare regardedas quasi public aorporations, and, accordingly,treatedas aitildivisionsof the State for gwenamental purposes,then, as a generalrule, their liabilityfor damagesis control- led by the rules which generallydeterminethe liabilityof governmental subdivisions.9 B.C. 1. 650. The mere fact that such distriotsenjoy the statusof being a civil or politicaldivisionof the State does not totallyinmurniee them against liabilityfor their torts. The State itselfmust abide oertainlimitations nith regard to the taking or damagingof privatepropertyfor public use. Se&ion 17 of Article 1 of the Texas Constitutionprovides: "No propertyshallbe . . . damagedor destroyedfor or ap- plied to publie use without adequatecompensation being made . . ." A drainagedistrictcan neitherhave nor olaim a higher right re- gardingits liabilitiesthan tie State iteself. Aacordingly,the dis- triot is subjectto the Constitutionalinhibitionagainsttaking,damag- ing or de.?troyiBgprivatepropertywithout compensation.Peart v. Reeker, 12 So. 490. But all damagesto privatepropertyarisingfromthe construction, maintenance,or extens$onof a public improvementare not includedin the ooastitutional guarantyw Scme injuriesare treatedas dauunmz absque injuria. JeffersonCountyDrainageDistrictv. IlcFaddin, 291 S.~W.323, aff. 4 S.H. (2d) 33, JeffersonCountyDrainageDistrictv. Langham (C.A.), 76 S.H. (2d) 484. For example,a districtmight oonstruot,impmve, or extend drainstompel surfacewater,and if done in a oarefil,reasonable, and prudentmanner, esoapeliabilityregardlessof the geographyof the land. See JeffersonCot&y DrainageDistrictv. McFadden,supra. The old commonlaw rule was that the governmentalagencymust aotuallytake the propertyfor a publio use before the individualwould be entitledto oompensationqUnder that rule, no recoverycouldbe had for mere ocllsequential injury to laad. Today the rule is different. As set forth in 10 Ruliag Case Law, at p. 167, the generalrule isr Hon. FWerettH. Cain, page 3 (C-2622) "It is generallyheld that Amy definitephysicalinjury to land or 99 iaVUSiOnof it oognisableto the seases,depreciatingits market value, is a damage in the aonstitutionalsease,regardlessof whether it is such an imrjuryas a neighboringownermight i~flicrt without liability at common law." The Cormrission of Appealsin the ca8e of JeffersonfiuntyDrainage Distrirtv. Langham,supra,has definitelyplacedTexas in Uat aptegory of juriadiotionswhich are liberalin their interpretationof what mnsti- ~. tutes propertydamage iB the oonstitutionalsense. In the Langham case the drainagedistriatmadecertain improvements. They straightened,deepened,and cleanedthe aaturaldrainagesystem. The result of this projectwas to make @niBtiff'S land sore subjectto ovs~- flow and the overflowwaters would rise to greaterheights." This land's situs ~8s outsidethat of the distriat's. The Court held the districtliable in damagesin these terms: "Undoubtedlyan aotion lies againstthe drainagedistriotin favor of a citizenwhose propertyis damaged as a result of the maintensnoeof drain- age improvementsmade by the distriot. . . The action lies even thou&r no negligenoeoathe prt of the districtoccurs in respectof the con- structionor mainteaanoeof the improvements." To the defendant'soontentioathat the damagenas damnumabsque injuria,the Court repliedthat the distriotdid, to a certainextent, have the right to oolleotsurfacewater within its territorialarea and disohargeit into a naturaloutlet. LUt this right is not unqualified. In conclusion,and a8 our conclusion,ue adoptthe followingsec- tion of the Court'sdecisionin the Langhamease* "One owning land on a water cour8emay by ditchesand drains turn into it all the surfaoewater that muld naturallydrain there,but he ma not thus dischargeinto the water ooursemore water than it f and thus burden his lower neighborwith more than is reasonable." fEi&coriag ours) We note that you inquire*ether ChmabereCountywould be Liable in damagesto JeffersonOounty landownersin the Over& their lands were damagedby the propesedimprovements.We are aware of no expresslaw or laws authorizingany countyinthis State to undertakeany programas outlinedin your letter. Article 8997,VernonlsAnnotatedCivil Statutes, provides for the establishmeartof drainagedi&triotswithinthe counties. Cbviou~ly,the frsgislature, bythe enaatmat of that statutoryp~rovisions, intendedto providea method whereby countiesmight effector improve drainage. That method providedby the Legislatureshouldbe followed where applioable. Hon. Everett Ii. Cain, page 4 (O-2622) Rowever,in whateverform you iatimdedto Pram your question,the liahilityfordamagaeshall be govamed ly those rules aunounwd in the foregoing3nolmith&andiag,whetheryou oomsiderthem a8 countsliabilities or drainagedistrictlialdlities. This is true for reasoathat drainage distriotsaud oounties"atandoa the same Pooting'and their liabilities are adjudioaiadaoeordimgly. Jones V. Jeffersoni&m&y DrainageDistrict, suprajWharton CouatyDrainageDistrictV. Rigbee (Civ.App.), 149 S.W. 381 (Wit ref.),9 R.C. L. 650. We do not intendaqy implicationthat ChamlmrsCountywould be authorizedto inaugurateor carry out the outlinedprogma in its individ- ual oapaoitya6 a county. Trustingthat the foregoingaffordsan ausmr to your questions, we remain Very truly yours ATTORNEYGEtJERbL OF TEXAS By /IX/%. J. Faming WI.J.F~nning GVTrRSlOgW Assistant By /e/ Grundy Williams APPRCV-RD SEP 6,194O GruudyWilliams /s/Gerald C. ku ATTORNEYGENFRAL,OF TEXAS APPRovEiD Opinion Committee By B.W B Chaiman This OpinionConsideredand Approved in LimitedConference.