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Hon. Millard I,. Threet, Page 3
euah action, or if the officials beoause OS their unaer-
tainty as to the legal ermt 0s the cen6us announoement
failed to take such aotion, we nevertheless are OS the
opinion that the County Democratlo Exeoublve Committee 18
authorized to refund the aeeeeementa paid by suoh oandidates,
partioularly in view of the statement In your letter that
there are eurrloient runde with the committee to make such
a refund.
We aooordingly rsepeotfully answer your question
in the aftirmatlve.
The last paragraph OS your letter reads aa Sol-
lows $
“There were eeveral votea tabulated for Dis-
trlot k County Clerk fn the July Primary, ae a
joint. office, which eald votes were oounted and
certified along, with other names, to the County
Clerk. should the county Clark blaoe the neme or
the nominees for the joint officee of District &
County Clerk on the General Election Ballot?*
‘We have alao reoeived a communication Src+a the
oounty auditor of Archer County, who Is also the County
clerk, asking thie ldentioal queetion. In view OS the ruling
in our Opinion No. O-2591 that the action of the voters in
writing in both the title oS the oSSloe of oounty and dfetrlot
olerk and the name or Ganey l6elugln thereior, me not a valid
nomination under the deecribed raots, we are direotillg Opin-
ion No. O-2092 jointly to you end to the County Auditor wherein
this question is sully dloouesed.
Yours vely truly
Encl. (3)