Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Gil dLGas Divirlon Rrllrord Comlrrloa of Taxar Austin, Tama f 31, 19@, in at facta, and 934, th8 Railrowl la f7 prrait or- r to drill 8od op- Todd-stinohoomb County, Tora8, ea maw of wea riid by Stanolind Oil and Mr~nolia Fatroloum at IEdgarand thr OOS&~OA validity o r luoh pen&t or- District Court upon final hsar- f$$,~$&r& raid parad order ta be un- rraboaabl~ and InvalId and rnjoindl pro- duction fret mid Wall HO. 3. UpOn appO111~ tha Dirtrlot Court Ju&mrnt ma afiirmd br the court of clril App6ale. (mger t*. ~.tsnollndOil k GacrOompny, et al, 90 s. w. (26) 636). The appallate 0plr110n reolted that: _L, ., ” .- 812 Hmora bla John 8. Taylor, 98~8 2 “1. Th4 Comn~osIori CIQ Mt hdlV8jurla- 6i0tion to isrlissuch RUl8 37 permit ort!ari "2. Tbr ?Xper f~+s88 in o_uertion oon- 8tItutod e ~voluntaryrubdivlaion in viola- tion ef Fuls 37'; "3. Es Zdgor leaca alraedy had reaaoa- able devalopmrntanb an equal opportunity to rooowr o4th that OC adjoining lsrsrrholdsr8 tha 011 beneath 8ach tract. %A S~ptambrr.11, 1936, 8fter now appli- oation, proper notio88, sti h88rlngo, the Con- mir8ion again grantrd ldear a Rulr 37 permit ordrr authorizingproductionoi rpoh wrll Ho. 3, the wall havim pr8vlounly been drilled under authority of the p-it order &ted Septomb8r 2&, 1934. An urlpinal $roo88dIngMI fileb by Stanoltidand Ya&nolIa In #he Court.of Civil Appesla #asking write vi pr,roblbltion, injuno- tion, and othrr mllaf to rsrrtralnEQrr ?rom opersting said well end to prohibit thr Gomir- 8Ian from mrsltting the produotlon OS 8aid wall and frm i88uiag t8adarr for ray all pro- euorb therefrun. The a0m or Civil Apprle dsnlsa thla ralief (stanolin&VI. 'xtl&ar, 98 S. &. (20) 222) upon tbr ground tit an lcl8cpmt8 la&al raaad,y8rIat8d; but t!i*Court 8nnouno.d. theta "1. mob baas or ita prior jud8mclt ad- fudging tha inval.ldityof thr Baptrn- bar 21, 193L, permit order worst lffao- tIv8 aridcontrolllasof the lwat per- mit trlsr; "2. The Comalabion*a ordrr and eef t888ra i8s\ud th8rrunderar8 toId, being In violat Iaa or fbe juQa*at Of rush Court in OQUIO No. 8292, @onmqrntly any further rrstrcriningOT prohIbItory ordrra vwld ba aUp@r8rtW+tOry. Honorabl8 John 8, Taylor, page 3 wEdgar arQll*d to the suprrs8 Court for a writ of srror, but the Suprena Court eeni#d the applio~tlon for lack of jurlrcliofilon cm January 6, 1937. Edgarr'sraatlonfor rshesrlng w.8 OV#rrUl#d by the SU~r*n# Court. Rdp,arwae th8rruponoOmp8~18d to c1088 in his well and O8668 plPdUOti,71L th#r#fWX. “~4~?&il#, StenolInd 8Id ~&lOli. b#Bd filed an original proQ88din&,inth8 Court o? citil App~al8 t0 #IIfO~# th8 $Idg#6UAt# Or that Court in eeusee No. 8292 (90 s. t?.(26) 656) and No. 8580 (98 8. IF. (26) 222), 8nd t0 $X-O- hlbit and enjoin Edgar trm produolng oil fl?cP86i't HI11 NO. 3, t0 $lU~ it, 65d t0 bold Mdgar In contempt 0r courtfir riolating lua h jUdgIll8Ilt6. Ths Court of Civil Appssls d#Bi#(L all of the raiief #ought by relatorr. (St8nolInd te. Edgar, 107 5. K. (24zd) 631.1 Edgar tlwn a@iB 6omaenord Op#IWtiOB Of SSid W811 Utnd8C authorityOf ?ih#&3RE&i@iMl'sQ#mit Order dated Srpteabar 11, 1936. *Th#r8aft8r,stano1lBd @ml M8unolia ii184 silt Weti#t &i&Or #IL4 the Crarni##IOnillth8 Dletrfot COUrt of Tr8?i8 &U~iity,Ott@Okilrg8814 order of SeptWiIbor 11, 19%. On I;hy27, 1939, final jUd#l#IIt was rendemd by the Dietrid court 8U#tainIU& an4 upholdlipgth8 r8lld:tf or said ardor, the Court In lt8 judgment 1ik*wl** fiajudgine, that *all part an6 fusurr Qrodoetlon Of Oil from SOid WSll 18 ill dL1 l'#.$60t#hld’ll.’ No appeal 0::writ or error from raid judeimat VMS Q@rf#Ot#d. "By lW#SOflOf th8 fOr#~Oin~ f6Ot8 .;PbQl'O- oeadingr,Edgar ~88 prohibit& and pr#+#nt#d frm opercatln~a614 well xO. 3 for 8 Q#rIOd of 103 day8 froai January 22, 1937, to,Yey 6, 1937. DurIq( said period the al&OUbl# pFo&OtiOIla@- COP386 to said well by the Ql'OntiOn 8ChsdU10 and order of the mIBiUI@#~O~ -8 25 b.rl’@l*$*r day, aggregatlqga total of 2,575 barr814, for 8uoh period which lCd$ar ~8s. 88 I tlnd8r@t*n~ th8 fOOt8, m#dy, xlllin& 8nd 8ble t0 pMdUO8, but 814 Bonorabla John 1E.Taylor, peea 4 an hemFnmbova pointad cut, was prsoantad ?roa pn,dualng sam by vlrka of the pra- orsdingc trar~~~naOove act forth. "Sdgar MW m&a suthority from the Ooaalaalon tc produoa Ohi8 oil in euoh da.ilyqusntltlssand a~poantsabove the our- rant sllovmbla praduotlou aro&gn& to add ~611 by the praretlon ~6h6dulesof the Com- miralon in sny amamr tbst th6 Coaaiadon asayluthori66. "Undar Lba raats haraiaobova eat roe& will you planer a&ire whaUhu or not tha pro- duction of the amount of oil haraizmbova~a- Monad iany, br pmalttrd by the Crollllrrlan?” Srcn the Isots 88 stated in fotw 18ttar, ltrppr6r8 that tha final dao%alon oi the oourt ~68 that tha ~611 In qu66tlon vm6 16@61, and that tba par- atttar 6houl.dhsoa bean allond to produo@ the allew- 6bla uhioh war aralgnad to t&i6 wall under the proxa- 8lon 8oh6dul66 Of tha Rail-d Cofad66ion of Taua for 8h4 z44di~9x48 raid. The quartion, 8harafoxa,nsolv66 it66u intO 4 d4t434IPin: tl0n or tjh4thhrr the ad.m~a cop- rle6ioa hr tha authority to ahJo6t the aUowa~la from this ~011 in the preaczt8and iotdta allouicrblalohadulaa for tha Ea8t Taxer flald 50 a6 to grant Sflgar *brok sllowablr”; in otbrr nuxde, to pm4f.t Edgar to lnorarra hi6 produotitn trim thlr *all 60 66 to ,neka up for tk uaount ot allowabla produotim whloh ka lost dudag tha tlm6 wkn hi6 w6llwa6 olo6ad do-. Oanarally apesking, tba erithority of ehs R6il- road Oo~ieelon to promulg6t6 ruha relating to tha pro- duatlon or oil and gs8 dap4nd8 upon the right or the mete or Taxsa and it6 eganolma to pravent the phfsioal waste of 011 and 866,lithar andar~rouad or OVergxOUdl, mhioh r a a ulte lithar f?on lsmtilclsntsethAs at prodno- tlon or produatdon in a%0668 ot aarkat Qalaund. Sac Artlolaa 603.4, 6023, 6029, 6042 end 60490, Bernonqs Anno- teted Tax68 Civil Statutar. Th6 Railroad Caactl6sfon t6 6p66lflcallygiven mthorlty to limit the 9IWduotionof oil, ~bPr6 tt rind6 thst %66ta is taking 91506, or $6 r#as~ably imr&lsCit,,*Utl34F tha ~XOVilliOiu Of 6Ootion 7 of-article 60~90. J Honorable J,:~hn B. Taylor, peea 5 The liialtstlon or the production rrom En 011 field n~~oaararlly carrier;with lt tha prcblam of,dlvldin& tm allowable prcduotion among the vsrlour produoare in thu tie ld. The 6tatutaa or Trxen prorid no ep4cifio rorraularor tha dirtribution 0r the fmorr- 6bl4 produotlon,but mrroly provide in grnual tarma that, "tha Comilselonshall dlatrlbuts,promtm, or otherwiea apportion or allocate tha sllow6bl6 produo- tlon amqc the varlouo prodnoara ou a rsaeonabla basis.* Artlcla 60~90, Saation 7. while there hava barn go roportrd court dr- cirion6 on tha mbjaot, the quaetlonof thr authxltp or the R6ilmed COmmiaalonto permit en operator to produor "beak 6110wablawh6s bean praviouely paaaad upon in opinions or this dspsrtmnt. In e lattrr opinion dated May 27, 1935, to Senator Arthur P. Du(JP(an, by Han. Soott hinas, Firat A68i4~nt Attorney Gen4ra1, it was atatrd that thbrRaILroad COmta.la6lon doer not have authority to pemlt an operator to pro- duoa "beck ellowabla.* Th6 mama oonolu6lonwe6 raaohad in an opinion by A66i.atantAttornay G6nar61 V. 3. (Diok) b$lt, sddrersrd to thr Railroad Co3mi66iOa of Taxas, dated Ncveabar 2C, 1935. Cop166 of these o9lnlons ara attached hereto. The Railroad Com618(lion ha6 sated upon thr conetructlonof it6 pmarf! by tha .AttornayGansral'4 Deprtmnt, end hss oonsistentlytakan tha position that 1: do46 not have the suthoritfto pamit 61n op- crater to !w!kaup by present produotion hi6 fsilura to pm&co hia (LLlOPlBblil in thr peat. It Is a inetterof Ron- are1 lznowledga~thet at the!tim the o,pinionsof thi6 da- perta*nt war4 written In 1933, varlow parson6 war4 aarart- REP th4 right t0 produc6 large cyentities 0r oil a4 "back sllwabla," and tke mrmlmCant dapartmantaloon- atrnctlon of the RailrO6d Coanl~~ion~sauthority by thi8 dapartmnt and by the Railroad Oo~~lsslon ha6 directly Orfsotd important property rl@ifs. In the reoa of thie aspart3cntslconstruction, the Leginl5turrbee not aesn rit to 8aand the conasm- tlon statutes 21008 to confer on the Railr0rU CCmmi6Sl0n , Honoreble John B. Taylor, p-8 6 the euthorltr to grant "beak allowable.* Section 7 of what is now Artlole 6049~1, V~rnoa.1’8 Annotated Cirll StatuteP, wns aaondrtl by Chapter 76, Aotr L4th Legla- letun, gegular Sesrlcn, r!ratlon6, atrsotirr April 13, 1935, anO thatcontainedthe mxe rorlslon8a8 to the powers or the Railroad CoamirrPon to prorete thr produotlonof 011 a8 hereinbefore quoted. Dndrr Seotlon 20 of thla act, Its provl8loa8 teminet86 S8ptubw 1, 1937. Ry Chapter 15, Act8 1937, 45th Leg1618tur8,Bog- ular Se88lon, Se&ion 1, the liio o tlte term of thl8 aot was extended to septeaber 1, 1939, and bl Hoc188 Bill 851, P,otm46th Legislaturrr, Regular 888eion, 8eotIon 1, the 8rr80tiw tfim or the sot wa r 8g a inlxt8ndad, to srptenber 1, 19&l. Roth Of the88 lXt8B8iOB8 WeF8 rlth- Cut any asennOla8nt t0 the 8t8nitiryprOtiaiOn8 relating to the proration powar8 of the Railroad Commi88i0n. Y;heP8886tUtOr~ pmV181OIU al.8$eB8r81 ti thrlr t8rm. the aapmllwnt81 oonstruotlon pb erd upon the rtatutr, ii reoaonable, till b8 iollowd by the oourta. Th18 18 pertlonlarlytF\i8 where the OOB- structlon dimotlj arrrOt8 importantproparty ri@ittr. 31 followingthe drparts8ntalcocn88ruCtion by th8 Rdhad caParf88iOn Of Eh8 OOB8emtiOB 8tatUt88 in another aonneotion,th8 8upnme Court raid In W&8 08118 Of lie&nOlia PatlQl.rUB i?QaWBt VI. w8W hod888 Froductlon Co., 12?- ox. 617, 625, 104 s. w. ml-- n06 a "iineraainetionof our oonrarvatI0n etRtUt.8 dieOlOSca8that they d0 SiOtIn any manner directly deel'v?lth such quer- tion, but are opsn to constructionin re- gard thereto. Under such a reoord n-8 think in thie Instenor wa should eU8tein the depmtmentel.ruling. ZOsubartv. Chloaeo, csto.,iiy.Co., 116 Texar bu, 296 S. w. 10903 Moon&en v. Terrell, Comptroller,If,9Tixar 173, 202 8. K. 7271 Tolleson v. ??og,an, Lend Conuolesloner, 96 ':‘exa8424, 73 8. %. 520.” Eonorabl8 Jnhn B. Taylor, pa+?87 There Is additional reason for adopting ths ds;zzt%sntalo~netruotiznwhere, subeeguant to the Qerert7entalconatFUOtiOB,the Legia18turrhas re-em&tad or nxtssded the e%tuta without char&o, th8 preeu~ptlonbeing that the Leqislsturrkn8W of tts Ee~9rtsantalcsnstruotlonand wea eatl8flad with it. Federal Crude 011 Go. 18. Youat-La8 011 21 52 (