L r -, Honorable L. D. Hartwell County Attorney Hunt County Greenville, Texaa Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-2549 Re: Authority of an election judge to cast out ballot of absentee voter. This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 24, requesting an opinion of this department, in which you crGe provisions from Article 2956, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and state ae follows: "Under the above law I am asking and re- questing this department to answer the following question. 'IHasthe election judge the authority to cast out and hold for naught the abaentce vot- ing under thia article. One of the election judges says he is going to throw out all of the absentee voting of a certain box. I have given my opinion to the effect that no election judge has the authority or right to cast out absentee vote of any elector provided he has complied with this law, but I want to get a ruling from your department." Opinion No..O-2298, previously issued by this de- partment, interprets Article 2956 ae regards ita application in the actual preparation and casting of an absentee ballot. We attach for your perusal a copy of this opinion, which we feel will Serve to establish the conception of this depart- ment as to the application of the article in question. Beyond thia, and in connection with the duties of the county clerk and of the election judge, when an absentee ballot has been received, we refer to subdivisions 5, 6, and 10 of Article 2956. Subdivision 5 reads as follows: "Upon receipt of any such ballot sealed in its ballot envelope duly endorsed, the clerk shall Hon. L. D. Hartwell, page 2 (o-2549) keep the same unopened until the second day prior to ouch election, and shall then en- close same together with the elector's appli- catioa and accompanying papers, in a larger or carrier envelope which shall be ascurely seal- ed atldendorsed with the name and official title of such clerk, and the words 'this envc- lope contains an absentee ballot, and must be opened only at the polls on election day,' and the clerk shall forthwith mail aamc, or deliver it in person to the presiding judge of electioa, or to any aseistasltjudge of election, in eaid precinct. "And ballota mailed out b$ the county clerk within the legal time, but not received back by him on or before the third day prior to the election on the day of election, shall not be voted, but ehall remain in the custody of the couatg clerk during the thirty (30) day period provided in Subdivision 6.” Subdivision 6 reads in part as follows: "On the day of such election, and in the presence of the election officers, and the super- visors, if any, one of the judges of election shall, between the hours of 2:00 and 3:00 o'clock open the carrier envelope only,~::announce the elector's name and compare the signature upon the application with the signature upon the affi- davit on the ballot envelope. In ca8e the elec- tion board finds the affidavita duly executed, th& the signatures correepond, that the applicant is a duly qualified elector of the preclact, and that he has not voted in person at said election, they shall open the envelope containing the elector's ballot in such manner aa not to deface or destroy the affidavit thereon, take out the ballot therein contained without permitting came to be umfolbd or examirredand having endorsed the ballot in like manner aa other ballots arc re- quired to be endorsed, deposit the same in the proper ballot box and enter the elector's name in the poll list the same as if he had been present and voted in person. If the ballot be challenged by any election officer, supervisor, party challcn- ger, or other pereon, the grounds of challenge shall be heard and decided according to law, Including the consideration of any affidavits aubmitted in support of or against such challenge. If the ballot !-- h Hon. L. D. Hartwoll, page 3 (O-2549) be admitted, the word8 'absentee voter' shall be set down opposite the elector's name oa the poll list. If the ballot be not admitted, there shall be en- dorsed OR the back thereof the word 'rejected,' and all reject& ballots shall be eacloaed, aecurelg aealea, in a n lavelope oa which words 'rejected abseatae ballots' have been written, together with a statement of the precinct and the date of election, aignod by the judge8 aad clerks of election and re- turuea ia the name manner as provided for the return and preaervatioa of official ballots voted at such electioa." Subdivisioa 10 sets out the capacity in which county clerka, their deputiea, sad election judges shall act with re- gard to abaeatee ballots, and refera to Articlea a5 to 231, iaclusive, of the Penal Code of Texaa, with regard to punish- ments. Ia this regard we quote Article 217, Vernon'8 Penal Code: "Any judga of any election who shall refuse to receive the vote of aay qualified olector who, when his vote is objected to shows by his own oath that he is entitled to vote, or who ahall refuse to deliver ?n official ballot to one ea- titled to vote under thi law, or who ahall wil- fully refuse to receive a ballot after one en- titled to vote haa legally folded a&d returned MUllC, shall be.fined not to exceed five hundred dollara." From the wording of the article8 quoted, we Fe" spectfully advise that in our opiaion no electioa judge haa any authority to disregard or cast out any absentee ballot cast according to the provialoas of the law, aad that if he does so he is subject to fine in accordance with Article 217 of the penal code. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS APPROVED ADG 2, 1940 By /s/ Walter R. Koch Walter R. Koch h&;;;;s;;;;era Assistant ATTORNEY GENERAL WRK:Jm:~kb Emcl. Approved Opiaiom Committee BY - Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion