OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TE AUSTIN county rttornay - DlokanrCotmty spw, PCs88 lml. L. D. htilrf, Jr., pa&o z ‘(1) ma hoxld tbo two offiber be 0-0 binod? “(8) ASStlldU~ that both of the Offiotab almt:amd 0bQvan1l.lbo re-deoted to their ro6peotIvoortfioor in the 0ml.n~ pdamy d&o- t1m, WLloh of tbnlr llazasaho?llC &pmr 001 thd gsnaralalaotlonballot in EDm&r aa tha ZW8kiIt~? '+ &o lma 8tatutor seotion9 of Artdolet or tba 00!28titut10a of TataEl 1. W1~3rstill be*& Olrrrkr0r th DietrIot oourt ot saoh oomty, v&o rhedl be slsotadby the qudlfied votarr rm the Statr 8nd eomty orflom,~anba~o lwl hdd hir oft100roar l two yoarr hubjrot 00 rcmOva1,bI-informtim, Q bg IndetraDnt of a @and jury an4 eanvie- tlon by a etlt jary. fn eam ah taO(mb tho $&4&e ot de Dirtriotaorrrt 8hal.l halo & powor to lippoints olork,who shall hold until the off100 oan be till.6 by elaetionr” 8e+Icm a0 of irtiolet or tha oozlrtItatlmof Texas1 ‘men rhsll be oleot.4 ter oaoh oouaty, by the qualiflnd wotes, a ooraty oler& u.‘lo 8!Mll hold M# OKleo for two ya&rr, r!m rllall b-0ilark of t!leoo\mty and~oapm~8slonlc8’ oourtr and rmortlor of the oounty, w!m80 dutIb8, por- q u ir ltaa nd r0~80f0r r i00 lhdl be pr8mrlb0d ls1atum, and a taoeml b WM# e- ’ f 01 bI tbs&u11 9 IWdon~l’ OOurf, &I tlllod,bythe Ooeari i. ,.’ 529 Jr,, B-4 Lr DO llatlfff, pg@ 8 until tb aetf'pnerd rleotfonfor lotmty and stats ef10ar8~ ArtLola tool, Rsvlred0M.l 8tatuto8efT*BaI 'A olark of the dirtriotoourt Oz *aah oount r!dl 'berleotodat osoh guaWalsleo- tlaa Icuea termof two yeara b * b 0. Artiolo1903, RaYbed BlVil statutol~ VOSNT NJRL - f5aoomtlu hadrig a * popsllmtIon ofloorr than oI&tt~~8orlB, ~00ordIog;to tha proa to&m1 oan8u8 rallyml) olerk ekall b@ -Y 6 oet& HI Obali tah the oath an& Iv. the bond require4oi alrrks sfboththo &lot aadoounty owaW d shallbmethe pomrt and parfomflt!k~ dutlsl of 8-h olrrkn respeotlvsly~m Artlol.4 1904, ltavlrad Olvil Statutr81 Arqols 1938, mtired OIrIl Bt&uta8r "6 olsrk bf the countyoourt 09 rrob eolmty rbll k rleat.4at lreh generrlll.8. tion for 8 taza or . two ~wlrma l l * *. 'hrtIoli1948, Revlad QI7Il BtatutrlI *SfLI1Lu3Zm&-wheroiamyoounty~' oIntolrrk8hallhntr ba@nrlootod,b *ha%&* iI3portorm%zgthe duties of eomtt alark wsa the 8eakOf raId80tdt@ rUthWtISat@ &Of- flo ia ll li# as rush olarke" 530 It was hrld In the m8@ of ROLCOi3,lt al to SPZX?S,t38 SW 891 by tSs Auarlllo Court at 01~11 w ala, that a prellaziwy uuwmoaaont 8s the oonmu rJ tho D&sotar ?cren oiiioiafgsmouaoauuntaZ ubloh thb ubllo and all ofriei0la nay t&r notIoee The 0pl.w . oanb rohdl,in part, a8 iollorfr loz in t:Is 8 =Itrould sum when the bulletin I‘ su Dubliahedcubbdirtr:bUtOdit thOli~kOaa68 an ti~I01olps~owomwt of the law, oi nhloh t? ybl.50 aad all otfIoIaU l 1% thI8 0~80 the mdi ahow the OunsurBarmaa, its Dirootar,lerued a thu rlootionthr olmlstionof LubbbakCounty to bu 3.l096r ld‘ mans to hare bsea off%- aiaL T!&lnform~tIaaappua~rtobam been givea to lead* papor O? the Statur XWU the law tti‘ irt'oniutlmoould have bean ob- tainedin no other ua torcu o,'flalaleot wl and 8ubjoctt~thc pG.rtyto & &E&r* of ro1ony *a*, To the 8aw1 dtfoot Is the oaoo 02 BtVZE 0. STr?TTt, 44 ST (Sd) $80, who&a it WE dao&:bb: wls og,nIon I‘ &0**od t!&t thu pm- Ran. L. 3. X+t~iff,Jr., poig s ants, it 2oLLovu mukiT3F;othll 20 or Al%Lvla 7 of t&b 30~Jt?t’Aasl 0: ? @X48 and Ut:al.e1905 02 t!u Statutor of TCrnU,thdonl7 one oh?* 8hauba rlrotsdkrDiak.ilE h tho forthoaxlrq ganartxl ale&ion. Cclrrtr7 t&a oouaty alcrk underScotion EO 02 Mtiole P of tb- ~0=atitutionartfArt1cla1935 ei tilestntutoe* St la, thoretora,o uro p ir dcthina tlztahor tbae o?fiola~aln Dlak:onsComty nsy aoztlnucto 8erve am distr lo l tM aoulltyolc&c ceo>eosi?elj, UIG.tLl the uxpiz%tlanoi the terau of of& to wklah they were harsto2oa-asleeted. Tbcroupoathe jotit o:;lrk ulootcld by t!! peeplo nt tha @lGra1 al*atlorl in co-?CaNlr Of tsie yapa?rill eutex upon t!z dutlea of o:wls of thr oaunty and dbtriot aourt of Dlokma Countyr YCUS 8OOOUd QU&iOil jW#Oilt~8 &iitiOtit p-a- lan szd, lnmfe?~~aothe oomts oi Tour an aonosrmd~ lu sn orl@nal one* It sill 36 obseved tht noithw t”a Oxzrtltutlau nor tha Statutw provide ei.ther that t3c oollnty alork s!!all, asmae tbu datia8 of t&o dirtrist dark QT that the Chatriot olurk &all antnmathe dutia# 02 the county 03mk riim, by teroe of se&Ion 80 02 u- Mole V c;"t!m ConofAtutlnneti UtiOl0 100s a2 the 3tnt- tutu, mly azo olerk 3~7 b (~1aowL ‘60 may tharaujjn tii;oltiathut thc~frtmarn of th6 Oonrtltutlenend tha Laglshturo cLd act latrnd that rittat offios rrhould bo aubarUineta to t!ieotha, Q thr dutfom of @it- qeW by the othaz,but rathar thet thr 6utler oi @aoh &Odd asmlm qos a joint slerk who moul6 hold tna ofrloe 02 alerk cf t&e ao*nty aniidiatrkt 00au-t- one 022~~. Adrcrtlq to lour latter we Ectr '2z.t th, , Han. L, 0. Sstllff,Jr., ~a~6 6. prcwat 4lotrlot an4 roullt701erkr of DiOkea8aolmt7 nra raah setkinp,ndaatlda B7 the DaaOoratidPert7b the forthaa4.n~xrt7 prhr7 oZeotioato tha rrrpaa- the officesor di6tXiot 4n6 oomt olcrk. l37for00 or atitlan tb of !.rtloln 7 of tha ionstltutbn und of utlolr 1.903, however, these two offiooram not luB- . joot to kel illled b7 rlrotiozi B7 the qudUia4 votara, thr, b41~ "I-7lieu t~!lcsebb OS17 tA0 joiut MSior of aout as4 dlrtriot atck, It follcn:s thtdtl no&u- tim b7 the Duaoorutlo PcFty t0 eithw th0 0ffiW Of Cistrfot olork or the 0rfh 0f oouatf olerk MUM k a ndaetlon f~rro:floes nhl6h the*~uaIiZid roterr ~7 not flll by cleotion ooilroquontl7, the adnatlea uould Ba a futllc th . Aooor4i.n7, we ~“~217 to your scooa4 puostioa B711taticpow Cgfz;OAtCb that Oral%t&hOU&thr prewat dhtriat olark pad the prescat eouatf olerk us renculrutedln tha i%rt&ouabgD6rXMr8tit~ Party?rLaurg x100tim for the o:sloreal d18trlat OlsrL and aomty olerk( respeotlmAy theirncrtsoma7 not a?year an the general rlcetion dl*t in lovsrobar as the naalnecr of the mmoordo Party for thsw airi ror the raanm fhat rwh offlacil CM not to ba tilled B7 the walifiml tot8rh xt of ooursaiollawu,~wve~, th4t rnl8raan LnOitl4uaAl8lertui~n~at@ B7 ths DasQeretleParty in it8 party prla4ryslrutionrar the jobt ofiloaof oounty ea4 distxio$ olcrk thex'0 ma7 not be @a7 nm Of the I)moaratf#o6ti&0@6 CQ thC S@UUWtd ilOethl ballot fm ruoh .otfioa. IO h& 05r0rdl7 00nsiC~rsd twe 0emreno1 oplnlonaBJ t!de*depsrtmntm48r deter of Ztmo 18, 192iC snd 3apta?wr ll, 1980. The fl.rstopialanh&la, rhore two olerks ha& Bwa lmSull7 sl4otedat the prcaeaky @mml ol6&lon tlnC t!m aoame a-aorrsnt pr:m to tie puty prbnnrle8reszltrin on4 6~# olerk kbng cub- jsot to alrstla la the fortho&g general wtiaa, th4t the 0jalrm.n of ttm Cocmtttro rmatbaratir zxsautlvo &odd not rroeiie and file the L lloatl~ oi UI see to ?l4vahis ass* glaotiwon ix:0offioL¶lb&% t& pay Al 4 ecndidate for t&o ofti oi dlntrldi al6rk SC rate fro= t&t of oouuty olrrk hat ahmld roach* 8a r tile oal a llOatiOSl# ot 06ndhtes for t&8 0rri0r a$ oouaty oniP4 nriot ohrk, gg oa* otMoa* mu--r, the rcaoad opialtmholCsthat ahare thevnltcbbStati8 acnrun w%t aaettiag tha acalaatiaa B7 a @itlo& 7 oi oaarldatoo Sar the ofiloorOS oouat old and !E.r trlotolork@how mmh oouut to hrm 8 006 -Bit- do, U&U there l8 ar?otlmr 1110 1 osllmn iobkr~ lt& Ealninet1oa8 But prcoea the aaxt 8wowdlag gowral aleotloawhloh #hew8 8ua 3 oounty to hat, 1.88 thul 6 000 lnhabitmtr, tha pamon w nariasta6for tha OS- do* OS oounty olork bc0aw8, and is, th6 xwEdao0 cb * enoh art7 ior the offloe oi OOUIIQ and.dbtrLBt 01-k, and to 1 a4ms 0s tha arma oonolPLaateU, andno other, mlet be prided al Lo s 0frioi~i ballot oS the put aking suoh MdlmtiOn a8 it8 OalIdi&dtO fQT thr 10 In t Or S0r the offlo-.OS blrtrlotolorb yo u a n,~o o eda gI lrespoatfully ldr io ed th4t it 18 thr oplnloa OS th lodo p 4 r tma t&tt th 4proo- ant holQer8 US the ofSiom c& dirtriot olsrk and oouaty olerk la the oowtf OS Dlokoormy mum the Sul.ltwg year term8 to tilah ?i!14y nr o h e r eto ia lbotd n by the i. 534 . . e Jr., 0413 8. Roar 1. Da !ZatliSS, ~uallSla6totore of t&s oeuat7i d t&t for the name of a peraou to n~par oa tho p3aaral lleoti~ ballot KS tha natlaw of the Daamoatio Psrtp for the Joint aifloaOS oomty and dlcrlot olerk, euoh perrao must hcpe Bcea l~wSull7naslaatedby the part7 Sor ruab of- Sloo In t3o part7 prlnar7- a amlnaf:on by tie mrt7 fOr the rO#QfiOtiVtI Off;048 Of 4OUlt OlWk 0.F 4iOfriat clerk will not suf:lae UB a nominat Im for the joint offloeof oomty anC diwtrlotolerk 05 Dlo!cen8 O;u&tpe Those oonolualoilB aa( of 00Kr5~,pvv&3dl upon *00t* ahlah WQ have awuw4 rrcrr the #t#t~.?enf~aontalned l.upour OoK.z2aaioatlBPr
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion