Honomble I. L. Uersn
County Attorney
Groeebeck, Texas
Dear Sir: Oplnlof~m..~-e44o
Rsr Ghiirgerequired by
county Erecutlve COIQ-
gour otter of ray 30, 1940,
fQ rtment as to the proper
ada rdr.the 0rm0 0f st0t0
5-e emtstlve District, oon-
Texas" by the County Exeoutiv6
you oallea our attention to
*a Annotated Civil Stetuter,
o might be oonetrued PI ap-
2447 this department held that
0tatba civil Statutes, IIouae
8lature, ma null and void,
or Artiole III of the Con-
We are enoloeing a oopy or thle
cle 3116, Vernon'e Annotated Civil Statutea,
raeas a8 r0n0w3;
"No pereon'8 mane shall be placed on the
ballot of a district, oounty or precinct ofiloe
who has not paid to the county exeoutive oom-
fklttee,the &mount of the estimated exprnae of
holding such prlrcaryapportioned to him by the
oounty executive oonmittee as hereinbefore pro-
vided. Provided, however, that no oandidat$p
Honorehls L. L. wren, peg0 8
for nouAnatlon for chle? juetloe or eaeoolute
justice o? a oourt o? olvil rppeale or Sor re-
presantatlvo In Oongeee 0r ror dletrlct judge
or dlntrlct attorneyor any other dletriot of-
fice in repr*mmtatlve or juaioiai at8trlots
oompoeea of four or core oountlss ehell beg-
qulred to pay more then one (81.00) doilslrto.
any oounty lx e o utlvo
oommitteeor other pereon
for any pertloularcounty a18 him port1011 ot eueh
expenseior holdi- euoh primaam end ehell not be
required to pay any other mm OT mm@ to any other
person or oommLttee to have their neme.:pleoea on
the tiaket a8 rutihOenalaete. Iloeeodidetee for
mm-at-large and al2 those who em aenaldatee for
Stats oitlaee to,)) rotoa upon by the quelirlea
voter8 a? the whole a3teteshell pey to the aheir-
mea of the Stcto Xxeoutlve Ooemittee one hundred
($300.00) dollem, end 4h411 not be required to par any
other mm or mmm,to any other personor aommltteoto
have their nemw~ 1404d on the tloket aa euoh oanald-
ate.* (unaes800rsn8 ours)
It in thereron, the opinion o? thle depertment end you
are rsspeotrully advised that oenaideter ror the orrloe of Re-
pZWentative ?rfXethe 6let Eh#pTe8entetiveDlstrlot Should be
a8eeUsea not more than $1.00 by the Oounty Exeoutire Oommitter
ee their portion of thenexpense of holding l primery eleot1oa.
very truly yourr