OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fIonor*ble A. E. Hlokerscm county Auditor Wontgomerf County Comae, Texas Dear sir: Opltion Ro. O-2422 .__ ‘\ ‘1 Reemnty hozpitrfz >Pcareri of - ooBlJalraio~~~o_~urtlA, Your requort for op caro- fully oonzldered by this deys l%- quest 08 follovar Poverz ol the aad espeoisl- oh reads aa either of the 4rbt4AdeAt.' Texas Civil Statutes, ol’ county ~ospltale after an eleo- direoted by the artiolo, end gives poverz and duties vlth re- rpect to the oounty hofJplt81. Artiolo 4479, Vtwnont8 Annotated Toxza Civil Statutes, as amended, provided for tho sppolntment of 8 Board OP knagers HOAorJAble A. X. Hjokel'aon, Page 2 :: OS the county hospital to bo appointed by tho com..iaalo~ors~ court. I ,i.‘. Artlole 4480, Vernon’8 Annotated Texas Civil Sta- tutes, dofilling the pwora of the Board OS Managera, reads 88 s011ov3r "The board ot menegera shall elect from among its mambera 3 president, snd one or more vise- ~rO3idOnt3 8nd a secretary and 6 treasurer. It shall appoiat a superintendent of the hospital vho ah811 hold office at the pleasure or aald board. Said auperlntondont shall not be 3 member OS the board, and shall be a qualified prectltloA4r OS madicl~e, or be 8poclsllg trained for vork of such L charao ter . *The board shall ~180 appoint a staff of vialt- lng phy8lclan3 vho ahall 84rvo vithout pay Srm tho county, md who shall vlalt and treat hospital ps- tlents at the request either of the menegers or OS the UUperiAtOAdOAt, .. "Said board ahall fix the salorios of aup4rlIiWREent ana aAL otter oif!ii%%a ena 4 w1tn.m tne umlt or we epprOprleclOA axle moraror ‘by tflec03nrmaalonere aourt, ana awn s~~er~zga anan e 0ompeAaatioA LA mli i‘or 31~ ae~oa r naor4a. The board ah811 determine tho amount of ti& roqulred to be spent at the hospital by said 3uperlAteAdeAt in tho dlschargc of his duties. The board ahall havo the general.aanagement and oontrol of the said hospital, grounds, buildings, oSSloors and omployoos thereofl OS the Lxumtea thoreln, and OS sll abetter8 relating to the government, dlaclpllne, contraota and fiscal co~cema thereof; pnd make such rule3 aa regulations a8 may ac4m to them necessary Sor carrying out the pu~poaea of suoh hosL'ita1. Thog shall maintain m offectlve iASp4CtiOA OS said hoapl- tal snd keep thomaelves Mormed OS the 8SSalrs and , mnnsgement thereof; shall meet at the hoapiurl at leaat ona4 iA every month, and at auoh other times aa my be proaorlbed in the by-lmra; and shall hold an annuel maoting at least three veoka prior to the meting OS the commiasion4ra court at vhloh appro- prlstiona for tho ensuing year are to be considered." (Underscoring ours) Honnreble A .E. Bickerson, Page 3 Artlalo 4461, Vernon'3 Ancotetod Texsa Civil St%- tutea, reads as follovst a. 'The board of mnagars may 8100 eatabllsh and . operate %n outpetieat department or fre4 diSpens8ry 41 and allnlc et the hospltsl OF in the city nearest '. to vhlah tho hospital 13 loaeted, vith branch dls- pen3arle3 or clinic8 In every city or tovn intie oounty o? 91~3 thousand population end over. shell appoint 8 phyaicisn or physicians, who 3ixa serve at such dispensnrlss or ollnicr, and shall ifatemlne the amount of time required to be spent et auah diapenswles or cllnlcs by suoh physlclena, end shell Six the aP1erlea, iS any, or such physicL%ns. ?&kid bo%rd ah311 8130 appoint one or more tr%.lnod viaitlng ~uraoa to aorve in connootion vlth each such d.l3pen3ary or ollnlc, end in connootlon with the hospital, and ahell SIX their salerles vlthin the limits OS the appropriation nrsde thoresor by tha oomm.l33ioner3 oourt." (~ndOr3COring OUPS) Article 4485, Vernon’s fmnototed Texas Civil Stetutes, es Pollov3I "The superintendent ah%11 be the cNeS oxsoutive officer of tho hospital, but shall et all times be subject to the by-lava, rules and regulatlona there- of, and to the pavers OS the board of mgera. "He shall, vlth the conoent oS the board of avmggoza, equl9 the hoapital vlth all nocossarg Surfiiture, ap$lisnaes, Slxtures and all other need- ed Saollltlos Sor the care and tr4atmont of petlanta, . and for the use of oSSlcer8 and em lo es the eoi, ~$l~<h~u~ti%t ~~,~~~~3d~ys:~~~~~a~~F~~he oomnl33lonor3 aourt. "He shall heave generrl aupervlsioa snd control of the reoorda, racounts and bulldlnga OS the hospl- -1, end nil intoral affairs, and wlntsln disolpllne therein, end enforce compliance vlth end obedlenoo to aI1 ruleu, by-lava %nd regulatlons adopted by the board of menagers for the averment, dlaolpllne %nd mn,fgemant OS aaid hospite f and the eInp~OyOea end in- artor therooi. He ah%11 make such further rules, Boaorable A. 8. Blokemon, Pago 4 ngulatlonr and order8 a8 he any deem neoersary, not laooa8lrtent vlth lav or vlth the rule8, regulatioa8 aad dlreotloaa OS the bomd of mungera. He r&11, vlth the oonront of the bould of muia~er8, appoint ruoh ?.8idoat OftiOOr8 Md 8UOh OIPp1OyO88 88 he may think &U'OpOr,Wid NOO8Mry fOl' th8 8ff&OiMt PUfOr- HMO. Of th8 bU8iae88 Of t.hO horrpltrl, SlId prO8Oribe their duties; Ud for Oau8e 8t4t.d la writing, he my dl8OhtWgb aziy 8uoh oifloer Ob employee at hi8 dl8ontlOn, after gluing 8UUh 0fiif3~ or aaployue an opportunity to be heu'd. "80 8hall o b uu p r o p er lo o o unt8and reoord8 0r the bwin888 aad OperatloM of the hospital to be kept regularly from dny to day la book8 and on re- OO$'dllprovided fOP that pmO8Ot and 8he11 888 tbst 8Iik@ &OoOUAt8 Md NOOrd8 ~0 OOPPOQtiy Ped8 Up rOr annual ropO& a8 required t,h&~ by thi8 l8~, and pro- 8Mit the 88E8 to th8 board Of rPaM@W8 vho rho11 ia- oorpor8te them lo their report to the 0-88iOliW8 aourt . 'li8 S-11 reoelve intothe hospital, uader the geaeral direotloa of the board of maneger8, la order of apjllloatlon, or aaaordlng to the urgenay or need .of treatment, eay person found to be rufierlng from 8ny 11&088, direr88 OP iajUFy, VhO hU bOCm M Mtwl mbrldaat and lnh8bltant of the oounty for a period of at le48t one rear prior to hi8 appliaatlon for admi8- 8fOa to raid hO8p1ti. Heg,sh~ll alro reoelre lato the horpltal, p8tlents rest by the ocumlrdoners aourt of my adJ8oent oouaty, vhloh ha8 ooatzaated vlth the baud fol’ the CQM Md ttB8fiDbnt Of it8 8%Ok and dl- reued rad injured per8oa8, rO8ldOat la ruoh oountDJ8 % ror 8 period of at leart one yew. Suah prtlent8 rhall not be reoelved bndmred for unle88 then 18 suffi- aleat provision for the OW of the rlok, dlsoared and IaJured or the oouaty ln vhioh the horpltal 18 8ltuated. Sold ruperlatsndeat e&l1 oauee to be kept propr ao- QOUnt8 Unl F000rd8 Or the &dld88iOa Of all patienta, their ~8, age, le%, OOIOrs 8nrltal Ooadit~oa, recrl- deaoe, ooouprtlon aad phoe of wet employm8at. "Ee shall 08~80 a ouehii eramination to be made of thr phyrloal oondltlon o? all perroar, admitted to Eonorable A. E. Hjckerson, ?a;;~ 5 the hoapltal and provide for the treatment of each suah potlont occordlng to hia noodj nnd shnll caune a record to be kept of the condition of oath pntiont vhen admlttod and from time to time thereafter. “Be ahall temporarily or per;nsmently discharge from said bospltnl any pstlont vho shall vilfully or habitually violate the rules theroofi or who In found :1 not to be, dlaensod or injured; or vho is found i, to have recovered therefrom; or who for any othor .,. roaaon le no longer a sultablo patient for troatmont , thoraln; and shall make a full report thoroof:Lat tho ,,; next mooting of the board, and the sold board shnll make ouch final disposition OC tho aase aa they mzy think proper. From tho decision of the board of ma- : gors them ahall be no ap?,eal. “Ho shall collect and receive all money:, due the hospital, koop an BccuratO acaount of the same, report the 8811x3at the monthly msotlng of tbo board of IIXLM- gors, and transmit the snmo to the county collector vithln ton days after such meeting. “Iic shall bofore ontoring upon the discharge of hire dutlos, give a bond in su,..fik sum aa the board of mcrnagera may determine, to SBCWQ the faithful por- formanao of the duties OP his office.” Article 4486, Vernon!& Annotated Texas Civil Statutea, read8 ao follovsr , “An roaldont of tho oount in vhlch the hocpftal 1s sltua e ed, desiring Weatmont 1 n such hospltel, may apply In porson to ttie auporintondant or to nny ropita- ble phyaiclan for oxamlnation, and suah physiclnn; if ho.flndo that such perncn la aul’ferlng from nny Illnosa, dieaose or lnjury may aLply to the superintendent of ;,+; the hoopitsl for hla acimioslon. Blank forms for such L.. . applioatlon ahall bo provided by tho hospital and ohall ::,:,.‘i be forvnrdod by the auporirfondant thoroof frus to any I’ 9, I, + roputable physlclun in the county upon raquott. 30 far : a8 praatlcnblc, aFpllc.atlone for ndmisalon to the hospl- 3,. .\, tal shall be made upon au%h forma. The auporintondent f‘: upon rooelpt of such application, if it o?poara thcrofrom ‘:‘, that the pntlont 13 auffarlng from lllneas, discsao or :,; ,,. :* Injury, ond if thoro be a vacancy in said hOSiIlta1, shall .‘, - !: ,L ’ 11.0 ;’ 1 lionorable A. E. Hickorson, Pago 6 I$, notify the person named in such application to 9’ appear In person at the hospital. If, upon personal c,~ examination of suoh patient, or of any patient apply- t ing in person for admlraion, the superintendent is aatlsfled that suoh person Is sufferin& from any lll- ness, disease or Injury, he shall admit Nm to the hospital as a patient. All suoh applications ehall atate vhether, In the judgmnt of the physlolan, the person is able to pay In vhole or In part for his care and treatment vhIle at the hospital. BVOrg appllcatlon shall be filed and reoorded in a book kept for that purpose in the order of ltr receipt. No dlsorfmlnatlon shall bo made In the accommodationg. ” care or treatment of any patient because of the faot that the patlent or hls relative5 contribute to the oost of his malntenanoe, In whole OP In pmt. No patient shall be permitted to pay for his malntenanoe in suoh hospital a greater aum than the average per capita oost of maintenance thePeIn, InoludIng a rea- sonable allovance for the Interest on the Ooat OS the hospital. No otfloer or employee of euoh hospital ahall acoept from any patient thereof, any fee, pay- mmt or gratuity vhatsoevblr for his servlOes.R Artlole 4487, Vernon’s Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, ~eada as follovsr “Wumever a patient has been admitted to raid hoepltal from the county in vhlch the hospital la I situated, the superintendent shall oause Inquiry to be made a8 to his circumstances, and of the relatives of such patient legally liable for his support. If he finds that suah patient OP said relatives are lia- ble to pay COP his care and treatment in vhole or In p@mt, an order shall be made dlreoting suoh patient, or said relatives to pay to the treasurer of such hospital for the support cf such patient a speoIEled sum per veek, In proportion to their flnanoial ability, but such sum shall not exceed the aotual per capita cost of aalntenanoe. The superintendent shall have povsr and authority to collect such sum from the estate of the patient, or his relatives legally liable for his support, in the manner provided by lav for the oollectlon Honorable A. g. Xiloksraon, Page 7 of expenses of the last Illness of a:.deceased f per- 11011. If the superintendent finds that nuch pstlent, OP 8+Id relative8 are not able to pay, either In vhole OP In part, for hI8 oa~e and treatment In suoh hompltal, the name shall beoome a charge upon the county. Should there be a dlrpute a8 to the ability to 9ay, OP doubt in the mind of the 8upePIntendent, the oountr court rhrr1.l hear and determine lrame, after Calling VitlltI8808, and Shall make ruoh order a8 may be proper, from vhIoh there shall be no appeal." It Is oliarly apparent that the lav oontemplater that county hospital8 vi11 be seXi-supportIng In part and vi11 also be 8UppOrted by the Oounty. Patients vho are able vi11 pay for their maintenance In the county hospital but no patient vi11 be permitted to pay a greater. 8um than the average per capita ooat of maintenanoe thePeln, Including a Peaaonable allovanoe for th8 intePe8t on the oO8t of the hO8pItal. Officera and s@ployees 0r county hoapital8 are 9Pohlblted from aoaepting feea, payments OP gratuities from prtlentr for thelP sePvIoe8. No dIsarImIna- tlon is to be aade betveen paying patient8 and non-paying patients. (&tic10 4487, supra) The salaries of the superintendent,- and all other offl- oer8 and employees of the county hospital are fIxed by the board and murt be v1t.hl.n the limit of the appropriation made therefor . by the oonm18810norat court. Such salaries ahall be corn naatlon In full for all 8ervIoaa rendered. (APtlole 4480, supra p", The bo8Pd 8hall also appoint a 8taff of VXtlng ph slolans vho ahall 8OPV4 without pay from the OOUnty. (APtiole 4 t 80, 8UpPa). In vlev of the fo r e g oluthopltles, ing you are Pespaot- fully advised that it la the opinion of thI8 department that your quertlon should be ansvered in the negative and It Is ao mavered. Very truly your8 ATTORNEY OBNBRAL OF IPEXAB A,,,;92
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion