Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable T. 0. Walton, President A. & M. College of Texas College Station, Texas Dear Dr. Walton: Opinion No. O-2417 Re: Authority of the Board of A. & M. College to sell unneeded real pro- perty standing In the name of the College. This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 8, 1940, as follows: "About fifteen years ago the College ac- quiredtitle to a house and lot in Bryan, Tex- as In a settlement that was made by Mr. Chas. Felker In connection with a shortage In Mr. Felker's accounts while he was In the employ of the College. The property was first deed- ed to a,trustee and later title was conveyed to the College by the trustee. "It is the desire of the Board of Dlrect- ors of the College to sell the property and I have been requested to obtain a ruling from your office as to the procedure we should fol- low in selling this property. The questions we would like to have specifically answered are : "1. Does the Board have authority to sell this property and transfer title? "2 . Does a resolution by the Board of Directors authorizing the sale of the property, enable the Bresldent of the Board or Its properly designated representa- tive to convey title to this pro- perty to the purchasers?" Honorable T. 0. Walton - Page 2 The property acquired in the manner stated by you public property -- that is, it belongs to the IS State -- perhaps for the use and benefit of the Agrlcul- tural & Mechanlcal College, and a conveyance thereof must -finany event be made in some manner authorized by the Legislature. No one is authorized to make such a con- veyance in the absence of such authority. There are statutes, of course, authorizing the Land Commissioner to execute instruments of conveyance, lease and the like, but these pertain to the public do- main, and there Is nothing in such statutes that would apply to the case under consideration. Article 666 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas authorizes the Board of Control to convey certain property belonging to the State or State Institutions or departments, but this Article contemplates only such property as Is located in the City of Austin. So, also, by Article 4403, Revised Civil Statutes, the Attorney General 1s authorized in the name of the State to execute a deed of conveyance to property previously purchased by the State at tax-fore- closure sale. Moreover, there are provisions for redemption from~tax sales to the State, found in Article 7289 of the statutes. Finally, there is statutory authority for Agri- cultural & Mechanical College to sell Its forest lands under certain circumstances. (Vernon's Clv. Stat. Art. 2613a-2) We find no statutory authority, however, for anyone to execute such a deed as your sltuatlon demands. Very truly yours A'PPORNEYGERRRAL OF TEXAS OS-MR;mQs APPROVED JUIiR24, 1940 /s/ Gerald C. Mann APPROVED OPmION ATTORNFX GERRRAL OF TEXAS coMMI!m!E3 ~IY BWD Chairman