Honorable Gee. ME. Sheppard Comptioller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Re: Opinion No. O-2395 Whether or not a sheriff $8 entitled to any fees from the State in attach- ing a witness in a for- eign county. Your letter of riced date requests the opinion of this department touching two matters which may be briefly stated as follows: (1) what fees from the State is the sheriff of a county of lees than 20,000 inhabitants entitled to in a felony case, pend- ing in'his county, where the diatrlct judge fines a witness'from a foreign county, who ie under subpoena end not present, causes to be issued an attachment for him directed to the sheriff of the county In which the case ie pending, and instructs the sheriff to go in% the foreign county, attach t&e witness, and bring him be- fore the court; and with which the sheriff complies; and (2) Where, under~the same ciraumstances, the district judge does not fine the witness, but otherwise adopts the same~~proce- dure, with which the sheriff complies. Article 481 of the Code of Criminal Procedure reads a8 followsr "If a witness summoned from without the county refuse to obey a subpoena, he.shall be fined by the court or magistrate not eXaeeUng five hua(lreddollara,,whioh fine and jud@ent shall be final, unless aet aside after due notice to ehow cause why It ehould not be final, which notice may tiediately issue, requiring the aefanlting witness to appear et once or at the next term of eaid court, In the discretion of~the judge, to anewer for such defblt. The court may cause to be iesned at the came time an attachment for Ei8idWit1~%38,direotd t0 the~proper county, co-ding tie officer to whom said writ la directed to take said witneee into custody ax@ before said court at the time named in Bald writ; fn which tzs!t 888 shall receive no fees, unless it appeara to the aourt that such disobedience IS eXcuE8ble, when the wltneas m&y recaive the same pay as if he had not been attaohea. Said fine when made final ana 811 costs thereon shall be collected a8 in other criminal cases. Honorable Gee. H. Sheppard, page 2 (O-2395) Said fine and j&pent may be aet 8eide in vacation or at the aam or any subsequent term of the court for good aau8e ehown,.after~the witnees teetiflee or has been dlEoh8rged. The follovlng WOLFEah811 be written or printed on the faoe of euoh subpoena for out-county witnesses: "A dieobedienoe of this subpoena is punishable by fine not exceeding five hundrea a0u8r43, to be 00ileOtea 86 fines 8nd coata in other crlmln81 casea. I11 Article 1030 of the Co&e of Criminal m00eaure provides in part, (LBfollows: n+ * + The sheriff or constable shall receive the fo-llowingfees when the charge ie 8 felonyr 7. for conveying a witness 8ttkhed by him to any court, or grand jury, or in habeas corpus proceeding out of hia county, or when directed by the judge fmm ang other county, to the court where the case Is pending, * l * said aooount ehallaleo 'chow,before 88id officer ah811 be entitled to cQnpensstlon for expenses of attachea witnesses, that, before EitartingWith 88id Wit- ne8eee to the foreign court, * * l." Theee statutea provide for, and clearly oomteniplate,that an attech- ment for a witness in a foreign county eh811 be dIrecta& to the sheriff, or other officer, of suoh foreign county. Plere ia no etatutory authority for the sheriff of the county in which the felony 088~ is pending to go outside the boundaries Whls county for i&is purpose. "At camaon law, a sheriff h8e no jurladiotion beyond the borders of his county. The Constitution of this State providee for this officer, giving to the Legislature the right to prescribk'hti duties. We have aearohed the statutes carefully, but find no act giving jurisdiction to the sheriff to eerve oapias beyond the limits of hie county; and hence the attsmpted arrest in *hia case was unlawful". JOIW V. STATE, 26 Tax. App. 1, 9 S.U. 53, 8 Am. St. R. 454. In oonat.rulngArticle 223 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which authorizes any peace officer to execute 8 warrant of arrest In any county in this State, the Court of Crlmin8lAppeals of Texas, in the case of BEFGOBIV. 49 s.w. (28) 463, aeOlared: : STA'PE', ?che opinion is expressed that the statutes quoted ana those to which reference has been made evidence the Intention of the Leglsl8ture to confine the jurisdiction of the sheriff to his oouuty, exoept insofar as the authority to execute warrants of arrest in any aounty of the state IS conferred by Article 223, C.C.P. * l * Article 223, C.C.P., authorizing the execution of a warrant of arrest by a sheriff under the conditions etatea in the 8rti010 in 8ny 00mq in the state, is not ae0ma to have. the effect to extend generally the jurisdiction of a sheriff beyond the borders of his county. * * *" Honorable Geo. H. Shepm, page 3 (O-2395) There being no etatute authorizing 8 eheriff to attaoh a witness out&de the bordere of hie county; abeent whioh he h8e no jurisdiction to do 80, it necessarily follows that he is entitled to no fees from the State, uotwithetapdlug he does actually bring a forelg8 wltatas before the court under an unauthorized attaobment. The matter of whether or not the district,judge fine6 the wltneee in euch situation would have no significance. Aaoordingly, you are reapeotfully 8dvieed that it is the opinion of this &eparimut that the sheriff would be entitled t0 no fees from the st8b3 andOr either Of the fad eitu8tiOZm deeoribed in JroUrletter. Trusting the above fully 8newere your inquiry, we remin Very truly you?, By /e/ Zollie 0. Steakly 20111~ C. Steakly Asslst8nt ZCSZBS“as APPRovEDJuN ll,lg40 APPROVED OPIWIOIPCOlMITTEE Id Gerald c. uann BY /e/!B.W.B.CHAIRUN ATRXU0EYGB'UERALOFTEXAS