OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Worgs If. 8heppud Comptrollos of Publla Amounts Austin, Tour “A departnat herd tho r.Quert, and copy l do p a r tmnt M w- tmont b u th o r lr o d to ir r u o vrrrrnt xpoM0 account (either ln whole, w of ths rider on the Approgrlatlon Bill rhich &dar ‘Ro money8 hm’ola amroprtitod ahli rvork rponttopay the tmvolisgoxpnrr~ of a & sy ta ts l8ployw to any typo o? conv~ntlon vlthb ths eat0 or rithout the wat.0. %0n. cu. 1(. ShqJpwd, mg. 2 ‘IOU *ill not100 the above quoted ddor ratioas tb 8mlltIw hua u d8pwtamtutoth8~ - ?or oonwnloaao w aaswr ow uooad quutIon first. ridrr .ppbad to hImto L 11 427, Aetr u the 46th p r o p id,r la th , slat1on o ntrawl* sx p o M u, u It 18 8Xpl’@881f $FOV%&d t&t th. VPOVf- tbir Aat, vlth nfuwmo to tlw*lbig lx p o Il808, 8h llnot Apply to tha oo*rrrAor Md t&8 Lloutensnt 00vornoP of this atat..’ “(1) Except lx othervlso 8peoltlorll.~wompted, the pzor:8ion8 of this Aot8hall a&o &pply to uu d8wtunt hudr and WrkrS Of Od881Oll8. l 2huo provl810118 U th8 a ro&wf8tloa bill 8rid8nc8 the logl8latI*o lntont that tha Pla bitloam oontaIa.din tha HotIon oa tnnUlrg O-M@8 should apply to all oftlaon Mid -1-8 Ofth Sb tAt4COW-t, SW.ud lOOpt th. @ OWmOr a a d th s Llo utemnt c o wr r r o r o f th8 Sta8, uul8.8 l s o lflo 8xoaptIoa ti 8uoh &WW181OZM of th@ 8ppro@AtiOn r ill, Other that& wemptlonoftha oOvw?mrmdtho Uoutwnat Oonrnor, ay bo found in nfuenao to L pwt10ulAr dopwtumnt bud w Boabu of a pwtIcolae soaisrlon. Thb MSVUtO Jour fIZ'OtQU8ti@B&~~ Ntb uurtalmsat of orrtda QUS8tiOM of SMt, vhloh It Is not thr pro*tie~ 0f this abpwtwnt t0 tat-. vo 0~ 0114 8t-w the mlu rbiah vlll govera a mlp p liatolth enPIous hat 8itUatiOXkS+h iOh UT lLiSt# Yowing tm mot-rumung to be mds br you? 4q=t=mt. Hon. Qeo. a. sheppud, Page 3 1. If It k detomiaed thSt the mtloulu trip on 8Uto's bu~lmorr N m4 efo rth e -so o flrablin(r UN poroon t0 &tturd th. OOJiYOEtiOQ, -t 18, if it b dOk?miJlOd tbrt th.W VM inVOlWd th. lttmt to lWd@ tb pX'OVi81olrr d pmhlbltlonr Of th. &ppm’opFiatlonbill, th@ Uo’nkt Mt AOt k Wd by tolp bpwtment. If thorS vu ao attempt to em& tb~ prohlbitlom Ofth e .ld!; lpp.aded to borate Bill 427, Mth I, bt8 the uoouatrynotk paldlavbok or lapwtif It po88ibk t0 d8tel9irn tit pOrti Of th8 8XpUMSS VOW iCra8UP.d lnlttmding the eoawatlon aad rbt po?tlocr Of the O-IS.8 Ww lmurnd in th. trUiSmtion of &at&!8 bwlnU8 not InVOlt- lag attendulce upon the aonwntlon. 3. e no a ttemptot lw& If th e r YM th ep r o h lb ltio nm of the S~ropHM.Ion bill, Snd if it 18 po88lbk to dSterrill. vhet tlo nof th elx p e~u lnawwd vo w soqulnd III tmn8M tl.w at&t0i"= 8 buSiIiS88not illYOlVilI& ~ttOIldUAO0Upon t&S 0021WXItiOI3, Suoh portion of the Scoount -7 k pld. ATTOREEY QmKliAL 01 Tr%As &&&/,&cd& m R. U. hirohlld bSiStU&t IMIPBP
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion