Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTlN 1. Bonorablo IIozm Gclrrison- J?qp 3 . . cu~taiicss that there is a causal ‘coPloctlon bctsc3n the cOti.itiOnS Fhi& t!13 Ctr;lDyCP ylts &Out ttiD 0r, ployeo api1t&s resiiltinl; injury. (LixylanrlCasJr;ltr c'o.vs. Sdth, 40 S. 11.(2) 913; TOSZS IndomItg Co. ys. Freelar, 2s S. l7. $GG, (Zrit of emor Eisxisse~) ; 45 Toor.JLS'.p. 403, Sec. T3). our suprcr;lr, Court has 6a3.cl2 'AR illjU~ has t0 d0 With, all2 arisss out of tha kork or busLn3ss 02 the oq1ogcr, oIlan5.tresults .froma risk 'orI;&z.?ril Wiil5Ch is necessarily,or ord&arily, or r~asouaialyi.nimreot;in, cr ioci- dent t 0, t&3 corxhlct Of snclz Fork or btw.Ress .a -- T&z;‘ocrm’s Rooi~~occ?l Asso. vs. E&n&m, 246 S.Di.r2, 28 d.L+ n. $402.. In th&t casa Eehr3isn,an enrlloyO*,van rau over and kllleilby a rzilroti,cik,ti3&SC goi3-i~to his work. Justioo Graorrsoti,for tIm Su:~coa Coywt s&-It APPROVEDBdAY 6, 1940 ATTORNEY GENE& OF TEXAS * . -. .