~OV18iOfM 0r thr above msn8ion.d
lliag bbS ooaaolidatioa, aan *ia
OS tInMlt888 8188h t8aoluTs ar
n Of $8aoherr wait Q.uti1tkm m%
8 takm Oherg of th8 oomIoli4ate
rohool di8trlot?"
AS%iO18 8806, R.C.8., 1085 &* elNBn888, Aat8
1031 p. lam MthOTi88S chr oon8olhiioa of urbool df8-
triOb rand $ovid8#l that 8Wb di8tri@tB fW!Wd br OO?WO~-
ldcltinga OU.?iXiW 6Oh301 district and eulind8Q@Whlt die-
tricb 8t83.1 b8 mna@d by thr 8Xi45tifQ bUaFd of tXUStS8tl
Of th8 fna6~8ndunt 6OhaOl emTiot, It fUrthsx ~rOVf&36
that; TGhUn two or risox-6 hd8p8dunt di6trict8 are oonsol-
idoted, the oounty bard Of trust%08 r&all dealgnsta th8
nanm by mkioh said dletrlot 8heIl be kamr~, and shall ap-
point %. board of 8ev%n trust888 for the sai& aonsolidated
&f8tTiOt, t0 68TT8
th0 mZt Xtr#llRX
U.litil 818C&iOIA Of
trustees, e8 pr%saribed by Cbwral Irrr,nt whioh tim8 th8
dit8triOt shall eleot a board of 58ven trwt6u6, whos8
~JWSX-~, duti8a and tdnn6 of oifio8 shall be in aomrdan~
rtrthth8 prQVi8icXU6 Of th8 ~It8xRl &W k;or8zting lndepmd-
ant districts, ne they now exist on say her8a.fter be en-
r, ArtS.0182BC6, R.C.B., 1%?6, $rOVid68, in pert,
i:(; ::.. a8 follcw6t
F; ‘;
"Th, boaxd of aotmty school tzusta8n at
Its next siasting after suoh ooneolid&lon art
8ol:Qoldistrict* I.8a0013x8d, label.1
a bo%rd of s%v%n truH%aa for the ooafmlidetad
distriot, * * + T&6 t8m8 &Yf OSiiOS Of thBS0
of th% trust%e8 so a2paintad aball exptre UIS
', the f isst %ay of Muy a8xt iollowing l$lslT a$-
: paintant, end th8 tera6 d' offi & the
other iQW tru8t888 6hll 6X&?8 On t&U ifist
day of Kakap
Of th8 6IMOe84~ ySar, 66 tho88 110
e pointed s&all d8t‘S%4iM by lot. Smah y'eal'
t Ii
er8aftor dtumetely three tru6toea eaa fear
truetesa 8hati b8 8l8Otd by tba ;Ina2~fiM
vote6 of the distrfot on the first &aturbry
of april 3n% txuateeil 8a eleotud ehall 8nt8s
ugon the cI@O&W$U Of thofr duttaa on th8 firfit
day of ?asji:&&t forluaiag an6 serva for a tarm
of two yea*6 theresftex. * * * *
iirticls m9, R.C.B., 1925, r6sd8 3s follcut88
lion. L. is. 9:ooda, paGa 3
ar the high sc?iool of the district. doti% in.
collaboration aith tha distriot su9arlntendent,
the board of trustees shall employ taaahars for
the several elamantor$- aohools of tba dlstriot,
or for the departmentsof the hi@ school, which
teaohers shall be eleotcd for ona yaar Or tm
year8 as tha truataos decide, and they @hall
serve under the &:reotion end supani~ian of the
dlmtrlot eu9arintandsnt. Contraot8 between tb
trustees and the dlatriot rsuperictandent and
teaohars shall be in writing and mbjaat to tha
approval o? tha oounty superintendent of the
ommty whmwin auoh dietrict ia sltu6tsd.a
Acts 1930, 41st Lag., 5th C.S., Q. Zl.9 oh. 66,
soo. a, (Art. ET74a, sco. 3, Vernon'0 Tetae Ciril Stat-
utaa) raad8, in part, as follaast
‘seea. 3.
Ths board of county mhOol
trustees naxt meatin& after the
at it6 oormol.-
idstion of sohool districti is deolamd ahall
appoint a board of saten truetaaa fas this o~ll-
eolidated district. + * + Those elaotad at the
rlrat eleehn shall detaraine by lot the term
for whioh they are to aarva. The three maxbsra
drawing rmbsrr, 0116, two and threeahall aam
r0r on0 yeas, the two menbaro drawin(E, znaJ!abers
r0ur find rfve eball aarve r0r tu0 yeersend th8
two embers drawing numbers six and uvon ahall
8erve for thme ymm, or and until their moeaH-
0~8 are sleated and qualiflad; and regularly
thareerter on tba rmt Saturdag in hprfl or aaoh
+a three tnmtaeB or two truetaoa Shell be
aleotad for a term of thras years to auooesd the
trustees whose. term shall. at that time exph.
Acta 1937, Oh. 367, 9. 541, raad6, in part, a8
"Art. 275Oa. (Vernon*s Term Civil Statut.88)
That trustees Or any ao~llllon
sahool dlstriot
or coneolidotad cmzmon eohool district shall have
authrjrlty to mke contracts r0r a period of tine
not in 8x0898 Of two (2) year0 With princlpalI3,
superintendents, and teschers or said oomaon school
districts, provided tlmt such oontraats shall ba
approved by the Ceunty Superintendent.* * * *
Artiole8 9808 and 9609 were orl&mlly enacted
au seotlans 3 and 5 reapeot$Yelyor x3.8.Ho. 148, oh. SS,
~0t.a1919 ~2ndC.S., p, 167. It WI&~ be noted that under
Arti &X3 6,majority of the trwteee an the board would
not be *sltMed* until the aeoond trusteeeleotlon attar
the oormoUdatlon. We think it la slear t&t the expree-
IdOn; 'The bO4Wd Of tZWJt~O8 80 OieOtOd iI%A&%0&e m9
W-M not intended to be conStrued as a lhitatlon upon the
authority or the first truteea but'was wad zwrely a8 a
reisreaoe to the preoedlng seotlo~~. Othuwlse there
would be a erlod o? in% one to two rears afterthe eon-
solldatlonehottha board of trtmtees could not ez~loy or
contraot vlth tsaohers'forthe dlatrlot.
xi under rrubrequeutstatoterror axendmentathe
orlglnal trimtees appointedby the County Board are to
serve only until the mxt general trustee eleotlon, we do
not think thla wuld have the effeot or Omvertlng the
language of Art1010 8809 into a llmitatlcih.iil8umethht
tm dlstrlots are oonoolldatedin Jw and sercto.
are appointed to aarm until the next bru8tee eleetlon to
be held the follawfngApril. ObvlauaXj'the purporrein
protidingfor the fwa4iate appointmentof a board, was
ta ruralah a goymning bdly for the dtitrlot oa able of
mane&q ifs affair6 60 that r ltru
it may funatlan. -t
Intended that the a inted board should 'notIawe author-
T oy teaac&ara,praotieall a ra..t a&o01
ity to eleot and emp
year might pass before teaohers oould be amg~
fo@ far the
schools of the dlIHirl@t.
1% is our oplnloathat the rlrst a~poiatetl board
of trwteee, for a consolidatedsohool di0tr fat is autho-
rlzed to elect and oontraot with teacrhors Sor the sOk00ls
or the dfstrlot and lt la not naos6s,cuy to wnit until the
subsequentlyelested board has taken oharge of the oonsoll-
dated dlstriot before employingteachers.
AFFROVEi%= 2, lg4"