Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

, . * 300 OFFICEi OFTHEAmORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Bollorabl8'R.Lea O'rnnlrl Ootsrnor of Teaar Aurtln, Texas Dear tllrr WI 8r8 In reo with lttaohrd lattar to ntary of St*te, quaatlon of whet Artlole 70(70, Vernon *8 AMot ata 8 a dlraot tax upon the purohamr of 01 wered oatogorioally, be- oau8a under ml faots, the olgrmttr ter lew of upon the puroha8rr of instance8 the tax 18 upon la not a dirrot tax upon 018 70478, vernon’d hnotatea civil and payable as loon 18 mob oigarrttes aur ralc,in Texa8, it bring lntwaded to im- 8 ruoh oigarrttar 6r6 rroafrd by an;rprr- r the purpoir of raekinga 'flrrt 8618' of mn4." saotlon 1 (h) of the Ci&arrtte hx Law drfinra “ffrrt rela* a8 follonr a(h) *rfrrt 381a' rhall mraa ana in0iuae tha firrt role or airtribution of olaarrtbra In lntra- rtatli~ort usa or con8umDtion or aigsretter within thfr fstets.w (!lndrrroorinaours) In oonnrotfon with the statutory deflnltlon of *first Ronaabla w. Lae 3T?anlal, Page 2 ~ala,~ tha Lagialatrtra,by 9aOtiOn 1 (a) Or the AOt, har da- finad wdlstributorw a8 followa: *(III)'Dlatributorl ahall uaan and lnoluda arrry paraon in this Stats who manafaoturaa or pr0duoa8 olg4ratte8 or who rhlpr, tran8port8, or lmrtortrinto thlr Stat4 or in anf raannar a0 l$ai or p04848848 oigaratta8 ad ziakrs a *frrat aala’ of tha Sam In this fitat- *ala tarn ah511 llr o mha4 araw 9araon in thla Stat4 who in any 148~8~ l a q uir ir or porr- 808aS tmrtamprd 0i~5~5tt.8 tar tha pur 084 Of making a 'that 8016' of tha SW with Pn this State." (Endaraoorlng curs) From the foragolng raiaranoa8 to the C&aratta Tax L4r it a5y ba raabily raan that tha 4x0184 ai6ar5tta tax i445a tharaby la oausaa to aoorua in tvo oontlngaaoia8r (1) upon tha firrt 5ala or dlatributloa of olgrrattar intro-rtata, br a ol~aratta d8518r, 8lth8r Who158514 or ratall~ (2) upon thr us4 or oonsu!4ptlon 0r olgarettar hot purohaaad unaar tta rora~olag aonaltioas. Under tha first factual situation, t&a daalar Is oon5tltutaa a Vl5trlbutor,* 55 dariaatlby rtatuta abora quotad, by rlrtua,of tha Vlrrt aala,m as Uatlard, of tha oigaratta8 in this stata. Th4 quantum 0r tha tax 18 maaauraa by tha nuaber of ol~arattrr no sold lntra-rtatr, end although the 52iount0r such tax bay, in thr aiaoratlon or ruoh aaalar, ba pa888d on 88 part Of thr pu~OE844 priO4 t0 be paid by tha ultimate oonawaar, navarthele55 ln this Instance tha olgaratta tax ia no8 a tax a&alnrt tha ultlraetapuroha5ar or suoh olgarattrs. 3ut in tha 84OOad fhSt5BO4 abova 8~ated, t&a Oiea- ratta tax dOa SOOl'Ua 5na.18 Q,c.p&ruS agalnrt the u1tls4ta Puroharar or oon4u9ar of‘tha ofaarattas In Taxaa a5 a dlraot tax, eueh ultlaatr user or oonsu5W in this 0458 baoomlng a 'di8trfbutors of olgarattar by virtue ot .xaking tha first Uaa of the olgarattar in Taxaa. It 18 ObVioUS that th. Only r5kauai 51tuatlon under which tbir kr 00ula aoorua aealn5t thr ultimata uaar or purohaaer of tha ofgarattar would ba up- on olgarattas purohasad in lntar-stat5 oO3UarOa rathrr than in intr5-stat8 oozni55roa fro4 a lioanrad daalor in auoh oigarattaa. . ’ 302 Ronorablr PT.Lee O~Danl51, Fags 3 In this ~onblngaxioy,th5 oigarrtta tax levy partaka8 0r th5 n5tura 0r an 0x0154 or prlrilaga tat upon the prlrllrga oi U8b4 or cOM~8iag Oi$Or@ttSa wlthln this 8t4t4. In auaaat~on, we adviaa that #a olgarrtta tax lariad by Artlola 70478, Varnon*8 AnnOtataa Clrll statutaa, is both a aalaa tax and a gu#awtax. It la an exoiaa levy with a dual purpora of raaohlng aIth5r the a5llar or the pur- oharar of olgarattaa ln Texas, QaprnQlng upon t&8 a5thoa 0r aopulring and di$ppoalagof tb cigarettar in thI8 8tata. Slaply rtataa, Ii tha b~aratta8 are 5old in Taxer, thlr ax- oira tax la 15rlaa upon the par8on, rim or corporation amking .tha Vlrrt ralr" or the oigaratte5 88 defined by statute; on tha other hand, Ii the o~arattar err aoqulrad through the Oh5lrn4~8or later-8tata 4o5maroa -a without a 8014 &wing tran8pirad In T5zas, the tax i.4a lrop and burden upon the ulttiata purohesrr or Us5r oi the olgeratt58, as 5xI410185 or Fririlaga tax oron th4 uaa or COnSIUQptiOnOf ruoh OiiprattSe. Trustlxigtha rorrgolng ruiiy answam your Inquiry, we 9ra Yours very truly ATTOR?SY GBGSP.ALOF TZXAS Assistant FXf/oa APPROVE1)uY 29, kg40 ATlTPJiEYGENEBAL OF TaY;BS