Honorable Joe Gordon County Attorney Grty County Pamp, Texas Dear Sir: opinion No. o-~205 Re, Constitutional and statutory tu exemption ofthe gas system .~v,... .a inoorpcrated oi'=ybut serving .n Incorporated village 8 miles distant for profit. 4~ your letter of April 9, 1940, you ruladt for the opinion of this Department the following question, xhiohm quote from your letter, together with th elo0O.wpPnyingfactual eitu.tionl "ldayI ham your opinion as to whether aa inoorporated oity which mm its om gas system is subSect to taxation by an independent school distriot aa to that portion of the system extending from its oity limits a distanoe of lppro&mntely eight miles to and throughout u lnoorporated villageT "The City of M&an purchased its gag system from a p&vats owner aad lnclud- ed in the system as a gas line from IboLeanto Alanread, . distance of eight miles, together with ssrvics lines and meters in Alanread. Part of this line and all servloe lines are in Alanreed Indspendert School District. This dis- trict has assessed that portion of the property in lta dlrtriot for taxation. "The operation of the distribution system in Alanreed IS not cam primarily for the benefit of the people of Alanreed, but for the p6op>e~residing in Y&an, as the residents of MOLOU are rolling gas to the re8idents of Alanreed for a profit3 that is, at the mm nte which the resident8 of AImreed p&d for this eervioe at the time this utility 'RI owned by a private oonce~." Three pmvisiona of the Constitution of Tens are pertinent to thin inquiry which ne quote aa follows: 'Article VIII, Section 1. Taxation shall be equal and uuiform. All proplr- ty inthis State, whether cmmd by natural persona or ccwporaticms, other v shall be taxed in proportion to its valus, which shwn asoertained a8 =y ba provided by law. . . . VIII, Seotion 2. . , e tit the LegislaturS may, by~geaeral laws, "Ark'.iole exempt from bation public property uced for public purpoees. . . . Honorable Joe Gordon - Page 2 (0-2P5) RArki~leXI, Seotion 9. The property of cmntics, oitles and towns, -3d and bald only for pblio purposes, suoh 33 pub110 tiildlngs and the sit33 themfor. nra aginea and the firniture thereof, and all property used, or intended for sxtingui&ing fires0 public ground3 ar.dall other property devoted exclusiveljjto the u3e rnd benefit of the publio shall b exempt fra forced 3313 and fromtexation, pmvidud, nothing herein ah311 prevent th3 onforcensnt of the vendors lien, the meohPnio3 lien or builders lien, or other lines now existing." Fursu3ntto the fomgoing oon3titutioncl provisions, ths L3gislaturs of TOXWJ, by &-tiol3 7160, Vernon'3 Annotated Civil St3tutts3,enaoted tnto 13~ the following tu sxemption: 'The followjng pmperty shall be exmnpted from taxation, to-dtt *4. Publio property. All pmperty, whether real or personal, belonging sxolu3iv3ly to this Stat3, or 3ny political subditision thereof, . . ." It is evident frcmrth3 foregoing oonstitutionrl and statutory pro- v-i3icn3that axsmption from mtion, la oonneotion withmuaioipal property 3nd purposes, 13 not dependent upon ownership of the pmperty by the muni- oipality in question, but r&her upon the use to which such property is put, th& is, the prop~Q~ must be dwotad to orused for publio purposes. Regarding the us3 of munioipplly omed property *ioh ail1 givs rise to the 3bom ooastitutional prd statutory exon~ions, it w3s held la the 0333 of Corporation of %n Fslipe de Austin V. State, 229 S.W. 6461 "the teat is not whether the property is used for government31 purposes. Th3t is not tho language of the Constitution. Thin oourt h33 n3ver 3do@ed that n3rmw lim- itation 3nd the weight of authority Is oppossd to it. Muoh property of munioipalitiss exempted from taxation has, and C(UIhave, no governmental ~33. The test is whether it 13 devoted exolusivsly to I public ~33." To the 33me effect is Galveston 'i%arfCo. Y. Galveston, 63 Tax. 14, holding that the interest of a city In a public wharf, rapresentec by stqck in a wh3rf corporation, was not tamble under the Constitution. There is nothing "governmental" in the publio ~3.3of 3 wharf. i faot, the okership and operation bJ 3 munioip3lity of plblio util- ities. suoh 33 the 3.8 evatsm involved here. hao been held. in the 0333 of San Gtonio Indepsn&t &hool Mstriot V. i6aterWork3 Boa& of Trustees, et al, 120 S.U. (2d) 861, to be a "proprietary Punotion" in contradistinction to 3 'gowrrmsntal funotion," in~that auoh utilitiaa pertain to the business affairs adrcinisteredfor the speoirl benefit, health cud welfare of the urban community ambraced within the corporate boundaries. But despite this 'non- governmental" nature of the public utility systans owned and operated by nunicipolitios, in Texas, such pmpertios have been held, by all deoisions of this State, to bb exempt from taxation a3 "public promrty used for public purposss,' within the oonatitutional and statutory provisions. &norstJe Joe Qordon - Pop 3 (o-2205) brewer, the fmt that a portion of the gas system mder oon- sideration hem i* looated beyond the.lI@ts of the city Of &&,m do,+a not, Of itself, militate lgaimt the exemption Of.suah sy&m h t-tIon. fn ++he**e Of City Of Ml.6 V. S1;pte, 28 6.X (26) 227, proparty 1666tsd in Denton County, but omd by th6 city of D.ll.3 rsldwed .I . mggmir to furnish water to the oitisens of Dallas, naa held tr, bs empt from tmtion, under the pertinent oonrtitutianal gnd statutory mq$giong. l&r doss the fast th.t rerarme ia dorimd w the City of xoL66n from the OPsratioa of this munioiplly omned gas syatsm operate to.rmovr, Or nullify the emmptioa froa tlution, aooordad tpl the Coastitutiom and *tatutes, if it i* ofhsrwise -ailable, under the prinoiplee hereb@ter discussad. The weight of authority is olserly to the sfPe& th&, 611 pro- Perti latilly owed and held by oitiss md towns ibr publIo purposes, though a 1)ouroe of revenue or profIt whioh was paid into the city Treasury and used for munioiprl purposes by the olty, ir rxsmpt frm Sate twtion, .ths dominant PurpOlOIa th6 use kvirg direot nferanBa to the purporog for But in aroh of the oases oitrd, it apperrr trvn thefrota that tire incasno or rewnue of tho nualoipallty ia pu*MOn WM dwiwd fiaa the ~40 Of gas, mater, eleotriolty, eta. to ooneun6r6 '6itNa the lbIt3 of th6 m=iOiPfi- ity owning the pub110 utility, or, inoidentally, tocc0surner8 out*Ide *ha oity 1Mts but adjacent thersto. The question prrsentod ha* is whether Or not the use of. put of the g.6 syetau Ownedby the OlQ’ 0fYoLo.n to *amIoe, for a profit, the inh6bit6nts of th6 tm Of 436nH6d 6ight dl6* frlpfh6 lMt3 to the oity of MoLeur removes the Inst6nt 0686 f?CSCth6 o6663 oIf6d, 30 63 to Ed6 the prOp6rty table* w6 h6-m found no 6uthorities lr T6~63 b66ring uPOa this qu@stion, md, 96 mo6ggity mu3t m3orf to ths ~rsu6siv6 wthoriti6n of other jurirdiotions~ There are h unoonflioting 1-66 of suoh l uthoritiU, 0116 holding that tb 6~6m@ion from fucatioa of muEiCip611y om*d worka md Utiliti63 13 lrOt lO*t bo6ug6 Of 6a Inoidontil 1166 for a priYd6 purpoa6 fromwhloh rbwnU6 is dorimd, the Oth6r holdi3g that the UOO Of PNFafii*m by a Oily to *em bhab itant bsyond the oify tilts, rhioh Is n6ither laoldsntal nor IIISignifi~nt~ ig not 6 ~86 for pblio purpe606 iIithia th0 mSUiiSg Of fh6 6%6+iO& rclquirs- nentg of th6 Conatltutian and StdUt6C, rsp6oitilyti5h r**prOt to oity PmP- out&do the Oity limit6 whloh 13 u66d OXOh6iV6ly 6r‘l;y t0 16l-W rosldents in the Out3ld6 t6rrItOryo Supporting the prinoipls of exenption upon th6 basis of inoidental US6 am th6 a6863 of Comonwoalth v. City of Riohcond, Cccmnomm~lth 0. City of Covinfion, Tom of Korth Xavam. Borou& of’ Vhllingford, ud t’orrmof Ora2Qge V. City of Barrr, supra. Honorable Joe Gordcn - Page 4 (o-2205) Under the facts befors the court In the ease of Com!onwealth vo City of Richmond, it appeared that the adjacent town of Bprton Eieightspetitioned the city council of Bichnond to supply about forty thousand galla of water daily on suohtsrms ~8 should teem to the aity reasonable end fair, until such time us artesian wells oould be drilled to supply the town of W-ton Heights with ample watero This request wa8 granted by ordinance whioh we.3 'G&CO rsnwed and extendode In addition, the City of Richmond furnished water to the Richmond Looomotiva Harks, a branoh of the knsrlcan Looomotive i?orka,a luge and extensive plant located adjacent to the territorial limits of the City of &bond, and employing several thousand operatives whose residence is Idthin the aity Umito. The oity, under the same oonditions, finrished water to the repair ahopa of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and tha Seabord Air Iins Railmuy, and also to I[. T. C&troll, living on the north side of Broad Street rdjaoent to the oity limits, and a few other parties under like oonditicnsa The aggragnte amount of ravemae derived fran Aunfshing water to industrial plants ad non-resfdents beyost+the oity limits for the year 1911 amounted only'to the sum of $6,456.29. Under A oonstitutiaPIa1provision exempting outnin properties, in- cluding"propox-Q directly or indireatly owned ly the St&e, however held, and pronsrty 14nhrlly o-d and held by oounttes, oitier, t-s aad sohool districts used wholly and exolusively for county, oily, topa or publlo school purposes," the couth denied the contention of the Ccnnmonwealththat the pub- lic utility property of the City of Rlotmond was tlable beoausa the oity had gone beyond its &&rter rights in fumishlng water and gas to psrsone residing beyond its corporate limits, and thus was engaged in "competitive Lusines" in tha matter of furnishingwater and gas to consumers for oompen- sation.. The court doolared that the oonstitutional exemptions fnnn ta+,lon abve quoted would not be "defeated or annulled by the mere faot that rev+ nue or profit aver and above the oost of maintenance, ie realized fromthe property~ that jP the use made ofthe pzr~p~rty80 held has direct referenos to the purposes for whioh it is by law authorized to be onned andheld, and tends immediatelv and dirsotlyto promote those purposes, then its uee is within the provisions exempting the property from taxation, although revenue or profit is darivud therefrom as incident to suoh use." The QIO of CcmunonwealthVI City of Covington, supra, turns upon A constitutional exemption from taxation nor0 closely paralleling that of our Texas Constitution, and reading: "Thare shall be exempt fromtaxation pub- lia property used for publio purposes.' It WLS sought by the Cowonwealth of Rentuoky to reoover fromthe City of Covington, in Kenton County, tnxes upon lands, mservoirs, water maina, pumpingotations, engines, ato. aituat- ed in CsrmpbellCounty and used AS a water plant or system for nupplying water to the inhabitants of the City of CovIngton and certain citizens of Campbell County residing neou its reservoir andwater maina. In holding the ooastl- tutional exemption fromtoJation to be applicable to this property, the court said: ('Thefaot that appellee's reaervolr, pumping station, and some of it3 mains lie outnide oftha muniaipatity -indin another county, or that It may inci- dentally dsriva 50~1)revenue from the use of t&water by persons living Iion.Joe Gordon - Pnga 5 (O-2205) ntxr its mains and outside the oily limits, ocmnot Affect the question. Very fen oitics ham such proparty situated within their ux-porate limits, And in many instances it haa'beenfound naosssary to locate itmilos a?my. The test 108 Is the propertg used for pub110 p'urp~ses~that in, prinmrlly for the health, comfort, And welfArs of the inhabitants of the olty? If so, it is exempt frcm tsration. We do not mean that a oity may s+cer upon,the lmsineas of maintaini::, a waterworks Aystem for other oities or towns, but Only thnt the fAOt thAt it incidentAlly furnishes WAter to a Oonsidareble nUnbet of peraon6 in proximity to the oiqy,without injury to the rights of the inhAbitAnts of the oity, does not Alter the publio OhArAuter or UBO of tkB property, or meke it subject to taxation." In the 018e of Tow of Or~np;sv* City of Eu'ra, AuprA, the public use Ofthe lratersvstom of the munioipality in question war srteblished EO aa to bring it with& +&a provisions of-the &Atuts Felating to eXAq'tions of property used for publio purposee, dEEpitA the hct that 'at CertAin 8eaoons of the year, more wAter ie supplied $r the defendurt water syr ten than is required for its mtiicipal purposes, which is sold by the defendant for meohmioal uses." Opposed to the principles oftu exanption amounted in the foregoing ~ASIM, bao~uae of a differenoe in the fACta, W!O ftid the OABOS of Mayor And Aldermen of City of Woxrll10 v. PArk City, 172 6.W. 286: Rtileffiv.Xemrt, 66 Atl. 662, Snd IMviok County v. City of l-or? Nans,.161 8.2. 417, oaoh And AX illustretive of the prinoiple of 1Aw thet A u8e of munioipally owned works end utilities to serve itiIdtantr.beyond the oily limits, whioh la neither inoident- ml nor insi~ifioant, is not A US0 for pub110 pWpOsW Within the meaning of tax 0xaPaptionrequirmoents. The oontentions And feats involvud in the OAee of Meyor And Alderman of City of Knotille v. Parks City, supra, mAy be stated fnu %he opinion in that OASd AS follcw.?: "The bill of canplailltprOoeeds upon the theory that the property attempted to be taxed is exempt because owned by A municipal oorpcration; while it is the contention of defendsst oity thet ruch portion of the plant of ocanplelnent which IS situated within the bOUIdAries of Park City is not used exolus?vely for pub110 or corponrtion pIEpose Of the OCWkplAinABt munioipAlity, but is used in serv$ng PAI% City for profit. "It Ap&i,ArS thAt the rest boundvy line of Park City is almost oontiguous to the east boundPry line of the city of &~oxvllle for A dlStAnce of Abxt one mile. Them intervenes whet is deeoribad As a nsutrrl strip, About 300 feat wide, onwhich fnctories w 1OoAtAd. "Prior to 1909, both of the oities ware served by A privAts WAter corporation, the I;notills Water Company, the plant of which was looetsd partially in the territory of oath of them. Under 1egiSlAtiOn later noted, the oity of Knoxville IXI1909 acqu&red the plant of this o~lpary, including thet PAX-t Situated in Purk City, a&i ASSUWXI the coutrrct tl:anlz existancs betwoe: the ccnpamy Eon. Joe Gordon - page 6 (O-2205) and Park City, and has since operated Its plant thers. 'The pmof establishes that the plant of oomplainant aity lying within the tar- ritorlal limits of Fapk City la, aa to uQ0, independent of and not neoesaasy to that part of the systms ahioh is In Xn0xcUls and there in use for that oi@ and its inhabitants. I& mains for the Enoxrllle supply are laid in Park City. '%nw the purchase of the plant of the Eno~lle Water Ccsspany,the City of ~oxville has charged the lnhabdtanta of Park City for water at rates which are 20 per cent higirerthan lfr rates to its osn inhabdbtanta~and a profit is the Park City plant. A portion of these pmflts hss been used to made fs-0~1 extsndwater llnss into and to 86~~ a third incorporated towa, Lonsdals, which lo not adjacent to ths City of &oxville.s The m-mntitutional md statutory exempt&one involved in this caseare qupted rospe&Aygly, PI folloro~ s&l property real, parrrenal or mixed, shall be taxed, but the Legislature may exoept rush a.smay bo held by the atate, hy wuntieam olties or.torma, Pnd used ox~l~si~sly for publio or oorpratiorr purposea. "That all props-, real, prsonal aad mixed ahall b arrerred forixxatlon for State, oownty and munloipal purpo8011,exoapt auohar ir drolrmd exempt lnt he next seotion~ n8e~. S. That the property herein enlrmeratedand nome 0th~ #hall M exempt framtaxation~ Al1 property of . . . aw lnoorporated alty, tom, or taxing dlstriot in the rtate that 10 wed exoluaivrly for publio or muniolpal oorp oration purposea." The ookt held th$t the physlorl prop rtlw of thewater system of Xnoxp~lle looatod wlthinthe bundarlea of Park City muld not be exempt from taxation 00 far as they r6rved tha muulolpal purposae of the latter munioiprllty, because :bay did not meet the oonstlt~ti0nal and statutory tosto of being em.- ployod exoluslrely for publio purpore8* Tn the oaae of Warwick County -?aCity of bwport hwa, it mm held that where olty aoquired a rotor work8 rystaPIoperating in olty and in territory oontiguoua to olty, purruant to oertaln l uthorlaing rtatutia, and rooairad moro than one third of total ro11enuofrOn arls ofrater to peraonl outeldo of city, the said mtor system wan liable to taxatioa baoauar not used either wholly or ox~lusl~ely for pub110 purp0ro8 of oity, under portlreat tax oxmsption prooiaiono of the Conrtltution, Tho ooti rooopalss(l~ tho dirtinotioa pointed out in tho two Umor of authorit am dlrcun8ed dth the follonIng lraguaget II . . . If tho outslda ULW be incidental or the rvrw~uo thorefrem 60 muall as to bs nogliglblo, the nmwrty is rtill oxmspt from taxation, but if the outeido wo is osssntial (I.e., Lnpoaod aa an inherent duty of ths oityas the omor of the propsrty) and la addition tho rwonuo derived is substantial, then the property io not oxsmpt fr0mtaxation. . . . . - lion.Joe Gordon - Page 7 (0.4205) ”. . . % do not meen to intjmata thst, as the ounsr of the xstsrxofis, a mucicipality may not as a mere incident to Its business supply relatively limited quantities of water to persons outside of its territorial limits without subjecting Its property to taxation. RS do mean to say that, under tho facts of this oass, the supplying of water by tho city of Newport lievr; to a large nombsr of ooncumers in ikrwioh County and Xlisabeth City County, at reasonable rates, with the right to extend its mains to supply lrptsrto tiln citieens of York and &ass City oounties, cannot bs held to be a mere inoidont to supPlyin,gwatar to its ovm citizsn8, without disregarding the manifest import of the Constitution. E 153." In Stiles V. Rawport, supra, it was held that whore the municipal corporation of Newport had oonstruoted a branoh lino in another municipsllD~, West Derby, whioh was devoted wholly to the needs of the latter, and fur&shed its sater supply, that system was taxable by West Derby. Tho Court, in lan- gusge hip>ly applicable to the instant situation, saldr "Tho municipal duty of the vil&;e of Newport as regards ths maintenanoe of mains and herdrantsis confined to its territorial limits. The munioipal rslation which cntors into the question of dcmestin supply is oonflnod to its own inhabitants. The furnishing of arter to the inhabitants of the defendant village is held to be a public use upon the ground that the making of such a povision, ahile not strictly a municipal duty, is protootive of the publio health, and therefore a public use within the meaning of t&o laws relating to taxation. But this reason- ing fails when the furnishing of water to tho village of West DsrbjrIs In quuos- tion. He see no ground upon which the West Derby branch of this systsm oan be held to be devoted to D puhlia use, aither as mgards fire protoctioa or dcssestio needs. ?hs village of K8wpor-t0~0s no municipal duty to the village of West Kcr3J or its inhsbitants, and has no municipal interest there. Its sale of xator to that village and Its inhabitants is for the rsvsnuo obtainable thersby, inde- pendent of any connection with municipal duty or interest* . . . sgsre, the tillago of &sport has built and installed a branch outside its oorp- orate limits, which Is devoted wholly to the needs of another tillago, and can never ba made available for its own munioipal sorvios~ and the question is whether the property so orentod and cirsumstsnoed shall be treated a8 soroiag an incidental and tharefore a public usa. It might not b3 ocq to frsme a sar’:, and ancsptabls definition of an incidental ~30, 3A ns think it may cafsly be said tk,atthe supplying of the munioipal and domestic needs of another munioi- polity through a complete system of distribution pipes and hydrants onatod for that purpose is not sooh a usor The plaintiff has assessed the hydrants located in Derby, and us hold that they are taxabla." From a careful snalysis and consideration of the authorities cited and disouscod in support of the two lines of dooisions regarding tgx exsmption of municipally owned utilities, wo am constrained to hold that tha gas system owned b