Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

‘OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 8. A. Bodipr Qouaty maitor wllllam8oa County Coorgetorm, Toxar Dear Slrr tr of thatboar,or to tot. to break a -4. I? eaoh County Commlrrlonrr is nqalml to rote on matters eotalagbefore the Ooart wlmt ls Honorable 8. A. Badges, Page 8 the penalty for f8illag or rdwing, to rote?. Artirlo 2S4t, Toraon*r Annotated Cid.l Sktater, naaa a8 rouowm Yho rereral mmal88loaer8, tog&her with the warty la&e, 8bll wapoar the rComlosfonrrs Court’ aad the oountr Judg8, when prmmt, 8lmll be th0 pnrldia8 0rrf08r of 8da eoVt.* Ne qaote iron Texao forlapntdenor, Yolaae IT, pago 8S9 aad SbO us iollant *Any thrw mnbers or tha Comiwfonerr Uoart, iaelnding the ooonty j&go, wrutitute a qoorua ror the tnmraotloh of a a rb a a ~no r s lxmpt that of 1-p lag a 00$&y tar. That I8 ta ray, a uortm for the traa8aotfon or bo8Lnssr 18 oonrtitut 08 by any three wzml8rlooer8 or br the ooeaty Jo&go aad any two oonael8efonsr8. . . It ia not nooersar~ that thr oounty fadgo bq p r r seal:8d prorfdlang la order that the C8wdrrioam Cart mar tranoaot it8 bunlnsr~; the rtatuter merely reqairo that.thr wmty fndgo prwiae whoa ho 18 pre8aat. . .* Arti W43, Vernon’s Amotatul Oltil Statuter) Dalton T. Allen, am 9. 1. 4s9. seotioa 18 o? Article s 0r the Toxa8 Coa8titutioa reach, in pa-t, a8 r0mnm I . Eaoh oounty .&all ia llka wsuaor bo di- dad i& o fo uroomaiwioaers prwfaetr ,-inlaoh or whloh thee mhall be elwted b? t&e qua.lSiiedrotora therwf one eorurtyoomd8810aeTr who &all hold hi8 0rrf00 ror twv year8 ant11 hi8 luoow8or rh8U br elooted and qualitltir The wwltr 8olsAfr8ion*rr80 ehoaen, wfth the ooantf Jadge, as prwfding oftfoor, 8hall wqwe thm eoanty eermai88loner8 oewt, rhieh #hall lrwolse mob powg8 aad Jorlrdiotioa mar all ooimtf bruinoar a8 i8 ooafornd in this Conrtltatioa and th* laws ot the Stato, or a8 may bo hereafter preseribe4.n Silthretrronoe te par tfrrt question,your atten- tion in re8peotfull~ dlrwted to our OpXnSoa Ho. 0-lTl6, Eo2craI2lc 2. A. :iocgs, Pi!Je 3 which >OldS that: The aounty jUdC% enjoys equal voting ri@tS Flits all 0: t58 othes %e&Srs of th8 OCiXIiSS%OnOl%. oourt wbloh ~111 include tie ri$it to zrake or aoe- 0nC onT ;?otion 3Ed the right to rots whether there be a tie aLzo&; the votes of othor members oi the court or not.- tFe are oroloelng nf the above mntfortet~@in- a oopy 103 ior your inrori23tion and 00nmzile~oe. You will note, am above stated, that the oounty judge has the slat to rot8 on nll ratters brou&t beiore the oo.~lsaionors~ court regnfricg a VGtQ oi tSnt b.ody, ah:ch iaoludes the rf;ht to xka or see- cd qny xotion and the +ht to vote whether there ha 3 tic nnon~ the votes of the other ze&ers of t!xe oourt or zmt. The ri@t of thu oounty judge to vote on sll zatters brought befcre the oozalsslor~ers* aourt is not rsstrieted to in- 3tences to vihcrretk3re is 3 tie vote. In ro>lj= to your seaond~.question, It 63pars tros all tkza sathorltlos Cat 1713hare exmined, c03stitutionsl, atctutor;, or Judioial interpretstions, the county judge 15 cot requfrsd or o&gelled to vote upon any mtter brou&t be- fori? t2-e o+x?isi~Sionars~ cou&, but As the rl!+t to vote or reiraln iron voting as he -33~ detornlne, In ansmr to yc?;r third rjuostton as.above etated, aay t'hree zezxbers oi t:e mmlssloners* court, ineluding the county * 3ocstltute jUiiC.3 a p3rum for thk transaetfon or any buc,iCe-.ssexcept that of le~yk~x a county tax. Therefore, wtmt !ms been said ~:ith refersnoo to requiring: or cozpUin~ a cowitp jud;:e to vote on arty mttor before the oozzaissioneru* oourt is e-usll; a~g~lieob~a to any cozsui8s1oner, and esch ocm- ti.ssioxer a%~ YGto or refuse to vote on any c_uost.iGn as he s?.all Caternine. In recly to yo:r fourth qusstfon, you am advised t&t a oo~~issiomr is not required or cozpelled to vote Oil any xattzr ocr,i~~,zbefcre the oo*xrt, aad thet a reiusal to -rota 03 sn: ouob xatter dG8.5 riot constAtute a 2em.l Offen or acy aature. Bonorabie Ii. A. IIodg88,P8gO4 Ardelllllll8n8 &8)8tUlt