cams, Fish & Oyster ComSsslon
A~ustin, %'~StW3
1940, requfBstlllg the ogl
aaoesa~ty or htwi~ aokn
ontored into brtwa r Oomdmaion
and lanl¶OwA~ru. nt lnalo8od dth
8Srq this aatter tith you
louted are plaoad of M-
1s rltuated, amI ytm da-
still be plao& or re-
urb of tm witnesses 18 ob-
ult by the lesnor.
, B6vSqd CSrSl Statutea, 1925, as
nb Ls&ilaturo, Ch. 817, p. 871, xoadr
haya bacm aoknowlulged or grovad aooorditzg to law,
era authorized to bo reoorded, t&t alldomIs, mart-
&Vi&We OOAY8JW7C8, dWBd@ Of tXW3t, bOAUS iOr tit.10,
oooennant~, dOr00Oan008 OS 0thOr immtim8 0i mtilrg
oonoerrdnfi 0Ay l.anQs or tenemu3ti8, ox goods end ohat-
telar, or mwable property 0r any dwOri.ptsOA; protided,
Game, F:sh & Ofater (lOEtZiSSf~@A,Page 2
howevar, that In oa~ee cl aubUivlsIon or rs-sob-
dSvIaIon of real property no map or plat of an
suoh aubdivirioa qr m-mbdivSrIon shall be fS f et&
or meorded unless and until the eame ha6 beut au-
thorized by the Coti~Sonerr’ Court ot the oounty
IA wbloh the real e@tatoSr sStuat64 by ardorduly
eAt6,rd In the ?JIInutae or *al& Court, sroept In
oaso8 or partItSoon QT other embdSylaIon through a
court or rooord: prorldod, that with&n Inoorporated
oltlee and toma the gotaming body thereor In lima
of the CoraaSsoloners~ Court @hall portom th8 dutiu
herelna~ve Smpoeed upon the CormSe8Ioners* Coulrt.’
Note that an Instrument I8 antitled to be reoordeid
un$sr the provlrSo~ of Lrtiete 66M when St *shall hare bean
aoknowle4dgod or proved aoovrdSag to law”.
ArtSolo bbO9, Vernontr Annotated CSrIl Btatutee
providea the method ot aok~owleding an Inmtrument in writ&
rbr the purpoao 0r being riworhi and roads as follnrrt
WI* aoknowl~ont of an Instrumfit et wrlt-
ln(t for the PUrJMPbof beI&? rooorded 8hall ba by
tho gmntor or person who lxeout*d the 8aae lppmr-
lag b&ore 801~ortlorr authorIt&to take mob
lo k no ulo Q& a nd
stits that ha had lxaoutod
the 6-e for tlu aonsidbn7 Son au6 purpoxba thwala
8tstatl; and the offSerr taking ruoh eoknowXe@eat
#hall make a o*rtIfso~t~ tboxwt, US&ntIAd wal t&a
MEI~ with bfa seal OS’of0.80.’
Artlole 6609, Vtmmn~a Annotated USvSl rJtatutU,pm-
Vi&M the awthod Qf provillg an SMtruQmnt In WrSfSng roa the
parpoao0r noordatlon whm tha SUPO bar AOt been aokuowked ad
In aoaordauoe with the grorlslonr of Artiblb b6OS. ThIr A24 idle
o r lde~ior an laknowleU#wmt by one or more OS the oubsdrSb-
&I ~ItnhmsrreatIreads as mi0=8:
“The proof or ant In#trtimant or writing for the
jxrposs of bolrrg rcloorded shall be by ono or more of
the subsorIbSng witnwaea pw8onally appearing ba-
rors MFM OiiSoer rutbotIsw3 to takb 8Wh pc~bf, and
stating on oath thaO hs or they sea the gmntor or
person who axatouted nuoh SImtrum*at ot wrItIn@, sab-
tsarSbe the aanm or that the gmntar or ~areon Mx?
executed auoh instrument or writing acknowled$ed
in hi6 Or their prO66AO8 tbnt he had eXe0Ut.d th0
aama ror tho ptupow8 and mnaldaretion therein
atatod; and that he or tbay hab aigped the ama
afi wlt~suell at thu mquut or the grantor or per-
eon W&Jexaoutrd auoh lnatruaant ; and the cifrloer
taking such roof ahall imko a oertltloatcl theraoh,
sign and aaa Ip tha laam with hIa e.fiIoIal aeel.”
hrt1010 1394, Varnonta izinotat*d Civil Statutaa,
~~68 as rouows;
“Every e00a or co~veyf3noo of oral eetata
must be afgnad and aobrewledgod by tha grantor
in tha pmaenor cU at laarrt two oredlbla aubaoribe
Uq wltnuaea therato; or mat ba duly aokaowlodgetd
baforo aoma offloor authorized to take aoknowledg-
manta, and properly oertlrlad to by him Sor rag-
*hi10 the oourta have we an eoknowl*dgPrnt nd
neouury fbr the ralldl 0r a lease oontmot and tbmt Ita
ab8anoo will sot its bindi- iam0 and otieot
ea between the partlea thoroto (idondragonva. Mondragoo, 115
Tax. 404, ES4 s. W. 8115; HIU va. MoIntpe DrillIn Caqpany,
(C. C. A. 1933) 59 8. 7i. (6%) 198, writ roiuaod; Montgolwry
va. l3uth (C. C. A. lQ8b) S85 8. Vi. SW, EQl 3. W. 855, (Corn..
A p.); Firat State Buak of C8ldwall ~5. Stubba, (C. C. A. lose),
4i 8. iy. (84) 44b; WtLana~a* Canulss (C. C. A. 1694) 85 5. Vi.
89). it must navcrthaleaa be aolraorledgad or provod in aoaord-
anoe with tha provIaion8 of krtlolr6 6503 or 6609, In ordar
Sor auah inatrumont to bo admItto to rooord urdar Artiole
66&b, vernon’6 Anuot4tlBe GIvSl statutra.
This general rule &an not apply to oonvoyanoua by
ELNTIO~ women and your attuntion la dlreoted to Sootion 59 of
mtiole 15 0r tha Cenatitutlon 0r Teraa, and to nrtlolo 1300
or Varnon*e mnotatod CSvIl stututoa, wNah read;: In part,
au tollowar
‘Sea. 50, Art. 15:- * * * Elor ahall the
ol*ller, if a. martied mu, sell the hozaeat8ad rlth-
out tha conaa~t or the wirr, given in auoh menuar
us muy be praaoribrd by law * + **
Art 101s 1300:
Oaae, Bl6h & Oyeter Comnistaion, Pago 4
"The hoametead or the ft&ly shall lloibe
sold and conveyed by tha ouner, if a sarried
Sal, without the aonaent or the wire. Suoh
aonsmt ehallbe rviefknod by the wife fOillb6
in the oonveymae, and ~&i@ning bar mime there-
to, and by her wgarate acrkmwled&mmt there-
or taken and aortiflod to before tha proper
orfbxr, and in the RLO&pointed out in artialm
6605 ana 6608."
Under there prorlaionr lt haa barn held thatw bon
the lease le ior a terri%or mom than one w the aoprate
aoicnowlebgmsnt of the wife au pro?ided for in Artiolee 6608
and 6608 is naomasuy for the aonr,yanco of oag titereat in
the hameatsad or npamts property or the wire. PIepar~8.
Esaalara (C. C. A. 1910), 121 6. W. 681; Yaseen VS. 01*en,
(C. c. A. 19l.l) 140 8. 'ir. 834, wit reumd; stophsnn0n YE.
!dallat, (Cc C. A. 19W MO B. W. 653, trio reNwd; Croa8r.
EITefiB, 86 Tax. 5838 Callahan ~6. Patterox, 4 TO%. 6111mrity
~69 Dorlty, 96 Tar. US, 60 L. B. A. 94l, 'I1 8. WY,05Oi Emil.
VU. &iilO, (c. C. A. 1906) 93 8. W. (138; 33UiS VB. BinghM,
(C. 0. A. i918) 150 s. xi. 608.
You are th0rami rwbp0atruuy advim and it
lo the
opinionor thl8 aapertnsat thtriidur0 loarr ~ementr QL-
te;ndinto by the Oamq, Blahb Oy8t.r Coldmdon auat be lekmwl-
orl%ed by the leraor or proved aaaording to law in oiler to entitle
thoa admission to reoord in the county inwhleh the land la sit-
uated. fncrorar as tharalidity of muah lmues 16 ormmrned, mu
are advised that it ia not neoeerary that the lmtrummtr be ao-
kILOW1d6Ob. Thla with the lx c ep tia t&t u when the 6XUfitOr l.a a
aParried W~YMII,the lease zpust be aoknowle(lged iu leowdaaoo with
the itatuta8 mt forth above.
Y&arm vary truly