OFFICE OF.THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable George H. ,‘heppard, i?age a 0r tit18 law tha Comptroller bad rurnished ay olient with nsoersary for&a to use when sell- ing exempt rsotor ruol,* aa rar as tklrr depart- ment haa knowledge Other atatawnts In the let- ter are true anO oorrsct, but the above quoted. ototement Is Incorrect Insofar as It amarts, 9 the Corptrollrr had furnished ky ollent &ii k*rs.ry rorm. FrIOr to -et;tezbof’ 1, 1929, the Comptroller preaorlbetl the form for we In alelslng refund or the rotor fuel tax but did not furr.Ish 8-e. The Comptroller has 8lwapa rurnlshed the 0lal.a r0m.e The &ore 6rtaIletl iaotual situation whIOh pto;;igt- eb your inqulrp Is oopied from the attaoheU oorreepondonae roforrod to aa roii0m: %y olleot, EoNutt oil ik P,csfIaIng Coapany, wh6w prinelpl plant at Briokland, $8 sltuatbd ?i~w ~Lulaoa Just aoroos the border rroo 91 Pam, has beon oil r~rlntu-6, wholesale dIstrIbutora a&d rotallers or motor fuel, as well as mmafao- Curers of motor fuel, end throughout the ymrs have paid taxes to the Comptroller of Fublio AocoMt8. srtlole 706Sa-13, regarding exenip- tiOa ZUId fOfUUdSs WMit intO eifbOt 011 ~.:OFt#3ber 1, 1939, and ror a long prior to the mb0- tivo date of thI8 law the Co&ptroller had iur- tiehe np olient with meetmary fonm to IKW ovcen 0sUIzig oreapt aotor ml. ?ning a rprtaed by circular or ot:i(tnviae that under the proposed new law It would be neceesary to amwe a Ii- oenae to sell exesPpt motor fuel, although no ohargo would be nade for the lfoenae, lajr client, on July 27, 1939, In 8 letter to the Comptrollsr or Publlo hacounta, Awtln, Texas, requested ‘two appltcations tor Texar State lfoense in conneotioa with the noently enaoted mtor fuel law partainfng to’refuna exemgtlow.~ I have in tho file a oarbon aopy of the letter. TbIr later was duly zi~ilsd et the United Sate8 fost mice. “Arter July 27th and up to 00t0ber 19, 1939, my olient, in aooordaaoo with what they had oun- tomrlly done theretofore, paid taxes to the Comptroller in ap;~rOtitOly the uu of S25.00 On tax uerpt mtSOr fuel; that Is t0 say, tho PUrakasers thereof would be entitled to a reiund ia a;groxleatal- the SW, or $lZS.OO, an4 In laah Rmorablo charge H. Shopprd, Page 3 lnatanoo melled direotly arkr oaah transaotlon to tbo Conptroller 0r Fublla Socounts oopios of th e lnr o loo ea flro5qt~oonoa sa108, la aocord- anae rlth lnvoloo~ oustonarlly used prior to the 0rmtir0 tit0 of tho new law in rorersnoo thereto. It is 4 undarrtandlng that there la no matsrlal dlrfsrenoo in tho lnvolcos of ot axptlon used beroro and slaae tho eiiectlre date of tho new law. *On Catober 9, 1939, not hating rooalte& an anmmr to tho applioation nra40 for lloennem .mado oa July 37th. my client aealn nquortdl nooeasary form, eta. and this ~8 rlnauf so- 0tvsd on 00t0b0f 19 1939. On OOtObor 7 1939, the Comptroller wrole to PIJollent, in oifoot, t&t Involoos of rxeisption lssuod by them on 201% 7065-B had boon oolningto tho Coaptrollor~r orfloe) that there fonnr wore obaoloto as shown by a pbuaphlst o? tho lau enoloard with the lot- ter. 5omo of tho puroharors o? exempt motor ruol xoqusstod tax rofwds, an6 in answer there- to tho Coagtrollor uroto thorn thet their dealer had not used the now form of ln~olco of, oxotap tlon and doollned to mko the rbSund, and in tho letter to ths porohasers they wore a&on- ished thst in tho rut&are thor should be aare- ful to OH that the;1 booght ima liosnrad deal- eru. WGnSoven;ber 9, 1939, the Coffiptroller wrote to zy allent am folluear ~1 am In feoelpt of your letter of Oo- tobar 25th la rofrronoo to Lioonse to 3011 Ro- rund Eotor -busl, rhioh was dtsouassil with yaou rrorntly by a supervisor aor- out a? this daparbnent. I oall your rttantion to tbs OX- cergt oi the luu at the bottom of pa~o ?f4of tho paniphlat sent you at t&O tlBko A~pllOatlOn ror Liornse to roll Rofunb rotor Fuel was sent, whloh prohibits thl8 dopartaeat aakin r8fWUl oa anp motor fuel unless suoh imtor Sue1 has been purohasod ?mn or umd by a llcansed dls- txibutor. For thl8 row00 the lnroloea of OI- omption lmued, ~‘bathe old form by you aftor :?eptember 1st oannot be protaotsd. *‘This may appaar to bo a llttla bareh houover, you had knouledgo of the ahango and th4ttyou niuot ha70 a lioea80. You failed to fionorablo Gsorgo !i. Thepc,ard, Page 4 tollow up any roquaste whioh might hare been nab by you as rtatsd in you? latter or Oatobor 25th. which roads as tollornr 9. . . thl8 let- ter was illed an4 the proper follow-up was not sade. q -‘I hate -do a thorough search and rail to flml any record of a roqueet hating beon ra- oolred iroa you on or about Jrily 27th, and this ras nom than 30 days prior to the time tho ohango was uado. ** I mgrot that this ovorslght oocurre4 mad that x aa not in a posltlon to asnlst rur- ther .’ * s’poa tho t0mmng taots the oontootiw or tar lWund olaimaot, by hlqattorney, is aa follows: *In view of the taat thst ti Coarptroller is pmsuwb, under t&o law, to have reoelrod the ap- plloatlon ior tho lisenso, although his reoords do not show the spplioatloa; snd la +lew ot the taat that thop had been prosilnont doalors in aotor fuel for years, and had been oontlauously sell- lag lx@pt motor tuol aad had bean ooatinuously wrklag reports lo aoootianoonith tons presorib- ed by the Comptroller; and in +$*a of the raot ttuat tho Coacptrollsr*s ozlloe had been reoelring these touchrlrs SIV~ the saloir as they wura mado and no not100 was glrea to l4aiutt Cl1 .!i Eofining Goqmay thst they had not yot beon lloease4; and in tiew of the faot thet unless the Comptroller mkss thrso refunds to tha purohslrsers of exeicgt motor tuel ay clloxt is honor-bound to stake m- rtltutioa out or tholr own pocket thersot; an4 In view of the faot that the Stata will bs UD- duly sarlched to the oxtsnt of the wont them- of, 4 OLlent foolr that fn jastico sad oquftt the pumhassra of this orospt uotor fuel should hare tho taxos refunded to them rhea they make proper apFlioatloa.* Although tba above taotual atatwnt prosant Osrtaln oonfliots, such a8 whether or not ths applioatlon of 4Loxutt oil a wining Company for a lloense a8 a dir- trlbutar of uotor fuel, tsros 00 which are aubjaot to n- fund, was reooived by tuo Co&ptrollerc8 dspartzant prior Emlorablo ceorge I!. mQqxwi, ?age 5 t0 th4 6ff6atiV6 d8t6 Oi tbs XYigUhtOrJl WtUt46 in 6UQh 0686s prOTbi6d, W6 6Wt WJ that it iS not the pl-OFIr &WOW iaoo or tbi6 d6~Z'tWUt to r08olve such iaot 168Ue6, but Otiy t0 add66 if thi6 iaOtw1 DitWitiOn, 4v4D ?iOwOd lEOSt faVorabLy to rotund alainaat, shall be allow4d to alter, ~odif'y or ovsrrldo tba plain and unaabiguour tar&s and pro- Vi0iOW Or Arti 70658-13(b), Vblp00'0 AWOt8t6d ciYii sxatutoe, providing, in part, a6 follOw6: Vi0 rofwd of ths tax 6h611 b4 gnnkrd on any motor fuel to w&y $eraOn, o1alilL4nt, ilxm, OOrJWatitXI, Or otharuriaa, UQl4S6 6uoh n&Or rwl haa been ~wah4645 ima or wad by 8 li- aana6d dlstrlbutor 66 prOVi44d ior iB this Aot: 6nU th4 Coaptroll4r 16 h4rrbr prohfbitdd froPr issuing warrrnt la paymat of any wtitid 0r th4 tax on any a&or rnsl not prmhawd rrom a II- oonaod d6al4r, lx wp tr4ftm4 on aotor rue1 4x1 QOrt6d or Lost by aoaidwt, or a668 by dirtrib- UtOr iW ZOhrnd &Xll’gO846.* Tho instant oa8a ialla 6quaroly within th4 ab074 otatutory prohfbIt$On In ragax. to th6 tseuaaor by th4 Camp- troller of fublio Aooowto O? refund W8?l'Wt6), bboau64 it 16 ablttod bJr all parties to this COrhrOVOrsythat aal Of laotor f~41 by Miutt Oil k Rafinfag Cooapay dwiag the period bsgirming 24ptm&6r I, 1939, and ending Ootobsr 19, 1939, UpOnahloh olafau r0r izOtor rm8.a an ln- volrod, vmr~ inmaebefor maid ooaigaq b6Owe a lioaneod distributor for thie Qurp0.s4 Uxidor cmbdtrlalon (b) of the abow oltrd retund motion 0r ths Eotor Fuel Tar Len pro- viding 80 rOilOn,: -Any person or alatributor dbslrlng to approprlats or sellnotor fuel OQrrhloh R refund of the tax is authorlzad by thta AOt shall, be tom rcakiag 6uoh appropriation or Yal6, u&c43a* plloatloa t.0 the Cosqtroller or FublIo Aooounts, upon ior- to be preaoribed by th6 COc.ptr0114r and oontainlng suah tnforzattoa as tlu Coarptrollor aay mqulra, for a lloowe to ~11 0uch motor rut+it and it ahall ba unlawful for any ~er&OBto 86Lf or apymgriate any amtor ru4L upon rhloh u mSond of the tax will be GA&O,or A8 intends6 to bo aadb, without first hq+iQ;:, obtalned rrom thm cwptroller Oi t&o Stat0 Of "i6xao a liO4n64 to 8.11 or appro- ~prhte suoh aotor fuel, -A separate aapliaation shall be made to the Conptrollar by ouch pstt+oa or dlatrlbutor for 6aoh plaoa or boalness rroa which midi xonorablo Ceorzo 8. 2&2prd, Fag% 6 aotor fwl io to bs sold or diatrIbut4d by 6uoh per606 or dlltributor, and th4 Canptroll4r rhall muJIrp664pm!e4 1104il6. r o r laoh 6UOh El806 or The Co#iptXoll4r 6h811 4~aml~e eaoh ap iWatlo~ for lioens4 reoeiv4d br hla, and ii found iQ du6 tom, and if within tho dlsoretloa 0f th6 Coqtroller tho applloant 16 entItl4d to 6UOhliOen64, the la66 shall b4 i6sWd. Wbn 6uoh applioatlon $a lp p r o rbyr d th0 co6ptroller tb applioant for lioe~se shall b4 required to file 06th with th4 Conptroll6r th6t ha dll faithrul1y rronr 8nd 00aply with th4 8tatute making &WOVr 610Q for th4 6614 65d d16tribUtiOQ 0r ziotor fuel 6ubj4ot to a ama 0r the nrator fuel tu4s. Eaoh lIosn64 166u4d horeuad4r lMll raaaln In full for04 and 6rf66t Until the flrat &IT Or Earoh fO~Oti68 its da!0 Of i6sU4, alkd annually on tha first day of mrsh 6aah 8ppl1- oaut,*g#rson or distributor, dwiring to wll or approprlat* upon whloh a r4rund motor fU6f of the tax is authorized inset obtain Tram tto Cm troll4r a 1io4a64 or a r4n4wal 0r h26 6x- 1st Png llomoa*, to 6611 6uOh 6OtoF fuel as h4re- In prorldad. Any kiO4U64 16Su6d hordfmdar 16 QOt t2mlsrsrabls unles6 auoh transrer~ls author- lmd by the Comptrollsr. Any p4rson who 66116 ffiotor fuel own nhloh a refund of th6 tax 6~6~ b4 authoriwd, or $6 olaM, ander th4 prOYi6ioU6 of thlr Aot, without harln~ obtalnsd a 31061)60, a6 provided for und4rthi6 Aot, 6hd3l br guilty 0r a nl6dowanor and upon oonvlotlon 6h811 b4 liable in any susi not to sxo6ed One Thousand (gl,OOO.OO) Dollarr, or by a jail 86ntenoe not to exoaod six (6) 6onth6 In Jail, or by both such fine +nd jail s43tanC4." xisutt oil br Roflnlng Canr&mnf,having fall& to oolnly, in any roap6ot, with tha romgoing statutory ror- &alPtiss, d%ri@ed to loor0 4ffeotIvel~ mlforo6 ma control th@ aduinfstratlon of the rotund provl6Ion6 or th4 Xotor Fu41 Tu Law and pnvrnt lbuw8 theroof, w err oowtrain- rd, a8 a 5attor of law, to aphold In its rtii lnte6rlty that exproesed prohibitton of tho sup0 6tatute that YIO refund of the tax shall bo grantsd on any aotor fu4l to anr FU~OB, olalreant, rfria, corporation, or otherwlae, ualoss such motor rual has been purohwed from or us06 by a licensed di6tributOr a6 provided for in this dot; and the Gxaptroller is hereby prohlbite~d fropr i6auing Homrablo George H. Shtvpard, Page 7 w4rrae in paysent of any nruiid or the tax on any motor fuel not purahased fro5 a Lloeaesd dealer.* i’io are not unmirrdful of the hardshlpa and the lhequlty to be visited In this ln8tanoe upn these refund olaFrants beoaure 31 the fallme of the distributor with whom they dealt to ooaiply with the plain @iandate of the Legislature hereinabove set out, but the tegislature of Texas b44 spokea in unmistakable term In prohibiting reftmdr la these aaass, and thla Ceprtzent is not at liberty to depart. from, alter or lcodlfy the pl4in lotter or the statute to ffi44t the stress 8na ooatlngenoles of Individual ofme 0r hardship uuoh as the Instant oaab. moth pzemr.qtirely, an5 actually, xexutt Oil & Reilting Ccmpanywas: apprlze5 OS the req~lsetontr and con5itlons OS the ~tatutiwgorernlng the banlne8s in whleh they mre engaged, an5 the law take6 a0 eq~l%anee and mk88 no lr- a6ptfone of the reasons and exouuea rar not oo~plylng thsrewlth. The terms of the statutk are naadatory rather than pe~mlsslte, and the Comptroller of Fubllo hooaunt8 has no disoretlan in the matter ot allowIng and pasd.n(( td warrant, rsfun5 olalms for taotof robi t6xea on motor fuel sol5 by unlloeased diotrlbutore, but Is required by law to disa.llow such 014ims.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion