122 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oQrrl6oa, OS Fnbllo 8, but not re- l th a t both ycur guertiorrr: lr6 coo- QO 60 or th8 K0tOr wii0ie cdifi- t, being hue8 Bill RO. 407 Act6 & iOhl>aarS 66 ArtiOb l&56 Id4 Penal co60 or Terari BAaida,- ad6 86 follcYwsr 123 Hon. rogisterod or liceme& under t2w lam6 OS ttlr Stat6 thaa 6iieotlr6, nor to notor vohlolerowned or cpratrd by the 8oderal Governmentor any 0r it6 agonol66, the Stat0of TeXa6, OT -1, EPnlOlp61 gOVOT6-, ment wh86 maohaMOr retfole16 8ald to a QW886 required Under thi6 AOt t0 pro- OUm l 06rfiiiC6t-O Oi titl., in Phiah went prorirlimr horeof 8h811 be full7 tha oprratlw ao to 6uoh notor ~ahi010~~ ft 16 our oplnlon that tha abom p%ofad See tion 60 a~~a~l~~ooont~sq~ata6 th$ ~0 +tifi+! Of Tit10 8hkt1 m 188Ue4 011 w WblClO wl.66 6UOE TO- hi016 18 registeronb ia Tana. -0 iaet t&t 6 nhiole 16 registered in rnothar 6t6t6, dO66 not or 8-86 sake lt lnollglble ta bo regirtemd 6180 ia %X66. It ir our oplnlau that your deportmeat may aof'ls8t3e a Certlfloak, of Tit16 on euohwhlole registered ln aaothor stateuntil it 16 al60 tlr6t rr~lsters~ la TQm6. aY%nQQ Waltar. 8. gooh ?+RK;0b A8818t66t APPRCVEC~ 15, 1940 APPROVED OPINION n *MMmFf 1.