Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE All’ORNEY OENERAL OF TEXh8 AUSTIN ~. ma. ~l.bortJ. Butrat Ceua$y Attorlmy ¶vwity ceurrty Ch*rrtoa, ?exoe Hoa. Albert I. Huteon, P8gr 1 Ho. 730, pam8ed by the 44th Laglir&ture, hgular ~ermio5?" Seotlon la, Art1010 21001-14 nmd8 in part &I follonr 'In rountiO0 hmvin& Y ~ogulutlon of aat lemo than thlrtmmn thoummlrd, mix h&h04 and thirty-•roen (13,637) aad not Rare than thlr- tea thoumud, mix hundrad anA forty (lS,UOJ aamordlng to tbr l~mt prmaedlag ?mdmnl :ma- mm, thm CouSty 301~68 Of TrartO.8 My M~S mumh provlmlonm mm they aemmi rtmommmrr~ for offiom and fravellng lxpmxbmmm of the County ~iqmrlnfmndmnt O? Tub110 fnmtruotion) provided th u t ^h8 mmount o ?luoh mtpmndltunm for 0fri0S aad travellqg erpnmam &hall not erosed the ,um of 31~ Huadnd Dollarm ($600) par aan-. The aaunt allowod mhall br paid %n the sawor crud In aooorbanoe with 5m existing lmwm govero- ing tb ndt0nan00 0f the orrio or the county Su~riotradont;*...~ 38eot1oa 1 of BOUM nl.11 ??o. 730, r;mtu oi the Uth b&mlatun, 1938, ZMgular SOSalon, reads la part aa rollowms lSec tio 1n .Thnwt in oath oounty of this Stok with a Foprxlatlon of not 1088 than thir- toan thousand mix hun6re6 (13,600) and not saorm tton thlrtrmn thoummnd, llx hundnd fitty (15,6SO),.....amshown by the Fmdenl Ceasua last preoedlng auoh the count7 9oard action, of ~rustsmm is hors87 authorlrmd to mot rrlde tros the arallablm mdhool fund of thm oouty, in acoordazwm with thm 9rorlmlo~ ot the gmaerml law goveralng thm armrsenent ror the support of the county Supmrlnarldeat*m 0fri00, (~11 amount not ?SJ lxooad Sir 1!uodred Dollmrm ($600) to dotray the rrpmamrm of tha Couatr Suprrln- tsadent and thm County Fooard of T'rumtmem la the admlnfmtratlen o? the loholamtlo affuirr of the county.” Hon. Albmrt J. Hotson, Pmgm 3 Amabove mtotmd, aooordlng to thr last pmoord- lng Fedora1 Conmum, Trinity Countr ham l p ulution of thirtsmn thoumaad air hundred thirty-meton"plS,SSt) ln- habitants, *.hu8falling with tha pro~l~lon~ of the sborm amatlonmd mtmtutmfj, naiuoly,"having a Population of not lass than thirteen thoumand 8ix hundred thirty-soran (lS,6S7) an6 not S~%%Ithan thlrtoan thousand mix hundrad forty (13,640) aoaordlng to the la8t preoedlng Federal C8aaum,* a nd Vhat laoh oounty of ttl8 state with a pop- latlon of ant lmse than thirtron thcuaend air hundred (13,600) and not nora than thlrteoa thousand mix hundred fifty (lS,SSO)." Trinity County la the only county in tha State vhioh, woordlng to tha hat Fadoral Cenaun, had a popu- lation within th4 llmlt.8mproiflmd in the prorlmlonm of tha lta$utasabova maatlonad. Seotlon 56, utlolo 3 of the State Conatltution reads in Part em tollorm: Thm I.e~lmlmturmshall not, lxoopt am othanlmr provided in this Constitution,pass any looal or mpsolal laws, luthcrlrFag.... regulating the affaira of oountlem, oltlom, towam, warda or mohool dlmtrlotm;....mndLn all other oammm ulmro a genaral law oan ba Eeds applicable, no looal or nPoola1 law shall be lnaotad; pmrldad, that nothing heroin oon- tained shall ba conmtrued to prohibit tha fags- latura fro6 passing mPaola1 lawr ror the pm- aanatlon o? qarzmand flab of thlm State in oartaln looalltlar.* The oamm of 8alth ~8. Stats, 49 SW 2d 159, hold8 ln lrfaot that If lubmtantlal Zbamon tor olammlrying ~unl- OiPalitiaS by population lppoarm, Such olamaifloatlon and ~agimlatlcuiapplloahlm to muoh olamalfioatlon la generally sultalnmd. Howawr, tho oonmtltutlonal prohibition a(gainst mPmaial law8 oanoot be m~~dmd by rrklng laws lpplloabla to Eon. Albert J. Fiutwa, Fag0 4 a protandad olaaa, and that a Statute olaaal*lng munl- oIpalitlea by populatIoo 18 -apeoia1* li the populs tion a0ea net arfGrd a r8ir be818 ror oiaaalrloat~aa;ii the atatuta cwal7 daalgnatea a linple runloi~llty under thS cyiaa of ohbaaitying by popuhtion; aDd that a valid alaaalfloatlan0r manlolpalItIa8 by population must not lxoluda other lu.alolpalItlaa from rntering *8ndCd for attic. 8rd tnVrlia& crpen8rr cf th8 coxnty ruperlatandont, it fixer the n~xlcur!at thrao hundrrd dollnrr par annum. Couatl.8 rlth a mllor cr 18rger population than lrinlt.7Couaty are llnlted 113tkrlr lrpendltur0 for 8uc hlx p *n8*8 to .~Sid8uE. It 18, therMoN, 8rraNn' th&t the Lyl818- ture intended ttat the 8ctr uador oonrlderrtlon8hould 4pply en1y tc Trinity county. S-iOk lCt8 mre Sor thl8 6nd otker reaeca8 coadenraedby thr Supraao Court In iebr Co;iaty v. Tymn, eupra. Article 2689, Vcroon*I Clvll Aanotat86 Ltctutor, read8 in part a8 follow8: "n?. CCuantJ Echcol Tr&8tocr shall hold nertln8,a once mroh quarter, cm the flr8t Yondry in nugu8t. Pebruan, L'ay,and lkmasber, o r .a la c o a ‘thareafter as pnttlssbla, bnd ot other titc.8 when called by the rrerldrnt of the County Sohool ‘hurtCC8 or st :ho inrt8nOe o f lY two (&) LW.bbr8 of tte County Sohool ?ru8toe8 8nd t3o County Supwrlntandrnt,the neetinq place t? be rt thb couatp soat and in the office of the County Cuperintondrnt. Sch. Trustee chall be pa16 'ThreelXlkr8 ($3) per day, but not tc exceed Yhlrty-81x trollrrr (24) in my cm ymbr',for the tire lpent in bSttbndb4 SuCki!nntUtiZg8,Out Of ttzestat. 606 Couaty &vallaSla School Fund b: Warrant8 drawn on or:cr of tho County Supmrlntanteatand rlgn- ld k7 the FrCsUont of the County Sohcol Trkw- teas, ltttr approval of the looount, propsrly RON to by ttr Tnrldeat ef the Zounty Sohool ~ust~zr....” Thl8 statute prorid oom~rn88tioo for raid ft%star8, bet doer not allow any traveling expanse8 for '.hm. T:ls stotuta 8p;lies to Trlzltr Ccuaty. T!x questlen of rhrthor, after th6 next Federal cenB.ti,other eruntlss will 00~9 uader the pr~vlrlc~8 of tb* above nrntlrned not8 cr rtrther tto act8 thea8alvo8 8111 beoma lncprratlvr by mason of the feet tbt no Other oounty will hoe a po;tiatlon filling rlthlo the bratket8 ortated in thsra @eta, 18 CO unourtuln a8 to mkr 900. hlbert J. P,UtSOIi, pp.8 8 it alurll Spt~UlStiVO. Cf aoUr@e, it 18 pOS#ib~b that a nuabor of oountibr ~111 have th ;Opuhtloa required, but it 18 highly Frobatl$ by r.RSCa Of tk. liPlitrithin the braoketr thbt not a 8143le ocunty will qualify under the ~~OViS~CIlS Of the lOt8. re have herb aa la8t8nob 0r 8rbltrary designa- tion, Nthbr th8il btb88~fi8~tiOll. T&O l&V8 Quot.6 Sk- Lute8 lttseipt to roguhtb the affair8 oi 'klnltf County In a &wmor vlolativo of mtlCl@ S, &Otioa 56 Of the CcMtltutlon. Thorden, you are n#pWtfull~ adViSed that it la thr opinion Of thin dbJrrtmbnt th4t th. yro~1810n8 Of r;rt 1018 >3mu &ll& HOUS* Bill x0. 930, liat8 Ot thb 44th Leglrlature,'%935,am they apply to Trinity County, 8n 8pbCial 18~~. aa tbrrbioro, unoon8tltutionaland void.. Tnutlng that the formeolns fully umwere pour lagulry, wb rbuln Very truly youn